Why does this cunt refuse to go to China and India and demand those countries address climate change?
Why does this cunt refuse to go to China and India and demand those countries address climate change?
Spin harder conservatard
How is what I said a spin? When did she go to China?
because shes a little bitch with daddy issues who try to become like nikki haley
>like nikki haley
What the fuck does that even mean?
Look closer ... You'll figure it out
Her having autism has nothing to do with my question
That is not what he asked
Because they would ass rape her for 5years
You are a paid shill. Kill yourself.
How the fuck am I a shill? Because I'm asking questions about one of your heroes? Do questions frighten you?
>nikki haley
Nikki sucked Trump's mushroom penis to get her job. What are you implying?
They will tell her to fuck off. Unlike the rest of the western world who pretends they give a shit. And lets her shit all over them.
Because indian and chinese media outlets suck... they know that if they put her infront of american media the whole world will see it....... duuuhh
tl;dr america is the best and you can all eat shit
China would not let her in. India is gross.
Because India and China are hardly the problem
best at sucking nigger's cock for sure
>Because India and China are hardly the problem
Bullshit they're not the problem. Indians use their rivers as toilets and Chinese people have to walk around with fucking gas masks. Yet not one word about those places from this literal retard. Oh and not to mention Russia.
This. You need an ivitation for a speaking role before you can refuse one. Op is retarded as usual. sage.
And who the fuck invited her to give speeches in the USA? Kikes?
because China and India are an inconvenient truth. They'll laugh when she tries to tell billions of people Carbon is poison and to change their ways, when theres sweet shit all China and India are realistically unable to make a dent in it.
CO2 is hardly the Problem to climate change.
She only goes where she is invited by the government or by government affiliated groups. If you hate the alarmism this kid is being puppeted to spread, you should be blaming your government for it.
China and India would both tell her to fuck off.
Ding ding ding.
America would have to cut our emissions in half before we were as clean per capita as China. They'd have to cut their CO2 emissions by 85% before they had a per capita rate as low as India.
To demand people that emmit half as much and 15% as much per capita to take significant action BEFORE the #1 emitor will do the same is hypocritical bullshit.
Isn't it illegal to criticize the government in China?
I just think it's ridiculous how all of these people keep pretending China and India don't exist when they bring up climate change. Like we all have to listen to this bullshit but ignore the 10,000 pound dog in the room. So we all have to live worse lives while the china and india does what it pleases? Fuck that.
China is easy - they don't take too kindly to constructive criticism. Greta probably also wants to keep her organs. There's less of an excuse for India, but they're so fucked that mobilizing even a quarter of the population to do something about their carbon footprint will have to start with not shitting in the Ganges.
Here's where someone points out per capita rates painting a wildly different picture and you saying they don't matter.
If China just breaks up into four countries, does that solve the problem in your eyes?
The US is the worst CO2 polluter per capita and is far and away worse than China or India.
CO2 is hardly the Problem.
>Addressing the core issue of a problem
>"spin harder"
Further proof environmentalists are just slacktivist retards who want an excuse to pat themselves on the back without actually accomplishing anything.
What's actually ridiculous is that nobody talks about how pole shift and solar weather impact our climate.
Right, because we're just suppose to believe this person rose to fame and millions of dollars off of fucking merit. When less than a year ago nobody even knew this bitch existed. Oh and her parents just HAPPEN to be far left retards with money. Do you not realize how fucking ridiculous that sounds?
Except you are talking out of your fucking asshole
The atmosphere doesn't divide it up in to who produced it, the bulk amount is what counts which per capita fags are too stupid to get their heads around.
Ask Greta to bring it up
she wont because she only knows what shes told.
What's the problem then, too many dicks up your ass?
What are you even implying? What does visiting a country have to do with acknowledging it's CO2 output?
She just doesn't need to. If you're trying to imply that the underlying reason is that they're too dangerous, they're really not. I've been to both, China is as developed as any western nation and there's plenty of safe areas she could visit in India.
