Can we get a confessions/ most depraved shit you ever did while horny?

Can we get a confessions/ most depraved shit you ever did while horny?

I have stories about stealing panties, stealing sex toys, eating my cum out of my buddies step mom's shoes. Sick pervs unite.

>if you're not enough of a creep to have a good story post your fetish.

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Panties is my fetish. Would love to read your stories about stealing them etc

I'm constantly trying to get my fiancee's sis nude on camera, I often place hidden cameras in the bathroom when she comes over but so far I've only scored a win once. It's not even about looks, my f is slimmer, more shapely and overall better looking. I just love the danger and the feeling of dep[ravity I get from doing it. It all started when I found some semi-nudes she had her friend take of her to send to her ex-bf

Awesome user

OP here. I'll start with a list of the ladies I've stole panties from
>two different friends gfs.
>i wore the panties of friends mom in op
>stole panties from another friends mom. Straight g strings black one pair and red lace the other.
I've worn and or cum in every pair of panties I've stolen. I fantasize one day I'll get caught and she will make me dress up in her clothes, take pictures and blackmail me making me do sissy/pseudogay shit.

I love jacking off in risky places. Jacked off at every job I've had, coed bathrooms in college, outdoors in a bunch of places even fully nude a few times.

Not a b umper

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Interested in the shoes story.

Holy eff. Do you still have the stolen ones?

I have put someone’s makeup brush in my pp hole (but not the fuzzy part), and I was about to shoot my cum in one of her skin care profuct. She almost caught me with her brush in my penis while screwing off the lid of some skin care shit, but i turned the other way when she entered the bathroom. Luckily I was drunk so it looked like i just had trouble pulling up my pants.

Crossdressed in my moms lingerie and came on pictures of her

HOT. What clothes of hers did you wear?

When I (m) was a young virgin, let the family dog mount me just to see what would happen. It worked, he got his.

fishnet stockings, panties, bra, and shirt. used some of her makeup too

Are you male or female?


I keep a dick pic open on my phone while I drive, just for nosey eyes.

I now fantasize about her sissifying me and masturbating as other guys fuck me. Yeah I'm a little fucked in the head

Mine too. Stole my several of my friend's sister's. I'm pretty sure she knew that I was the one taking them.

i did same

I fantasize about my fiancee being raped by her grandfather whenever we fuck.

This is fucking hilarious

was good?

never got the kn ot but always tried.

nice trips!

lol same, with that doggo. years later i got it once, but never again, its wild.

>Be me
> 13 years old at a friend's house playing videogames while his sister sits next to us on the couch
>Hatch a plan
> Tell her about child beauty pageants in America and show her some videos
> Tell her I just need to quickly go to the bathroom and walk off down the hall
> Sneak into her bedroom, heart pounding
> Steal one pair from her dirty laundry
> Quietly open her closet door and search for a clean pair as well
> Go to bathroom and blow a load into the clean pair while sniffing the dirty ones
>Stuff both into my backpack
>Go out and sit next to friend's sister like nothing happened still kinda hard.
> Keep playing videogames
> Go home that night and blow another load into them
> Keep doing it until One day something comes over me and I throw them out.
> Steal another pair the next time I goo to their house

bad dragon ftw ;)

I insert women's hairs into my urethra. I love the burn from hairspray and other chemicals they use. Nothing beats cramming the hairs of a ginger or jewess into your dick.

I did a lot of fucked up shit when I was younger but the only one I still kinda have a good feeling about was that I had an ongoing relationship with my younger cousin back when I was 14-18. Eventually got her to start peeing on me without ever directly sking for it. Still think about it sometimes.

I used to have my lab mix doggo lay on his back and I'd pull his sheath back and sit on his cock before it got too big, letting him knot inside me. Then I'd jerk my dick while grinding his huge knotted cock until I busted my nuts. I swear those were my best orgasms to date.

lmfaooo. The idea of looking over to see someone driving with their dumbass iphone mount and just having a dick pic open is hilarious.

what do the child beauty pageant videos have to do with this story lol

you gon get #metooed one day

I don't know it was an unnecessary detail that came out with the rest of my thoughts

I steal socks when I can n cum in one sniffing another

Very based

I used to insert a bic pen tube in my cock, fap and cum thru the tube.
Also used to fill my bladder using a rubber hose and a plastic bag. This gave me an infection in my left testicle and I was hospitalized for 4 days.

in college I would get super horny and raid the laundry room to steal panties to fap with.

I went crazy the first time I was able to get a room to myself and not need a roommate my sophomore year (roomates were required for freshmen year). I was able to go full bottomless in my room and spread eagle while fapping.

Lacy panties while sexiest don't feel that great to fap with. Cotton and silk is the best. I liked to find a tiny sexy pairs. Not big ones (fatties obviously) or stretched out ones because they were probably owned by homely unkempt chicks.

When I was done I threw them in the trash.

Ok guys you all talking about inserting things on your urethra, so I have to ask: Is it really good? Doesn't it hurt too much?

