Ok youre at a house party, the place is getting loud that you decide to go somewhere quiet. You walk into a room and see a drunk slut passed out. Would you quickly fuck her and leave or just do nothing.
Ok youre at a house party, the place is getting loud that you decide to go somewhere quiet...
play playstation then eat bowl of eggs and turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away
do nothing cause i'm not a rapist or desperate enough for pussy that i'll fuck a girl who can't do anything meaningful
Just steal the shit and leave if it's not your house
Probably just move blanket away, feel pussy and tits for a few, then leave out of paranoia
Definitely dicking and recording to fap later
It isn't even the sex it's the tabooness of it
I'd bw rock fucking hard, like glass cutting dick
Fuck her mouth and creampie the bitch and come back with a funnel and bleach and sterilize that pussy
I would try to get her to wake up just enough to put clothes on and then I would try to encourage her to get off the floor and go to bed.
>actually attempt to quickly fuck her
>her panties are pulled down and my wang aligned with her buttgina ready for insertion
>my luck kicks in
>chad and his friends walk in to check on his gf, "bro i saw some weirdo headed to her room"
cuddle her
You’ve really thought this through, user
im not a nigger
then who was phone?
Many people, if they find themselves in this scenario, aren't going to be able to fuck an unconscious girl. They just will not be able to get physically aroused by the reality of the situation.
So, if you walk into a room and see a drunk slut passed out and it gets your dick hard, you might as well accept who you are as a person.
I'd probably jack off, touch her pussy a little, finish, then wake her up and put clothes on her. send her to bed.
just take a picture or two and move on
that might just be her desperate way of trying to get laid.
Lick her feet
if she's naked i'd probably take a few pics tbh. not gonna rape her though.
welp, it's time to get the eggs bois
especially if you have permission...
Jesus Christ. I mean, I get hard just like the next, but people really can't control their dicks?
Leaving behind their dna for the sheriff
dubs checked. looks like owen benjamin
Sharpie in proper and take a pic
Man did I forget to submit my DNA to the sheriff? Is that a thing? Where do I drop it off.
I'm pretty sure this is staged.
I doubt she'd be dunk fucked by at least 3 dudes and still be holding onto a beer bottle.
Depends on the likelyhood of getting caught. Next to none? Ill defile her. Anything else? Keeping peter in his place.
i'd piss on her and leave
did this in the 90's in high school. never used a condom, depending on how wild the parties were would determine how much pussy I got that night. good times.
the nearest passed-out drunk slut.
Wait wait wait wait wait.... was that taken in Tallahassee Florida a few years ago?
heh. When you get tats like this, you pretty much have to expect things like this being the natural conclusion.
Heh, perfect example of someone with daddy issues
Reminds me of one of the parties nikki minaj hosted
Good for you. This is the right answer.
looks like she ate the bowl of eggs
Who are you? I was at that party. It was Halloween.
I can't remember her name, but I finger fucked the shit out of her drunk ass.
no you didn't
Only takes one of your relatives having submitted their DNA to one of the ancestry dna testing places, for them to track you down.
Let me tell you a short green story.
> In a neighborhood of 300 people who all know each other, a girl was found murdered in nearby park on her way home.
> Everybody cuts through that park. There are no robberies or murders in this community. Ever. Like. Nobody has killed anybody there as far as the community's memory serves. Old ladies cut through that park.
> (Because everybody's white. Kek.)
> Blood was found on the girls clothes that was clearly from defending herself.
> Out of 300 people in that community, 149 men out of 150 volunteered to give their DNA.
> The one guy who didn't suddenly found himself under a whole new level of scrutiny.
> Suddenly even the drunk people started realizing that "oh yeah, actually I did see the guy talking to the girl", and "yeah, now that you mention it, I think they did leave together."
> That was enough to issue a warrant.
> Guess the murderer was.
Now, let me issue you a question:
> If there are 30 people at a party, 15 of which are guys, and 10 people who didn't do it volunteer, or are "volunteered" to give DNA, which guys will face themselves under additional scrutiny.
Also, fuck greentext. I'm drunk. And yeah, that short story did happen. It was a 13 year old nice guy killing a 14 year old girl. it shook the community to the core. Nasty stuff.
The third photo. I know her. Her name is Paula.
Did you post the image? I'm still in Tallahassee, but she has moved since. Yes, I did.
What a cuck.
google rachel ravaged
This bums me out. Not only is it a massive turn on to the point where I would cum in less than a minute from arousal, it would make it even hotter if she hated me and I knew she would be livid if she ever found out. Why am I like this? I also finger my asshole while I browse Sup Forums bc it feels like I’m taking a constant shit and relaxes me
Link to a story or something? Awful stuff
In all honest a similar situation happened and I took full advantage of it. Once i started thinking with my dick there was no turning it off. In retrospect biggest mistake of my life.
Don't most parties have Didindo's at them? They'll pick a fight with the cops even if they didn't do it, and fuck up the investigation.
Check for damage see if she's already been nutted. If yes then im not picking up sloppy seconds. If not then I'd wake her drunk ass up tell her she just dodged a bullet cause shes passed out naked in a random floor waiting to be dicked down. Check back in 20 minutes. If she's still there then yes I would run a cock in her cunt. Dumb bitches dont learn.