How so? Are you saying that because you've chosen to be ignorant on the subject by believing whatever anti climate change talking points confirm the opinion you've decided is most convenient?
imagine how ugly shell be at 30
being skeptical is not ignorant. being certain you're right is.
Wow, your level of retardation is through the roof!
India people will rape her on the spot and the chinks will trow her in a rehabilitation camp
You are talking out of your fucking asshole
How are you talking out your asshole? How the fuck should I know. You people have been doing it for years. And maybe people would take you more seriously if you would address the fucking 700lb monkey in the fucking room. But you people won't even bring up china and india, and when someone else does you just say no no nothing to see there hehe. So yeah, I'm going to have to assume this is all bullshit then and this is just another way for people to infuse communism or something much worse into Europe and America.
nice rebuttal. (just kidding it was shit)
ChInA iS aS dEvElOpEd As AnY WeStErN nAtIoN... Jesus you're fucking stupid. China has a per cap GDP 15% as high as the US, and 23% as high as most of western Europe. Maybe in a few decades you'll be right, but christ you're wrong now.
If people weren't too stupid to read the only book that matters they would know that everything happens in due season and wouldn't fall for climate shystering.
China and India are safe countries my ass. Another liberal dipshit trying to virtue signal to everybody. And that's assuming you even went there at all, because odds are good you haven't.
What fucking book are you talking about? The fucking bible?
not sure if shoop. Greta's face is like Chloe Moretz' body... too weird to be believed.
In China she'd get gulak'd and raped in India. And if not, her activism would have exactly zero impact and she knows it. Activism only works in the cultural sphere of the activist.
China and India will only be convinced by hard material incentives (either sanctions or help, or both). Luckily, they are amongst the countries which will be affected most by climate change.
it's no "greenhouse gas"
By volume, dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. Air also contains a variable amount of water vapor, on average around 1% at sea level, and 0.4% over the entire atmosphere. -wikifuckinggaydia
>0.04% carbon dioxide
It's a fucking scam to squeeze taxes, and pump energy companies(owned by rich fucks) with cash and a fucking PLANT FOOD gas... MORE OF IT MEANS MORE PLANTS, MORE PLANTS? LESS CO2
CO2 is not a fucking problem for anyone who understand's a little how it fucking works
No dipshit the cat in the hat.
WoOoOoOoW she's ugly now
just euthanize it already
India and China are larger, as populations, but their people contribute less to the problem than Western countries that outpace them while demanding they sacrifice from their less consumptive lifestyles before we'll pretend that we'll put any real effort into solving the issue.
It's each of us taking two slices of pizza at the party and that other group each getting once and us demanding they cut their share to 3/4 a slice before we'll consider taking less than two each. How can you expect those guys to be willing to sacrifice while we're still eating good?
Do you work out? You must be strong to move goal posts like that...
Because no activist groups in those countries are willing to pay the 6 figure fees Gretas parents demand to allow their little propaganda puppet to make a public appearance and spew her rehearsed lines.
Her handlers are globalists that outsource to India and China and this would decrease their profit.
Greta is just another tool for the big companies to crap on smaller ones.
Who gives a shit about per capita, they've got 3 billion people under 2 governments, get either of them to cut down their emissions will do the greatest deal of good
So first, you say they aren't the problem. Now you wanna throw a fucking pity party and use that to say they don't have to do anything? Give me a fucking break. Tell you what, if we all agree to stop making shit in China will you retards finally tell them to stop fucking up the planet. No of course you won't, you'll find a new excuse.
Thats not what your retarded climate change leader is preaching.
Mine ? Lol kid
Individual people care. Your argument would disappear by simply drawing more lines on the map.
How can the most consumptive people on Earth demand a population that are far less gluttonous to cut back significantly as a condition for them doing anything?
If the situation were reversed and you were living with half as much as I but I demanded you make significant sacrifices before I would consider doing so and my reasoning was that you have more neighbors than I do, would you think that was reasonable?
