Can we get a gay hate thread? What are some good ways to get these sodomites out of the country? Also, what are some good ways to trigger faggots?
Can we get a gay hate thread? What are some good ways to get these sodomites out of the country? Also...
Give into cock
When you are so homosexual you can’t do anything but figure out a way to beat yourself up.
He's a sadomasochist. Give him a year to figure it all out.
> what are some good ways to trigger faggots?
Suck their cocks, it always works.
Trigger me and I'll shoot in your mouth bb
> 2020
> Implying everyone on Sup Forums isn't at least a little gay
> shiggydiggy
Try sucking your own dick and fingering yourself. Works all the time.
OP is insecure faggot
here's my girlfriend's asshole
Projecting op? Sad.
Why do you need to get gay people out of your country? How are they bothering you?
They gays are doing anything wrong it's the niggers that are the real problem.
Bunch of fags in the thread projecting their insecurities because some dude doesnt like other men
I'd rim your starfish so good, you'd crucify you're mother if it meant you could have more.
yeah last time someone was this blatant about "fuck the gays!" I caught him in the alley behind my apartment getting a blowjob from a homeless guy. Moreover I'm the gay guy encouraging all of my other gay friends to learn how to shoot and to get their CC licenses. Would love to see some haters dead on the sidewalk. So ummmm.... I guess what I'm saying is, come at me, bro.
I want, SO BADLY, to know the backstory to this photo. That fucking dog... puts my sides into low earth orbit every god damn time.
This level of hatred for homosexuals is just self-hate, 2020 bro, you can come out
Can we get an OP is a piece of shit homophobe redneck thread going?
And just why are you so obsessed with homosexuals?
Last dude i came across who hated gays droped his pant and tried to suck my dick with his 12 foot anal prolapse and blasted shit all over me
Here to stay, closet faggot, hopefully you run into a pink pistols conceal carry gay and they shoot you in the fucking face. Or in the gut and you bleed out in the street knowing you got cut down by some rando faggot.
hi, actual cocksucker here. so best way to go about it is treat them equal for a period of time. get them to feel they are really accepted then when they trust you tell them how you actually feel. can end with suicide if you do it right.
This dog is actually op seeing guys getting rammed
If you wanted a gay thread why didn't you just say so?
We could always chop their heads off and drop them head first off high rise buildings the same way the sand niggers get rid of them.
Go to live in a Islamic country if you hate gay.
Even though they are retards they do something’s correctly.
Think about it the faggots got no kids.
I think I might, lol. We need to go back to hanging homosexuals.
I'd pay a straight guy to rough me up. Call me a faggot and spit and piss on me.
They just pick on people and say they are gay to get away with it. Gang = Gay.
Every man is at least a top
I'd want to fuck the big guy more than the other. Sucks you don't see a lot of buff guys being bottoms :(
Having a pines is the best, so being gay is awesome
like in ancient rome where buff guys would try to ass rape each other to assert dominance
Yeah but im not that well built lol I just wanna fuck buff ass
I'll join your hate group if I can include niggers and Mexicans too.
you help me work out and get in shape ill totally let you ass fuck me. side note im 6ft5
You havin a stroke user? Should I call 9/11?