what was/is Sup Forums's childhood fictional character crush? Anyone, whether a fictional character from a TV show, anime waifu, videogame character. Doesn't have to be specified in your childhood either.
When I was 9, I had a massive crush on Claire Redfield
I've never had a crush on anyone in my childhood years, that made me wonder really, is that rare or weird behaviour?
Anthony Evans
This is a boring reply, nah you just had no interests. There's more than 7.5 billion people in the world. I'm sure a lot of kids had the same feeling as you
Christian Powell
Its only weird if you only have crushes/never moved on to actually talking to someone so you can form a relationship
Nathan Myers
Well yeah, but that doesn't mean it's normal. How do I form a relationship?
Nathaniel Gonzalez
>How do I form a relationship?
Don't look at me, I'm the guy who never nutted up and talked to girls back in high school. Now I get to die alone and unloved.
Oh god yes, I think my actual first as well. What ever happened to her?
Hudson Bell
She's kind of a black haired Dolly Little
Adrian Peterson
But you can still talk to girls. I do that from time to time. Just imagine talking to a child, speak slower and use smaller words than you usually would.
OP here. Relationships are about testing waters in my experience and also understanding that you will have differences between the other person. Remember that you are in control of your reality, not the other way around. Start with a name, tell a joke, be casual. Test the waters with a high five, pat on the back, something playful. Don't put them on a pedestal. A touch will initiate trust as long as it isn't violating or desperate. Create rapport and strike up a conversation that both parties can enjoy. Maybe tease a little and deny them rewards. Women and people in general don't like to feel rejected. Make THEM qualify for your attention. Also, keep it cool. Keep conversations minimal and simple. Test the waters more, once you've established something. Don't go in too strong, but don't sit there and do nothing either. If you've been rejected, then let it be. Just remember there are billions of people on earth
Liam Price
Good advice. Thanks. How do I make sure I don't put them on a pedestal though? I just like giving people compliments and making them feel good about themselves.
Levi White
Trouble is when I do that I come off as a condescending asshole. And taking into account who I am I "know" that women won't be willing to put up with my shit.
That and I'm scared that my kinks will send them running for their lives if I ever reveal them.
That does happen to me sometimes, even when I don't mean to be that way. What are you kinks?
Dominic Sanchez
Well as long as you know you're doing it out of your own will because you actually genuinely find it cool/attractive and not trying to do it to acquire something. Of course, keep it minimal. Not like "you look beautiful in that dress" but more like "cool dress" and move on. Maybe "cool dress" and add a joke. "Anymore green, you would look like a ninja turtle". Just some lame examples, but being short and casual is a good start. In general, don't be generic, and come up with something that's clever but isn't offensive. Of course, once they've opened up more, it's really up to you if you want to continue building this relationship or end it because you're not interested in their antics. Everybody can't be your friend. Just my opinion
Jose Robinson
I'm a regular visitor to /d/, so I'm pretty much a deviant/sick fuck.
They include latex/leather, femdom, medical play and breathe play (if I really trusted her). Trouble is I'm a semi-good Catholic so sex is pretty much limited to making babies until she closes the gates and I take up wood working.
Aiden King
Well I mean, I genuinely find that person physically attractive. It's not a supermodel body, but to me it's just brilliant. I also like their personality very much too, I realise that I compliment them a lot. I just like to do it. Yeah, our conversations are pretty natural and organic, I'm not forcing anything nor are they. I really like that.
Juan Kelly
Less deviant than me, pretty sensible kinks. Though I'm unsure what breathplay really is though. I only heard about it couple of times.
Hunter Jenkins
test the waters friend. Keeping it the same without any progression will be platonic and essentially put you in the friendzone. Bring her to a place you like to eat. "try this place, food so good, you'll start chopping up lines of their seasoning seasoning powder" or some dumb shit. Sell yourself more.
Breathe play is pretty much controlled smothering.