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ever steal from an asian girl?

drank my own piss from a paintpot in university toilets

ate my own shit

nibbled a cucumber into the shape of a dick then fucked my arse and imagined it was my dad

taped a plastic bag over my head and vowed to not cut myself free until I came

cummed in a glass (kept under my bed) multiple times then drank it

masturbated to snuff videos of asian women being murdered

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I fapped to nikki haley and later tried hitting on a girl that didnt have daddy issues

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I love cumming in family members food without their knowledge, any other feeders here?

The fuck is wrong with you

fuck that hurts to read.

I do sometimes fantasise about deliberately giving myself torsion though...

Oh damn that's awesome... how did you get his knot out? Or was it kinda small? I agree tho, I've never felt like I did the one time I got knotted. I found out that with this dog, he didn't want me to help at all, so I let him climb up and find home and do it all naturally, I just arched back and let him fill me up. Only time I've hands-free to a full orgasm. Such a vivid memory lol

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>deliberately giving myself torsion

do it then faggot

Not yet, hopefully I can go to another drinks/party soon. Some smell like I’d expect but other prettier girls have such a subtle sent I have to stand there smashing my cock sniffing primally to get off lol

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What kind of panties

Wish I could feel those on my cock.

Jerked off between some bushes infront of lounge/bar that had bachelorettes party with some of the sexiest women i have seen. It was nyc 3 AM ish. Was watching them in their slutty dresses and heels for about 2 hours edging before i came to them getting in their limo.

> Used to sneak into friends older sisters rooms and go through their panties and bras. Found a dildo and butt plug one time

> touched one above the aboves sisters tits while she asleep

> rubbed my cock to completion in my 10th grade living enviroment class because the girl in front of me had her thong sticking out

> fingered my ex gf after she passed out drunk

> sniffed coworkers thong after I went to her hotel room at a conference

> spied on my ex gfs friends changing through a hole in the wall at her camp

> jerked off to the sounds of my exgfs roommate getting fuckes

> stole nudes if my buddys wife from his cloud acct

I used to fuck the bong me and my roommate used. Fit my dick perfectly

Describe the smell.

my fiancé and I were really really kinky, so one time I let her poo on my tummy but it smelled much worse than we ever expected (me in particular) so I needed some time apart, then I broke off the marriage and have been asexual ever since. she and I were both devastated emotionally. it changed me, sexually. don't ever try poo in your sexual menu. it really is just poo. smelled awful. changes the way you look at people and sex.

This is becoming pasta...

My family would visit a relative. The house had two bathrooms. I would be taking a shower in the full bathroom and my sister had to pee. The downstairs bathroom was occupied. She would just let herself in while I showered, usually in a long T. “I need to pee”, she would blurt out, then nonchalantly pull down her panties and sit on the toilet. Holding her shirt up around her waist, her back slightly arched, her knees together and her panties pulled down her thighs. She would be casually looking out of the bathroom window as she tinkled. So innocent, feminine and vulnerable. I would pull the shower curtain back a little and take a peek. I would see her dark little bush below her belly and between her thighs. She caught me looking and would give me a frustrated glare. I would close the shower curtain, she would finish and leave the bathroom. I was hard as diamonds and would start to stroke and pump out a load of cum thinking about my sister. Pic related.

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She thought you went to the bathroom to jerk off to child beauty pageants... smh.

Sweeter than guys.. literally depends on the girls hygiene n lifestyle too.. some smell strong others are faint

Licked my dirty bathroom floor and filthy toilet (all over), then wiped my ass with bread, put the bread on the floor in front of the toilet, stepped on it, pissed on it, came on it, and ate it with just my mouth. I was trying to get over some fetishes but it ended up being super hot (I'm a cute dude).

Watching my best friend(female) getting fucked by another guy

With other people I'd suck buttplugs straight from my gf's ass without her knowing.

As a teenager I send nudes to older men I meet on Omegle

let a calf (baby cow) suck my dick. (made sure it didnt have teeth yet, otherwise that motherfucker would have bit it clean off)

These are the only stories that matter

Kinda hot brah

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My gf shit on my cock. Jacked off on it as she watches and our relationship got 20 times better

Was a counselor in training and stole an older co-counselor's socks when they were out of the room. Jacked into them a ton of times and still have them today.

posting pics of ur sister's full face is pretty retarded. will take minimal effort to get ur identity

1. once stayed over a friends house after a long night of drinking. he shared a bathroom with her and i knew she was out. hear him passed out snoring loud so i sneak into her room and find her little panties. sniff them and cum into her socks on the bathroom floor

2. rented a bnb for 3 months. lady is a solid 7/10 and daughter is sorta hot too. notice they keep dirty laundry in bathroom we share. also notice her gym schedule after work. wait til she showers and goes to bed, steal panties and socks to fap. Im seriously diamonds right now just thinking about that crusty sweet spot on those laced panties and how hard i sucked/licked it

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>camping with family group
>go into empty camp site
>start fucking my 14 yo gf on the picnic table
>anyone could walk over at any time
>getting off on the danger
>hear shouting
>quickly pull out and get dressed
>random friends had drove in from town and were looking for me
>start doing lines of coke right where my gfs ass was

i always wanted to try this. how hot/warm was it while you jerked off?

opps, #1 is about his little sis by 5 years

and her name is isabel. ur done for bro

>have gf who lives with me who is 15
>She's bi and we fool around with girls
>she brings friend over and we all get down
>few years later come and visit same friend
>we make out and stuff but gf passes out
>friend and me are still awake
>she doesn't want to
>I do
>she cries the whole way through
>never even told my gf about it

>living with gf from before
>we let her friend live with us
>she plays with us too
>gf is at work
>horny and try to smash with friend
>she don't want to
>hold her down and give it to her hard
>she told my gf, gf was pissed but stayed with me
>did this multiple time while she lived with us
>she stopped telling on me after awhile.

