Name something conservatives actually believe

Name something conservatives actually believe.

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I bet if you got a fiscally conservative president back in the white house with a strong economy, you could probably bring that deficit back down again.

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Literally nothing. They're parasites.

Taking a break on the Iran spam, huh?

Anyway if this really worries anyone look up "entitlement spending" and it will become clear why this is, like everything in the post-neocon era, is the fault of SJW manipulators being appointed to positions of power in any institution you could think of.

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orange man good

>Taking a break on the Iran spam,
just for a sec

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that the house spends the money


> since trump said obama would attack iran, trump killing some guy in iraq is hypocritical


Magic Sky Jesus will appear out of a cloud over jerusalem, on a flying horse and then will be waving a sword around and killing the unbelievers, his cloak drenched in blood.

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> but look at this picture that does not show house control

no thanks

they don't believe in anything besides accumulating power for themselves
any other professed "beliefs" are merely a means to gaining that power

>> since trump said obama would attack iran, trump killing some guy in iraq is hypocritical
mad spin bro, you should work for the RNC

it shows the deficit increasing every year "conservative" Ryan controlled the house. But, you believe what you feel like. That's why they made fox news. just for simple folk like you.

That guy in Iraq was Iranian you dumb ass American. Please learn to read real news.

OP agrees. They only really care about winning, so they can say they won. They don't give any fucks what happens after they win.

> but please look at this pic that does not show house control

no thank you

He knows that. He's trying his hardest to select and present the facts in a way that make Trump's tweets look less retarded. He's just here to gaslight.

That the Will to Power actually means power over other people.

Attached: chart-house-party-control-deficit.jpg (639x468, 58K)

that having sex with black people makes you gay


cherry picking. that chart only shows up until the bottom of the recession. cherry picking is a form of spin

> 1974-2010 is cherry picking

Death to the left.

that bill maher isn't a porn star

>cherry picking
Hardly, Congress makes budgets, not the president.

It amazes me how many people think that the President is the one who spends the money.
>it's Congress you dumbfuck

Anything their Israeli/Saudi masters tell their intermediaries on Fox News to tell them.

its not recent and it shows deficits increasing at the end due to decreased tax revenues, due to the second largest recession this country has ever seen, due to conservatives policy of deregulating the banking sector. you're trying to make it look like democrats just love to spend even though that huge deficit is caused by reduced revenues combined with emergency spending for two wars and a recession none of which were democrats fault

You mean it acts like a bell curve? Wow that's fascinating lol.

Budget deficits don't tell the whole story, national debt does. Obama doubled the national debt.

the fuck is this then?

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It amazes me how people think the president does literally fucking anything. He's only a scapegoat. That's why the presidential position was created.

that if you get really drunk once you don't stay drunk forever


>The fiancial crisis doubled the national debt.
Fixed that for you. Its unfathomably dumb to ascribe general trends and system events to individual presidents.

more cherry picking, 1901-2009

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again, all your chart actually shows is that every time there is a true fiscal emergency, Americans respond by voting democrats into power to fix it.

Those blue spikes are our three biggest recessions ever

Conservativism ended with Goldwater. He believed in the US Constitution. He believed that the US should not enter any war unless the US was itself under threat and there was a clear path to a quick victory. He believed in the separation of church and state. He believed in fiscal conservatism.

They said he was too radical and dangerous to be president. In fact, he was a libertarian like Ron Paul was long ago. Nixon, Kissinger, Reagan and Gingrich were never conservatives.

how come you always cut it off at the end of the great recession? cherry picking much?

> 108 years is less relevant than the last 8

are these niggas serious?

yes, dumbfuck the recent past is more relevant to what is currently happening to the conservative movement

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> 108 years of massive overspending by democrats is less relevant

literally everyone disagrees

>I'm not completely fucking retarded
citation needed

>I'm not completely fucking retarded
citation needed

>massive overspending by democrats

That they are the crown of creation.
That everyone else must obey them but they need not obey anything.

"Deficits only matter when Democrats are in the White House"

-Senate Majority Leader McConnell.

> the house does not spend money

fuck off op, you are a fucking homo

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Freedom of speech.

Incoming inbred incels

Only King Lumpy the First is puissant enough to have united eastern Persia with western Persia. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

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and yet..

>you can't get banned on conservative boards

sure about that?

He was also a fucking Zonie, just like the idiot Arpaio.
