Shrinking penny experiment:

Shrinking penny experiment:
1. Take a penny, must be newer than 1971.
2. Put it in the microwave for 2 minutes and 30 seconds EXACTLY—any shorter and it won't happen, any later and it could destroy your microwave.
3. Remove tiny penny.

Just discovered this through a friend who majored in physics. So cool!! Does anyone else know any cool, less known science tricks like this?

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Should have included more menial steps and then have the microwave the last step.

Are people these days really this stupid to fall for this?
This isnt baking cookies.

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Wtf it actually works lol

>>This isn't baking cookies
Ur right its microwavimg pennie

Yeah that's cool, but do you know how to make crystals using household cleaners? Didn't think so..

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How dumb must you be to think you can bait people like this

You idiot, you have to multiply the time by a correction factor based on the wattage of the microwave.

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Instructions unclear. Entire microwave now coated in a thin sheet of copper.

Whoa...nvm it actually works

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Gonna fill in OP's blanks since he's an idiot and you don't need a physics degree for this retarded shit...must be in a 1200w microwave


13 replies, 11 IPs, OP, you're not even trying

Will it work with uk pennies? Brb trying it....

Jesus H. Christ

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explain that one, obviously fake

I'm no mathematician, but I'll take a crack at explaining it:

they're clearly two different to demonstrate size?

OP is gay, not hurt seriously. What happens if you a 1971 in a microwave

it's a before/after pic, i guess smaller penniy == smaller year date???

>What happens if you a 1971 in a microwave

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OP here,

post those success pics so we can show these haters that it works!

#Happy2020Here'sATinyPenny Let's make it trend!!

morons dont know shit about electromagnetic coin shrinking

protip: yes you can do it with electromagnetism, but a microwave isn't electromagnetic. don't be a moron.

>mfw this shit is the most productive thread of the decade

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Are Sparks normal?

that's just the copper melting off, leaving you with a 100% zinc penis

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>zinc penis
gis results for zinc penis are disappointing
have a zinc
>zinc related

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put a grape in it. it's actually fun.
don't do it if it's new.

i meant, if the microwave is new.

>old grape

raisins won't work, it needs water to create the plasma, that's why I corrected myself

Yes, as the process requires a high level of voltage.

For the intellectual less-thans:

Short answer—yes, this CAN work. However, there are some major caveats here. There are many variables at play when it comes to successfully shrinking a conductive metal such as copper. First off, it must be in a completely dry environment devoid of ANY moisture. This is difficult, but not impossible, to do at home. It would take a lot of effort to make sure you get this step right. If it isn't completely dry, it simply won't work. Copper is a metal made up of copper atoms closely packed together. If we could look closely enough, we would see that there are electrons moving about between the copper atoms. Each copper atom has lost one electron and become a positive ion. So copper is a lattice of positive copper ions with free electrons moving between them. (The electrons are a bit like the particles of a gas that is free to move within the surfaces of the wire). The electrons can move freely through the metal. For this reason, they are known as free electrons. They are also known as conduction electrons, because they help copper to be a good conductor of heat and electricity. The key we're looking for here is a process called PYROLYSIS—it is essentially, in this context, the decomposition of metal due to being exposed to high levels of heat. Microwave-metal interaction pyrolysis has had led to successfully shrinking metal materials before it completely decomposes them. It is the foundation for the fictional concept "THE SHRINK RAY" a la "HONEY I SHRUNK THE KIDS", etc. So yes, it is very real—and yes, it can be achieved.

But first you have to completely dry the kids
>Honey, I Desiccated the Kids

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Will nickels work too we don't have pennies anymore

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I just saw lightning in my microwave, is this shit even safe?

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lol you got one OP. underage banned

lmao if you really think user would bother posting after getting yelled at by his parents. he'd be crying into a pillow.

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You bloody fucking mongoloids

get it moving.
more pics with microwave would help.

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You can put metal in new microwaves
Mine has a steel plug inside for a temperature probe.
Didn't have a new microwave...

i can confirm this gets you fucked up

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>microwave isn't electromagnetic
Ok rocket surgeon guy.... tell me what microwaves are then....

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They are Penny shrinkers, the gov doesnt want You to know tho

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pen for scale

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Antifreeze is poison

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I thought this was going to blow up my microwave but decided to do it anyways for some reason and it worked somehow.

very nice
for those who want to join in the fun for under $10

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not a penny, hold it with your index and thumb of your left hand

tldr so i just decide to believe yuo

Heres a YouTube of me microwaving a penny


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here you go

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Wtf op, it made my penny really big

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how much is a shrunk penny worth? we could be millionaires

This is incredible.

We shrunk pennies but how do we get them back to normal? Can we make them bigger? We could make limitless amounts of copper and sell it.

Wow, that's pretty crazy. Never knew that.

Didn't do it for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Fail

Nigahiga that 円十

My microwave is older than 1971. Is there some workaround or do I need to get a newer microwave for this to work?

nah, it's not

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No. But the middle part of a Toonie will.

This ducking thread.

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Fuck off. I need to sleep and laughter is waking me up.