Ask an Iranian anything ,o faggots of Sup Forums

Ask an Iranian anything ,o faggots of Sup Forums.

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Why are you pretending to be a sandnigger on Sup Forums?

Are you all so pissed off bc you're horny?

You know this is all happening according to Allah's plan, right?

do you think if ya let ya ladies tiddies show a little more you'd be less up tight?

What's a surefire way of picking up an Iranian woman?

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To be honest,i just wanted to see reactions
Aren't we all ?
I agree
Be Iranian

How come they won't date whiteboys?

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Its still a taboo thing still, most families are not as open to the Idea because of the scandal and gossip it will create .

why are you larping?

Why do your women look so fucking gorgeous?

why are you as obsessed with Jews as Sup Forums? Is it because you envy them?

Would you have voted for the Islamic Revolution?

You can expect her to fuck right off the moment she finds someone with a slightly bigger bank account. Do not date Persian women. Big mistake

if you had no ISLAM, you had a PROBLEMS !

its true brother

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I want iranian woman, where can I find them? I've been to Nowruz celebrations but the pickings there are slim

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why do you look like a sub category of the negroids?

Go to Iran, dumbass.

Iranian woman have best titties.

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What should the U.S do to de-escalate tension and/or gain forgiveness?

i shit on the koran

How do you figure?
I never met a jew i liked yet.
Why are redneck imbreds a thing?
Stop bombing people

Its ok, the Koran shits on you too.

long have I waited to see if anyone has a sauce on this girl. More would be awesome!

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You’re a faggot

That's all you got?

Do you care about that guy we killed? Maybe it's just propaganda on our end, but he seems like he was a complete dickhole that has been forcibly conscripting homeless people and using them for covert attacks on surrounding territories for the glory of the Iranian theocracy for the last 20 years.


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Okay. There isn't anything I can do about bombing. I wish it would stop too. I think having friends is cooler. I hope the best for you and for the both of our countries. I hope someday there won't be anymore bitter hatred

With both arms. Lift with your legs, not your back.

>safety first

Also, even though Syrian, I thought she was hella hot too.

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Fuck you I'm a Sunni you fucker belice in all that gay ass extra shit. You know you are going to burn in hellfire forever with nothing to drink but puss. Yo know your Qur'an I hope. None can judge but him, but ohhh my mislead brother will you be judged.

Keep up the good fight
Keep those zionists out
And most importantly keep being Independent

Deus Vult

Do you have Syrian Girl's telephone number?

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>implying you're actually Iranian

can't wait to stack your body with the others, see u soon!

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Why and to where?

I ask because I always think about the song from: "a flock of seagulls"

Those are all re reasons the US wants war.. and I want a deployment so yeah tell them to keep it up lol

Hows it feel you're boutta get nuked