But the sad part of the whole situation is I'm a virgin. And the only women I know about into shit like this are smart and get paid for it. So, yeah
Robert Peterson
The problem here is that I can't take them out anywhere. We are literally divided by an ocean. I said that I want to fly there and visit and they said yes. A long distance relationship before even becoming a real relationship.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Oh sounds really fun. Though it's not as weird as you may think. Pissing for example is a line I'm not crossing. Blood and torture? Why not?
Evan Carter
The pink ranger.
Chase Lewis
well, then. I have no experience in long distance relationships. I guess either A. visit them or B. get this person to visit you in the future.
Austin Russell
I'm okay with a torture/interrogation scenario, just so long as she doesn't leave any marks. But bodily fluids is where I would draw the line (I've never gotten freaky with anybody). That means no piss, blood and especially tears. Women crying is a boner killer for me
Thanks for the advice anyway. I might be an idiot though, cause I'm a poor fuck and they know it. While they're pretty well off themselves, so I think them visiting me makes more sense, but I am okay with saving up and going to them. But that's my first relationship and I hope it works out.
Don't want to seem like a pessimist, but don't set your expectations too high. Keep yourself grounded and take care of yourself. I'm saying this, so that you don't end up destroying yourself from disappointment and depression.
Mason Jenkins
I've never got into the good stuff with anyone either, but I'm really into rough, some would say perverted stuff. I like biting and licking, that really gets me hard. Some blood play MAYBE, I'm quite open to that, certainly not piss though. Yeah, crying is a turn off for me too, yet.
Brandon King
who is that? 80's version of girl with daddy issues?
Leo Thomas
Yeah, people keep telling me that, but I've become very invested by now. Probably more than they, which does make me anxious. I just hope that it works out somehow, but I doubt it will though.
I wouldn't feel bad about being turned off by women crying, IMHO it just means you're a caring person who wants the other person to also enjoy the experience without the need for intense therapy afterwards.
At least you're in a place where you're able to openly talk about your kinks with your partner, hopefully. As for me I'm pretty much a stereotypical incel that will never been seen as a sexual partner.
Anyway, wasn't this thread supposed to be about kiddie crushes?
You ever talk to Windows 10 and masturbate to her voice?
Cameron Turner
That's true, I want to make them feel good, even though they're into even more depraved stuff. I'm willing to do things but to a certain extent only. Yep, we talk openly about that stuff, we share a lot of kinks and fetishes so that's really nice. You don't have to be an incel, I generally hold disdain for women, but I'm still capable of attracting their attention. I bet you heard that millions of times but seriously confidence is very important. But I won't lie, physical appearance can destroy your chances though. Sorry for irrelevant discussion, but honestly this helped keep the thread going when there weren't many people posting.
Samuel Peterson
I was like 9, I think... The idea of a sexy blonde slave that could make my wildest fantasy come true, willingly and happily? Too young to spurt, but I sure came a lot
Its cool, I just needed to get shit off my chest. And Sup Forums is one of the last places on the web where people can do that without it easily coming back to bite them in ass.
I don't have disdain for women, if anything I idolize them too much and wouldn't even think of one of these goddesses coming down to my level (I know cringe)
That's true. I honestly feel more comfortable with discussing private matters with anons than with people I know irl. It's your attitude man, you need to realise that you can survive without women. But women cannot survive without you. Now, I don't hate women, I love them, they are our wives, mothers, sisters and friends. But generally I don't respect them. Those who want respect have to earn it. Women generally have not earned to be respected. You just have to 'care less' about them for them to be interested in you.
Juan Cruz
demi fucking moore made my heart spin during the st emlos fire era
because I got seriously turned on by the thoughts of going out on adventures in the woods etc. with a talking teddy bear and sundry animals like badgers and elephants.
But I also found time to masturbate ( during the same age range ) to pic related because I (simultaneously) imagined being taught dangerous arts by a competent tutor who knew how to do it, and also being a cute little shota who needed to be taught those beguiling skills by some sort of child obsessed faggot.