Playing New Vegas on hardcore mode for the first time and let me just say fuck these colossal faggots

Playing New Vegas on hardcore mode for the first time and let me just say fuck these colossal faggots.

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Aim for the wings and pray

there should a stealth boy in the school house and maybe another in the devils gulch

Why still play that old trash when you can have fallout4™

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I just got Boone and he seems to be jobbing them pretty effortlessly. as long as they dont actually touch him because even if I gave him ten fucking antivenoms he won't fucking heal himself.

Any high fire rate weapon and these flying assholes are toast

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Nobody likes your retro game grandpa

Its in 3d that's not retro

This, cripple wings and it turns them into cockroaches.


Oh shit, you're right!
Maybe it's time to reinstall

>he plays on hardcore but wasn't carrying antidotes

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Ive been stripping Legion corpses of antivenom. I dont know where to get antidote.

Fuck off tod.

Get some high ground drop explosives on them. They frenzy easy and kill each other.

When you try to take the short route to the strip

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come in from the mountains and throw dynamite down at them

Sup Forumsrother you are not wrong. Anti material rifle and explosive Ammo are the best way I have found to deal with them. Stay at distance and blow wings off. Otherwise the riot shotgun can work for ones that sneak up. Would recommend implant that gives you slow time for maximum reflexes for those bugs.

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I've found explosives+vats to be most effective

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Stay on the roads early game and come back and visit them when you have an anti material rifle.

I use a hunting shotgun with slugs to cripple the wings. Failing that, anything that has a high fire rate and decent damage will do

or Fallout 76 with 16x the detail

They are bros. Don't say fuck em.