My favorite set ever
It's true though, unless you have some sort of psychological disfunction, fantasy and real-life scenarios will affect you differently. I'd love to find a drunk girl and jizz all over her, but realistically I'd probably feel sympathetic and try to help, or at least keep an eye out so nobody else bothers her, and this is the case for most people even if they deny it
Considering how absolutely fucked you'd be if she wasn't as drunk as you thought, or if you got caught, that's a definite pass. How desperate are you people?
so hot, got more ?
The third photo. I know her. Her name is Pauly Constanza.
i would see if i can wake her up and offer to use her phone to get her an uber home if she has the money to cover the cost. Rape is illegal you morons.
Forge her signature on a consent form
Put a bunch of dude's names on it
Leave it next to her
Don't touch her
Wait for the freak out :^)
did he at least get to dick her?
But it isn’t truly a psychological phenomenon; it’s how you balance a cost reward scenario. Similar to what you study by giving cookie To kids who wait. It’s the ol would you steal money if you knew you couldn’t be caught; you convince yourself that you wouldn’t but if you remove the potential of authoritarian punishment we all fall into that category. It’s just a good persons vs a bad person let’s not dress this up and act like you know what your talking about.
Aw, that poor girl peed green stuff.
I have a masters in psychology, I have some idea what I'm talking about.
There is no such thing as good people or bad people, even 'bad people' have the capacity for empathy, and are capable of making ethical decisions. Psychopaths are not however, which falls into a psychological dysfunction. So, yes, most everyone would make the right decision, that is unless they themselves are drunk and happen to be huge selfish douchebags
>Where do I drop it off.
Just jerk off onto the sheriff's desk calendar.
You win, that would be hilarious
Twitter response: Women can't consent, all sex is rape. Every man should go to jail.
Post a pic with your degree
The third photo. I know her. Her name is Pauly Constanza.
I would probably think she got raped. I would try wake her up. If possible ask her, what happened and offer her a blanket or my jacket. If she wouldn't wake up I would get a friend and/or host and talk about calling ambulance or atleast getting her into a secured area
And sure in fantasy it may be hot, but in reality things are different. For such fantasies you can make roleplay. Raping her and fucking up her and maybe your life isn't worth it. You can still fap afterwards to it, if you really want.
Where do I find porn like this and is it legal? my fiance and I both have a fetish like this however whenever she drinks she gets incredibly violent ( Slavics lol)
I'd quickly tongue her B hole then wake her up and get her to bed and pretend it didnt happen.
I would immediately sit down next to her, grab the guitar and belt out a rousing edition of "Angel of the Morning."
When she wakes with a killer hangover, switch to Dillon's "Knocking on Heaven's Door"
Today’s anons don’t get this.
Yo. Good to know. Care to explain how sociopaths are made? Include some detail if you want.
I would close the door, pull back covers, pull my pants down, and take a shit on her ass. Do it so she wakes and thinks she shit herself and to keep the rape away.
i'm not a robot
If I had a condom and no one was around, I'd fuck the shit out of her.
Id fuck her.
Correct. Congratulations, you passed.
I dunno. There were a few times in college where I had this opportunity and they were all pretty damn hot.
My ex-girlfriend was dating a guy on another floor of my dorm that was in my friend group so she was over at our building whenever we were drinking as she was under 21 and couldn't go to bars. Her boyfriend was out of town so she decided to sleep in my room after she got too drunk to drive home. She passed out and I went to town on her tits and cunt. I fucked that bitch harder than I ever did while we were dating and the next morning convinced her that she had come on to me, making her think she had cheated on her boyfriend. Fortunately this was before women started crying rape whenever they regretted sex.
The other time was a friend of a friend that passed out in my car while I was driving us to a house from a bar. Our mutual friend had introduced us and I had spent the night hitting on her. The mutual friend had left the bar earlier and gone to my house (she was dating my roomate). I didn't know where the house party was and the chick I was hitting on was supposed to guide me. I didn't have any phone numbers for anyone else we had been with so I had a valid reason to not show up where we were expected. I parked my car about two blocks from my house in an area with no street lights. She was wearing a top with a V neck so I had very easy access to her tits once I leaned her back. Used her hand to edge then pulled her over to blow my load in her mouth. Drove home, dragged her in and tossed her on the couch, then woke up our mutual friend by banging on my roommate's door.
The aforementioned mutual friend actually got abused on that same couch one time when she passed out there when my roommate wasn't home. Similar deal, played with her tits, fingered her cunt, and came in her mouth.
i need you to eat all of these
Underrated post
I rate it 5/7, it's perfect
>my luck kicks in
Yep, shit would either get pretty fucking weird or really fucking cool in no seconds flat.
Would still be an interesting story.
jesus fucking christ
I would probably......tell the other guests. One of her friends will likely find out and take care of her.
It's embarrassing for her, yeah, but it might save her from being raped, or even save her life....
Yeah it'll be embarassing for her
and at the next day give her a bowl full of eggs, she has to eat all of them
There is some Russian shit out there where the girl gets drunk and fucked. It's all staged.