What should I say to this Russian chick I matched with on tinder pic related
What should I say to this Russian chick I matched with on tinder pic related
"When do you finish chemo? "
Hey we need to stop stalin and start russian into hooking up
why did she cut all her hair off. she looks mentally ill or a feminist..
She probably is but shes got some abs and a fat ass so I'm gonna try and fuck anyway
Used it will post responses when she see it
Tell her you want to tongue her butt
Fucker thinks my ex died then KEK
cynka blyat
Zdrasvitsya, kak dela segodnya?
still following.
Honestly now I'm kinda stuck help me Sup Forums
Running low on my ideas on how to proceed now but fuck it
Any more pics? Love short hair.
Ask her if she watches ThatStarWarsGirl on YouTube.
dying to see how this plays out
followed up by
She hasn't responded yet and I wanna make this last so if the thread does out I'll just make a new one when she responds but I'mma laugh my ass off no matter the response
We got her boys
she's cute. go get laid Sup Forumsro.
She cute af