>be you
>get on plane
>see this
>wat do
Be you
Don’t panic, but you are going to die if nothing is said to a member of staff. Fucking tell someone and tell them that a fucking landing wheel fell off
i'd tell the crew there's s problem.
they usually like not dying
That's something the flight crew should know how to deal with. The bearings froze up and the wheel was just turning on pure friction, melted off. The other wheel looks like it's still mostly intact. All you can do is land and prepare for a collapsed gear procedure, if needed, and brief the crew and passengers how to operate the escape system should the need arise, and only if the need arises
Not you, seen the vid before
>Thank you for flying An Hero Airlines
ffs i knew getting on a plane was a bad idea
Its ok , don't worry.
There's still one more wheel there.
Both wheels falling off would have been a problem.
Sit back and enjoy your flight.
Put your head between your legs and kiss your freckle goodbye.
Would I be correct in assuming that design one wheel is sufficient, assuming nothing else is wrong?
Hijack the plane and crash it directly into my boss's house.
>bearings froze up and the wheel was just turning on pure friction, melted off.
Nigger think before you speak. If it's frozen don't you think the heat that melted it off would thaw it.
Sit back quietly and grin knowing every other fucker on this plane has their life in my hands. Inform the hottest flight attendant that theres a critical issue with the plane and if she doesnt suck my dick everyone on board will die.
Alert the flight attendant so she can pass it on to the Captain.
Thank you for Flying Uganda Airlines
CEO: Mbgua Kassandi (tongue clicks)
Get extra drinks.
Lmao I legit am unsure if you're dumb or just trolling
Kiss your ass goodbye.
Why would you kiss someone else's ass goodbye?
user thinks he is smart, that’s not what you do at all dipshit. The only part you got right is initiating the collapsed gear procedure. Given that this particular plane has 5 other landing wheels you circle the strip until you get low enough on fuel to safely land..
>Nigger think before you speak
>Being the literal nigger here
That's not how physhics works mate. Many things can happen to a heated or frozen piece of metal.
This only happened because that faggot didn't turn his phone off like he was supposed to. Hope he died
>Would I be correct in assuming that design one wheel is sufficient, assuming nothing else is wrong?
Kinda yeah. The damage might well mean that the other wheel will come off on landing too and the gear could collapse but that's not necessarily a serious problem.
It's serious in that the plane is going to need some work and might not even be considered safe anymore but it's unlikely that anyone would die.
They just need to dump/use fuel before landing so that the fire risk is minimal and then do a careful landing where maybe they'll end up on the belly. Foam etc on the runway might be required.