Will 2020 finally be the year we put the fags back in the closets or into the ovens?

Will 2020 finally be the year we put the fags back in the closets or into the ovens?

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I wish we could just gas them already. Its coming, but I'm eager to start now

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This is the future liberals want


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ITT: godtards R us

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Neck yourself fag

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>defending literal faggot pedophiles
Keep up the good fight, user.

lmaoing @ these nazi pieces of shit
the entire world despises you

ITT: closet pedofags pretending to be disgusted by their own fantasies

Seethe harder nazis. Soon lolis and shotas will be legal.

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I'm pretty liberal and even I'm a bit fed up with the whole thing. Cool you're gay get the fuck over it.

Doubt it but police state may get rid of it if there's war.

Nobody's gay. Homo victims are just too messed up to admit what was done to them was wrong.

If being against degenerate scum makes me a Nazi then seig heil all the way

>then seig heil all the way



Man, I would be nazi just for the kicks and giggles of watching everybody seethe ans soothe.

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The opposite. It’s the year you offer your daughter as tribute for my cock.

pedophiles are not rapists, consensual sex with children not only should be tolerated but encouraged.

What are those? Asian giant hornets or something?

i'm gonna go with "no"

Fucken listen to yourself. You tongue your mother with that mouth?

No I tongue her with my tongue.

Maybe 2020 will be the year we put the fascists back in their place. Also, nobody who isn't already in on your bullshit is buying your conservative virtue signaling anymore.

All fags should be killed. That's the ONE thing I agree with that sand niggers do.. they eradicate them.. they don't celebrate them!

You probably love to smell your own farts too huh? Gotta look at your poo before you flush? Maybe take a pic for your faggot buddies to see too? You'll never have sex.

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Why? Don't they fit into your biblical fantasy land?

What about the ones that dont act like fags?

Don’t reproduce, godtard. You’re just too stupid.

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She’s about to have a dad and a daddy.

You got that ass-backwards, godtard.

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>talking snake book

Into the trash it goes.

Nobody cares about your opinion incel.

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But no mention of stolen virginity?

Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm a pedophile or that I dance in a rainbow coloured string at pride. I don't want to be judged because of them.

The only people who associate pedophilia with homosexuality are pedos who are into little girls.

Too late, maybe if you guys weed the degenerates out of your movement you might make progress

I would say ovens.....very big ovens!

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