> then everyone started clapping
fake ass shit

>no longer with hs gf
>have new Chinese gf
>she is literally retarded
>mother abused her, her whole life
>absolutely no boundaries
>fuck her in the ass and make her cry
>hit her in the face
>bitch still wants me
>get tired of fucking a retard
>ghost her and move


based tbh

> go on Sup Forums and lie because virgin

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I want to do this so bad

When I was 14 or something I had to stand in the hall as punishment because I was disrupting class and I used the sleeve of a hot girls coat to jack off.

You were that retarded middle schooler jacking in people's coats in the hallway! Ours was a kid named Chris. Creepy little fuck did it a lot.

I fucked my gf when she was on her period. It was the greatest fuck I've ever had. And it wasn't the blood that turned me on but her going into this superslut mode I've never seen before. Periods really make girls horny.

My gf, of 4 years, and I rented out a room to a mutual friend of ours. She was kicked out at 18. Very cheap rent. Basically a mouse, never hear her or see her really. I've always thought she was cute.

Ever since one night where I found her dirty laundry hamper waiting to be out into the wash, first I smelled these socks, that had a stiffness to them like you've worn them too long. Got turned on. Dug a bit, found panties. Unfolded them and omg there was this creamy white discharge that made tiny strings as I peeled them apart. Tangy taste and I loved the smell. I came smelling that smell.

On a side note I love my gf but she showers almost on an ocd level. Her underwear never smells, neither does her pussy, unless I've made her wet during foreplay. Any other time it smells like freshly washed.

So now I've been going into her bathroom where she leaves dirty panties on the floor and even get bedroom where she piles her dirty laundry right by the door. And I've been huffing up a storm. Socks and crusty, damp, panties.

The other day I went into her bathroom to check for anything fresh. No luck. But she did take a piss and left the toilet unflushed. She appears well hydrated. So I ended up jerkng off and cumming drinking her toilet water diluted urine.

Hahahah fuck me man, I only did it the one time. i also jerked off in class one time because a classmate wore a tight skirt with pantyhose that day and I saw it under the desk when I was picking up my pen

I was masturbating to this fantasy by the time I was 13
but my mother was dead
Sup Forums fucked me up

So many.. Here's my fave

>Be me, hot summer in July at Sis-in-laws house
>On boat all afternoon looking at hot niece. have to jump in water to hide boner.
>Pit stop for drinks and I have to take a dump
>Realize on the toilet that the baskets below the sink are the dirty laundry. Decide to take a look.
>Found panties that clearly were NOT sis-in-law.
>Kept digging for gold, found it!
>Green panties with pink frill and a generous dollop of dried crust waiting
>scrape crust into toilet paper bundle, wrap it up well and stick in gym bag for later.
>Back home I eventually reconstitute crust into juice with water and a small drop of lube
>Bring up some pics of that day. DIAMOND level hard on achieved.
>Proceed to whack it to hot niece with her reconstitute juice as lube and blow a fucking bucket of cum

Was a good day.

It was so warm and creamy and smelt so fucking amazing. I came so hard

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> played beerpong together.
> met other team
> cool people with friends
> taking shots and beers together.
> she is talking to some guy
> making out in public
> she says i should stay with her so she is safe
> entering house party
> they keep going
> only us 3 in the living room, everybody else is asleep
> they fuck
> I watch
> taking the train with her later so she do have to go alone

is this your sister that you beat off in the shower to user?

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Not shower bro, but dude that posts the story wants the girl found. Wants people to message her about her real bro and cause problems from his made up shit.

Is it good lube for jerking?

probably right because i hope someone wouldnt be that braindead to post face pics. its proving decently difficult to find tho, but thats as close as i can get. all we have to go on is isabel possibly isabella, red and white hs colors and graduated in '19.

>visiting an old friend from HS
>she lives a state away, so I end up driving all night to see her.
> Arrive the next morning.
> Realize she's gotten HOT since HS
> She tells me she has to go work so I can sleep in her bed if I'm tired
>go thru her room
>find really stinky gym socks, white panties with yellow middle, and her jelly purple dildo
>for some reason, I suck her dildo to taste her
>end up sticking it up my ass
>socks smell like cheese
>decide to wrap around cock
>put panties over face and lick yellow spot
>cum all over her bedsheets


My thoughts exactly. Its Sup Forums but he cant be that stupid. Subtle personal army request.

But i like the story.