If you could marry a girl that looked like this, would you do it? Based purely on looks, this could be your wife. Is she hot enough that you would take the chance?
If you could marry a girl that looked like this, would you do it? Based purely on looks, this could be your wife...
If her boobs were smaller I'd be more inclined to say yes. But she's otherwise very attractive
her tits are on the bigger size, but a good kind of saggy. The big pink nips turn me on.
Okay, she's way hotter in that pic
yeah there is something about her
How about her?
Sure I would. Good-looking enough to fuck but not too good looking that she'd just be a starfish in bed. Pending non-shitty life habits, would marry and procreate with why not
Too tall and her face is all weird. Tits might be nice b cups, but I like em bigger, especially on a bigger frame like her
You even know her?
Anny aurora. 10/10 porn actress and streamer.
Sadly shitty jobs, but a coll character
Would rather take her
>too tall
what kind of manlet faggot are you she's probably not even 5'8"
Fuck no, way too hot. High maintenance, needs jewelry, vacations with her parents, cars, overpriced apple products she doesn't know how to use, her stupid girlfriends. She looks like she gives head once a month and acts like she did you a favor.
5/10 or below for this guy.
5'9 so pretty normal I guess
Shes hot enough yes, but a shitty personality would be a deal breaker. No chick is hot enough to have a shitty personality.
Im 5'10"
My GF is 5'7", but I prefer women 5-5'3"
She’s not even that hot
what doesn't meet your expectations for hotness? got a good counter example?
can I check for penis?
enjoy your hobbit offspring then
i know. i don't want children