Drug dealer offered to pay me $800 if I let him nut in my girlfriend. What to do Sup Forumsros?

Drug dealer offered to pay me $800 if I let him nut in my girlfriend. What to do Sup Forumsros?

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let him do it, collect $800 and break up with that whore

i have been with her for 5 years already and i love her..

yeah well if shes willing to fuck someone for a measly $800 then shes not worth being with

Argue for 850 and it has to be a gangbang. Also you have to leave her afterward. Im sorry OP but she's a whore. Buy a classy hooker with that money to get over it.

Get drugs from him instead

what kind of drug?

KYS, tenda.

$1000 for you, $1000 for your girl or no deal negro

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how is she a whore? he is insistent on getting her pregnant

>has a nigger for a drug dealer

Level up cuck faggot

Why would you want that? She would do that?

You'll probably break up in a few years n wish u had the money, fuck it!!

I was going to answer, now this is obv LARP

>he is insistent on getting her pregnant
Nice, 18+ years of child support, too!

Getting a nigger to pay child support is the ultimate LARP

Is he black? If yes then no. If no then yes.

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Not that much if you're asking Sup Forums if you should let a drug dealer nut in her.

Fair deal to me. Unless she is a 10/10, he is so generous.

no he is white

Only if we can watch.

>If yes then no. If no then yes.
That sounds like the GOP mantra in every case.

>When Shareblue gets bored on a Sunday

get the money then break up with the bitch

If she wants it she's a whore take the money and leave her

How you going to respect her after you whored her out?