this album sucks
This album sucks
Metallica literally sued children, that were their fans on top of that.
Fukk Metallica.
Yup, but it's still a good album. Classic SJW "ThInK Of ThE cHiLdRe!@$#!."
Shut up faggot you’re wrong
Tracks 3,4,7,8 are great. Can leave the rest.
>hating on metallica
>using ride the lightning not death magnetic or that other piece of shit they made not too long ago
are fucking retarded boy?
During Napster time no one wanted to sue the fans, than Metallica step forward and said, jup we'll do it, we will sue the fans and fuck em if they are children, we sue everybody.
This was so fucked up i want even begin...
everything they did with Cliff is great and classic
right, listen to real music you bitch
death magnetic is pretty decent despite the production quality
So does this one
Yes. It seems after Cliff died they went from making good albums to albums with a few good songs
compared to the old stuff it belongs in the trash
compared to that other one from 2015 or 16 or what it was, its pretty good yea.
rip cliff
but actually its dave mustaine thats missing for the top notch quality of kill em all.
literally the best of the best they ever did
this album stinks
Look sometimes when you break laws there is repercussions. I'm not sure how you don't understand that.
i'm sorry you have no taste.
but you just keep on listening to whatever crap you like.
I like that album, and I think it’s good.
>Dave Mustaine has cancer
>James is in rehab
Why does it have to be like this bros?
It's just how albums worked in the past. They'd have some great tracks and need to fill it with whatever they could get their hands on just to have enough material for an entire album.
A lot of times they knew before hand which songs would be the popular ones and which ones will stink.
Now days with digital distribution you're not forced to buy the garbage filler. This does have a draw back, that garbage filler was sometimes experimental or novel which wasn't good at the time but grew to become big. So we're missing out on some surprise unique music that would normally come out once in a blue moon from the filler garbage.
RTL is by far the worst of the first four albums
When the bait is so weak, the fish are eating the sand lmao.
>listened to so much groove, death, and black metal to the point where i can't go back to mainstream 80s thrash
lmao how is 8th grade treating you?
8 sucks, only thing worse is 6, maybe
5 is fucking awesome
metalica sucks in general
8 is fucking great you pleb
yeah, no
Oldfag, fart, not-a-boomer here. Bought the cassette when I was 12. Me as with all dudes that had it knew it was awesome. “Over-produced”, multi-track music was common in the eighties. It is kind of a cliche metal standard now. After 500 plays I couldn’t stand them for a few years. Then the black album...