My dumb cunt of a friend wants to know if you can bite yourself to death or will your brain stop it? Can't find shit online, so I came to the least helpful place I could think of. Pic unrelated.
My dumb cunt of a friend wants to know if you can bite yourself to death or will your brain stop it...
I'm goona need to be more clear on what exactly your cunt friend is denoting as the difference between self and brain. In other words, can you (your dumb cunt friend) do something without your brain doing it, and can your brain do something that you are not doing?
Could probably tear up your wrists and arms enough to bleed out, and would be heaps easier if you did it while drunk.
Her response:
"It's like, you know how you can bite your finger off but your brain stops you as a defense mechanism? That's what I mean."
I don't know if any of what she's saying is true. Again, dumb cunt.
Then no, I do not believe there is a location or way in which a normal cunt (even a dumb one) could fatally bite themselves without one or more of the defensive instincts kicking in and taking over (i.e. survival instinct, pain, horror, aversion to gore,etc...)
ive heard that biting off your own finger is nearly the same as biting a carrot in half, but you cant do it
Try it and report back to us.
depends on mental illness power levels. people slowly cut their own throats in the right mindset
From the Hunger Games thread
can do buckaroo
Some cunt from a Vice documentary allegedly did but he had sharpened teath
not bait, legit question she was asking and all I can find is about people asking if they can bit their tongue to death. I CANNOT believe I'm even getting responses
Got any sauce on that?
You can bite your tongue and bleed out.
>I CANNOT believe I'm even getting responses
you got my attention with the squirrel nuts,op
you can definitely do it, but you have to have more than an, "Oh, I dont know if I really want to die" attitude, and most people who do want to kill themselves would probably want to do it quickly, and not by knawing their fucking arm off
In a state of psychosis it is possible to do this, but very unlikely.
only if you're a hemophiliac cunt, and even then it would take a long time, and someone would notice.
dumb c here, I meant bite yourself to death in a state of being super hype. not in a i wanna yeet myself way.
actual op, this is the dumb cunt everyone
Are you ok retard?
of course you can op, just bite your hand instead of cutting it and bleed out like the emo kid with daddy issues that you are.
listening to music of nikki sixx will help this process
The rice needed to bite through your finger including the bones is similar to biting through a carrot. You could prob rip your wrist open with your teeth if you wanted to but yep, self preservation kicks in.
Force not rice
Try it yourself
Try right now and bite your finger off.
Lost them all in 'nam, typing with my nose