>Get pulled over today
>Apparently my plate lights were out and my exhaust is far too loud
>Don't remember my exhaust ever being overtly loud
>Go home and test to see how loud it is
>MFW it now sounds like I don't even have a muffler
Well I guess I'm fucked. How much does it cost to fix an exhaust?
Get pulled over today
Bout 3.50
get the fuck out of here nessie
Really cheap and really easy. I’d say 100 at the most depending on the model.
Op is a nigger or a Mexican for sure
just run open headers like i do. sounds sick as fuck with a 6L v8
You're close. I'm white, but the car was originally owned by an entire family of mexicans that owned a taco shop.
just as much as it costs a cheap nikki minaj knockoff with daddy issues to blow you
Nah, Maine. The cop that warned me always sits in the same exact spot and they've never had a problem with neither the lack of plate lights (didn't even know my rust bucket had them) or how the exhaust sounds so I'm assuming that something happened to them within the past day or so. The car does sound pretty bad, but the cop circled me in a gas station parking lot as I was getting gas with the car off, so I'm at least 60% sure that I was being specifically targeted by them for some reason.
Has the note of the exhaust changed, or just the volume? If volume only, may just be damaged muffler or cats, if the note has changed at all, it may be an exhaust leak closer to headers.
I'm pretty sure it's an exhaust leak. I'll just bite the bullet and use an uber for the next few days and take it to a garage to see how much it'd cost to fix.
New headers + labor. Look up make and model on rockauto.
Mufflers are cheap to replace but manifolds will set you back. Noise coming from front or rear of vehicle?
Rear of the vehicle, I believe. I'm almost positive there's an exhaust leak in the front though because all the air it blows out smells like fumes.
>Ubering because your exhaust is too loud
Fucking what?
If you got a written warning and they pull you over for it again you can tell them you're working on it. As long as it hasn't been an absurd amount of time they'll leave you alone.
Also how about you stop drinking soylent out of BPA and taking estrogen pills. Go fucking look at why your exhaust is loud. Don't just take it to some nigger shop and tell them to fix it at any cost.
Don't be a car cuck sell your vehicle. Only faggot boomers drive nowadays.
lmao only in america could an exhaust be too loud
t. a faggot boomer.
>Go fucking look at why your exhaust is loud
It's 10pm and I don't even know what to look for.
>Only faggot boomers drive nowadays
You must've missed the part where I said I live in the spooky murder forest state full of crazy rednecks and cops that dislike loud noises.
I'm surprised as well man.
continue to drive your car in the same condition, when you are pulled over next ask for a field sobriety test of your own volition then proceed to strip down naked and get belligerent. if cop fights you, call him a fag for wanting to touch a naked man then claim police brutality after provoking him. you're in this for the long con, OP
>It's 10pm and I don't even know what to look for.
It's a series of tubes, like the internet.
You literally just look, listen, and feel.
Good job outing yourself as a leftist. Boomers do not do their own work. Boomers believe they're above it. It's why boomers imported boatloads of spics and gooks to do it for them.
Boomers sold out white nations because they're too lazy and dumb to do anything with their hands. And you're looking to continue that tradition. Keep getting pozzed shabbos goy. Meanwhile me and my stormers will be gassing hebrews, spiking kebabs, and buildinging faggots like you.
Preach. I had my CAT go a couple years back. Cost nigh on 300 big ones for parts and labour.
So move out of Bumblefuck with the money you get from selling off your legal and financial liability.
Also, when I was pulled over I accidentally gave them my ID instead of my Driver's License and I couldn't find my proof of insurance but they didn't seem to notice or care about me giving them an ID instead of a license and they didn't give two fucks about me not having a proof of insurance on me. I'm not exactly sure how cops work, but I thought those two things would be a bigger deal?
Sounds/smells like manifold problems. What kinda beater?
2008 Scion XB.
Damn, mom and pop shop deal? Just did mine but through dealer for OEM to the tune of 1k large
Proof of insurance is only a big deal if you're in an accident, but you could've still been fined for it (probably, depending on your state). The cop must've been in a good mood that day.
the y pipe cats in my 95 z28 shit the bed a few months ago and because i'm out here in commiefornia i had to pay almost double what i would have had to pay when i lived in nevada. luckily it was still under $500 bucks but i'm pissed pissed off about this hellhole's emission regulations. fucking star station smog bullshit
Check but I run a V8 on a truck so yours should be cheaper, esp if you have a good mechanic
Time to move user, the state will either burn up or fall off into the ocean.
This only happens if ur in a nigger infested state.California, Florida, NY(C) and Texas tend to be assholes about these documents - not the cops themselves, but then again theyre all struggling for cash in their departments so cops may have quotas to fill for handing out tickets
feels it. am trying to line up my life to move out to west virginia to be closer to my family and that fucking based pulled pork they make out there
Virginia isn't exactly the best place to move to at the moment.
why's that? and i'm thinking west virginia, not virginia if that makes a difference
If you have an exhaust leak there isn't necessarily a reason to replace the entire manifold.
You might just need a gasket somewhere along the line, or maybe it just came loose from the head, or at the bottom.
Or maybe there's just a crack in the collector that needs a bit of weld.
>2008 Scion XB.
Ya gotta check with your fixer but those seem a bit high for compact or smaller
handle biz Sup Forumsro and do what makes sense and makes you happy. You journey once on this mortal coil...
im also gay. If that matters...
I have been through this before. He thought you were someone else, when he saw your ID he realized the mistake. He brought up the exhaust and light so you can't scream harrassment or racism. Trust me. They all do it.
Did you look to see if you still had cats and muffler? Also it was probably just a bs excuse cops use to give fixit tickets and pull people ove.
Fuck it man just take em off the block and let it ride if your gonna do that
That'd explain why they slowly circled me in the gas station earlier. They weren't wrong though, my exhaust is so loud that it now sounds like I don't even have a muffler. No clue what happened to it since it usually sounds good.
You do not want to run no headers, you'll burn your exhaust valves. Enjoy rebuilding your head because you're retarded and think having flames shooting out into your engine bay is cool.
This might be a super easy repair if your even slightly mechanically inclined. A youtube video usually gives a great step by step for even the most exotic models.
If that's not what your into and your pretty sure your car just got louder I wouldn't worry too much. An exhaust shop or muffler shop will be able to get you up and running for cheap if you ask them to fix it in the cheapest way possible.
If you find out what's broken ebay has decent exhaust systems and parts for cheap cheap. Buy the parts and have them instal it. Call ahead first to make sure they do that.
I'm not sure if it's an entirely bullshit excuse because the exhaust does seem insanely loud now. The no plate lights thing is definitely absolute bullshit though.