Drug dealer offered to pay me $800 if I let him nut in my girlfriend. What to do Sup Forumsros?
Drug dealer offered to pay me $800 if I let him nut in my girlfriend. What to do Sup Forumsros?
let him do it, collect $800 and break up with that whore
i have been with her for 5 years already and i love her..
yeah well if shes willing to fuck someone for a measly $800 then shes not worth being with
Argue for 850 and it has to be a gangbang. Also you have to leave her afterward. Im sorry OP but she's a whore. Buy a classy hooker with that money to get over it.
Get drugs from him instead
what kind of drug?
KYS, tenda.
$1000 for you, $1000 for your girl or no deal negro
how is she a whore? he is insistent on getting her pregnant
>has a nigger for a drug dealer
Level up cuck faggot
Why would you want that? She would do that?
You'll probably break up in a few years n wish u had the money, fuck it!!
I was going to answer, now this is obv LARP
>he is insistent on getting her pregnant
Nice, 18+ years of child support, too!
Getting a nigger to pay child support is the ultimate LARP
Is he black? If yes then no. If no then yes.
Not that much if you're asking Sup Forums if you should let a drug dealer nut in her.
Fair deal to me. Unless she is a 10/10, he is so generous.
no he is white
Only if we can watch.
>If yes then no. If no then yes.
That sounds like the GOP mantra in every case.
>When Shareblue gets bored on a Sunday
get the money then break up with the bitch
If she wants it she's a whore take the money and leave her
How you going to respect her after you whored her out?