How fucked is my toe nail? Also does anyone know what’s wrong with it?
How fucked is my toe nail? Also does anyone know what’s wrong with it?
how does it feel?
Fluconazol 150mg 1 comprimido por semana x 6 semanas.
O Terbinafina, pero no recuerdo la dosis.
Feels fine, friend says he thinks it’s an in growing toe nail but there’s no pain.
Shave your toe hair.
Normal for a hobbit.
Then it's probably only cosmetically fucked. Which may or may not be worth worrying about.
Another angle
Bacterial or fungus infection. Will spread to other toes and your skin to make it leathery if not dealt with. A doctor can take samples and do tests to find the specific strain, then prescribe an ointment or antibiotics accordingly. If you want to do home remedies, vicks vapour rub works on some strains. Clean with soap and water, dry off, then apply vicks twice a day for about a month. If it clears up, continue for a week or 2 longer to make sure all that's invisible dies. Can also try triple antibiotic cream. Not regular antibiotic cream, make sure it's triple. The 3 medications in those creams work for a wide variety of infections. Clean, dry, apply twice a day, etc. If neither solution works, then you have a strain that requires prescription medication to fix.
No pain no problem. My big toenails were perpetually ingrown until I had them permayanked last month. But if they were just weird looking i would have left them
Thank you very much for the information, I haven’t thought much of it until my friend pointed it out but sounds like something I want to be getting rid of.
you mean
This guy got a fungal infection, and the treatment is: Fluconazol 150mg 1 pill a week for 8 weeks.
Antimicoticos topicos son inefectivos. Hace tiempo que no debiesen ser usados.
Never treat toenail fungal infection in a topic way. Always systemic. You need to reach the subungeal tissue and the matrix.
Fluconazol orTerbinafina.
it's nail mocosis. It's an infection that has to be treated with antibiotics. Just go see your doctor and he'll give you something to deal with it, it's a daily process for a while and the nail will be clean and go back to an healthy look.
The sooner you deal with it, the better. I had it, let it alone, dealing with 6 months of treatment to get rid of it and will have scars on my skin where it spread to. Don't wait. With just 1 toe, could likely clear in a month. Get nearby toe and part of foot near toe to be safe. But don't wait.
You're supposed to do a V cut for your big toes. Never get problems again.
We had this exact same thread a few months ago.
But yes it does deep as others say. Typical creams are slow to work. Gotta scrub clean, remove top layer with soap and scrubbing, then cream the rest. Best is antibiotics to kill from the inside out. But not everyone has access to a doctor. So I mentioned the typical solutions in case. But see a doctor if you can. That's best.
Topical not typical. Damn autocorrect.