Did anyone else here lose their life to a small town? Thats what did it to me. Fucking ruined everything...

Did anyone else here lose their life to a small town? Thats what did it to me. Fucking ruined everything. There is nothing worse than living in a small town

>only good life is being BORN in a big city
>if you live in a small town and move to a big city you have THE WORST LIFE in the world
>have to suffer childhood in a poor small town and then suffer just working 50 hours a week to pay rent in the big city too late to have any fun
>everyone else is just born in the big city gets to live life there make connections have help from parents
>never get to go on vacations family too poor
>never get to have a car with everything 40 miles way parents too poor
>never get to have fun
>no way to meet girls here
>nothing fun to do
>dont eve want to do anything and see the same 5 retards ive known for 80 years go and talk about you to everyone they know
>everyone hates each other here
>everyones poor
>didnt realize that literally every place in the world is warmer than me even shit holes like chicago, Denver, New Jersey, Seattle
>All fucking warm
>if i want to go to a concert its take a bus 3 hours, wait 2 hours, watch the concert for 45 minutes, wait overnight, take a 3 hour bus ride home
>talk to people in nyc and they literally just say oh Im bored just gonna go to a concert
>if you wanna drive anywhere you have to go down dark small dangerous snowy roads with no room and pot holes everywhere and fucking deer and giant 3 ton trucks going 90 mph
>sat alone in my room for years ruined my life
>i used to go outside, hang out with friends, do stuff all day long constantly hang out with people
>everyone here does meth they wont just smoke weed they shoot up everything they can
>everyone here is too retarded to know the difference because they dont talk to people from cities living the proper life
>nothing here to do but chores work for low wages come home and be bored
>have to be a literal retard to want to live out here
>i get trapped by god

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You're on probation in your small town for being black, right?

>>only good life is being BORN in a big city
Yeah I love high crime rates too.

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Bruh I lived in a tiny city called Mojave in California. Moved to Los Angeles and its hard as fuck. Literal wage slave pay check to pay check. I joined a school so now im full time school plus wage slave. No life at all its awful

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

Hate to burst your bubble, but life in a big city is no fun either, everything and everyone is fake, life has no real meaning and no one cares or knows about you. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side

That’s literally what I said in my post but o okay

move to another country?

>another country?
Move to big city.
Get job.
Work ass off.
Work ass off.
Work is life. Life is work.
20 years.
Finally free.
Live wherever you want.
Do whatever you want to do.
Buy whatever you want to buy.
This is the way it's done.

>Nothing to do
Work a lot, get some money saved up, move to city

Oh hey it's that black guy that blames his shitty situation on everything but his own lack of responsibility. "Hurr durr I'm stuck in a cold small town because i'm on probation for being black."
Maybe if you spent more time working and less time posting this shit here you wouldn't be "stuck"

No I tried literally everything and every time Disaster comes and rips it away. I told you it’s god

You're full of shit. What have you tried?

Saved up money, tried leaving, tried finding jobs, tried begging people over the internet in the city to let me pay them to stay there, made more money, Kris saving, barely spending anything, saving more, asking more people, researching on the internet for days hours weeks months non stop

Kept saving*

Ok so why exactly could you not leave? It's not making sense. You're saying you've saved money, but for some reason you still can't afford it? If you're that miserable you'd be better off being homeless somewhere than having a house where you are.

>Bitching about not being born in the correct part of your own COUNTRY
It’s not like it’s impossible to move

Why not start renting the house out and investing and looking at other cities? Doesnt have to be anything pretty sure places like Tampa still got most the things in a big city and cheaper to live in talkin like a couple hundred bucks a month type shit. Or theres cities in Texas and they still got a lot of the big city feel and shit to do but not crazy fucking expensive.

Idk some people here move and go to Myrtle beach but its still shit and depressing but its cheap and got a little bit of that tropical quiet feeling

Also Vegas is pretty fucking cheap

You're forgetting the part where he's on probation for DUI. So that's why he can't leave. I know this is a forced meme and bait at this point.. but still. If we piece all the shit that's been posted from this nigger we know all the details.

He's black. Got a DUI. Probably not his first for him to be on probation and granted he's lucky he got that. Usually it's a fine and alcohol and drug reentry program for first offense. Then it gets suspended and probation and you get the breathalyzer in your car. then you do 30 days.

So he has no license. No car cuz he can't drive legally. Can't work cuz he can't get there cuz he's poor and is probably in the South where there's no public transportation.. So how he saved money is beyond me. And most jobs do a background check so once they see DUI and no license he's deemed unreliable. So that's also why he can't relocate and get his probation transferred to another state if it really has to come to that.

In short. It's a LARP and/or a forced meme like logs. Fuck this nigger and sage goes in all fields

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grew up in a town of 13k, moved to a town of 650 for work. i now live in a town of 30k
>wages were lower but the cost of living was lower so i actually came out in the black after bills were due
>crime rate was nearly 0 due to knowing everyone in town. almost didn't need to lock your door or car
some aspects weren't great: dating sucks, shopping is a nightmare, doing "things" that aren't rurally based (i.e. hunting, fishing, etc.) are harder to do.

Yeah I don’t even care about crime anymore. Like if i lived in nyc i would probably just live in a normal neighborhood or if i lived in LA I’d live in Long Beach or something. I’m not really concerned about crime unless I’m right in the shit like the actual Compton grove or something.

Being robbed is better than this.

Yeah I’m a super genius. I have a bunch of money saved up and i work for myself so i can just make money where ever i live. I could afford to live in any city in the usa just being there without trying

yea you could do that... in another country where the process doesn't feel like shit

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>in another country where the process doesn't feel like shit

sorry user, there is no fantasy land where you feel good while you work.
Disney is a lie.
Friends is a lie.
Your parents failed.
It is now time you face the fact that you are a lazy, entitled snowflake.
good luck

Your life sucks because you suck end of story


Meh. I'm from a small town, currently live in a small town, and I'm planning to move to a smaller town some day. Fuck cities, fuck traffic, fuck crime, fuck people. I'm a software engineer and can work anywhere. Amazon can bring me anything. Small towns are what made Walmart, so I can get whatever I need. I raise veggies and meat to supplement shopping.

Are you hardcore rural though? I dont even have a city to drive to or anything literally impossible to go on vacations and shit and just come back to this depressing shit hole.

If i was in a small beach town in florida an hour away from something that’d be a totally different story but being in a cold shit hole and the only way to go be happy is to get on a plane and spend 3000 dollars staying somewhere for a week and then coming back to hell is shit

wow a new twist of the probation larp

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