You'd better ask her.
in all seriousness the part of it that matters is long term, we could turn off everything and if they keep increasing emissions they'll destroy the world all on their own. would just take like 10-15 years extra.
just admit that climate politics exist and have to be dealt with, the decision is not solely in the hands of the west, it can't be done without the west, but it can't be done without china and india either. india's too cheap for indoor plumbing, china hates us, it's going to be hard as hell to talk them out of coal power because they actually kinda need it.
the actual future where we're saved looks like everyone kowtowing to america so we'll build them nuclear plants and you hate it lol
Any nudes yet?
China and India are used as an argument to scuttle real action on climate change and have been for at least twenty years now.
Gluttons demanding the hungry eat less to solve a food shortage because there are more of them is a shit position for the gluttons to take. Same with this.
If the west took real action after Kyoto, we'd likely have systems, tech, and habits formed by now that would have also been adopted by these populations we scapegoat.
but of course.
If I was shitting in the river and bathing in it, and poisoning my own people to the point they need fucking gas masks to walk around in public, yeah it would be reasonable. Boo hoo poor chinese government and corporations making billions of fucking dollars while the rest of us have to give up meat and pay more taxes. Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit. Goddamn ridiculous at this point.
Ew! Gross! She's a deformed retard, you degenerate sicko.
Yeah your hero. Youve been easily manipulated by a retard to believe the world will blow up in 12 years like the rest of the climate change drama queens. Congrats.
>0.04% carbon dioxide
>All the scientists are scamming us!
This fucking meme, you clearly have not the slightest shit of an idea about the optical properties of gases.
Maybe you'd like to take a one way trip to Venus to see what 96% athmospheric CO2 does to a planet.
Because white man bad, if you call brown man bad you're a rasis.
Yeah so do and say nothing because boo hoo indian people go hungry. Real funny how they supposedly go hungry and are poor. But when it comes time for the drinking, dancing and unprotected sex all of a sudden ain't nobody too hungry for that bullshit. Anymore pity party rhetoric while we have you here?
While she has autism, that picture brings up her horrible fetal alcohol syndrome, whichbis entirely preventable. And the dault of the mother.
The same mother who has forced her to do this bullshit.
It was an analogy. We were talking about per capita CO2 emissions, right?
But Grera says CO2 is the problem.
Such a problem she can literally see it in the air.
No actually we're not. We just have fags like you using it as a bullshit excuse to not bring up india and fucking china.
Why dont you ?
Why the fuck would I? I'm not the one claiming to be a fucking champion of climate issues, demanding grown ass men and women change their life styles and pay more taxes
She's a girl and they would have her beaten at the first. How dare you!!
The climate isn't changing you faggots.
Imagine someone with fetal alcohol syndrome accomplishing more at 17 than you ever will
You sound like a fucking pylon for comparing 0.04% to 96%, there's more that a little bit of a difference there bud
What has she accomplished? Be VERY specific
May I ask why you are posting pics of greta without a bra
they just use the "per capita" figure to divide up their ridiculous output so it looks like less.
And you believe CO2 is a contributing factor to climate change. Kek
Doesnt matter dude, she's still doing way more for the climate than Trump ever will
She isn't doing jack shit, get your head out of your ass. All she has done so far is complain and give faggy speeches, telling people what we already knew. All while ignoring the 6000 lb dragon in the room.
Keep your head in your ass, libtard.
>Has nothing to say
You can leave kid. Class is dismissed, and you failed.
Because what she's selling is communism. China is already communist. India has been under jewish control for at least a hundred years. There is no need to go to jewish controlled areas and demand that jews be placed in all the positions of power.
Only in white countries are there pockets of resistance, because white people tend to be smarter than jews. There are tons of shitty white people who will just go along to get along. But there are even more who resist the jewish gangsters. And that's why she is only marketed to white human countries. They're trying to use a child to emotionally manipulate enough of the females and beta males into giving up all of their liberty, privacy, and sovereignty to jews.
>Because what she's selling is communism