ITT: Post pics of Asian girls and I'll make their BLACKED edits of their clothes or give them QoS tattoos.
Will also do BLEACHED/QoH edits if you ask.
Attached: d0rmagLh11vkqxi2o7_1280bl.jpg (1080x1084, 212K)
This is a pretty fucking gay fetish you have, bucko
This is a pretty fucking gay fetish you have, bucko
Thanks for your input, Jordan
Attached: d65b550f-485a-4329-bada-a6d67c279b6abl.jpg (800x788, 88K)
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Attached: 1578282425389.jpg (861x855, 316K)
ngl user, gifs are so incredibly fiddly to work with that if my thread were faster I wouldn't bother.
But it's slow, so I'll get it done for you.
Attached: 68351479250944_nbl.jpg (1080x1205, 198K)
Thanks user, I appreciate it, requesting a really dark black cock
Attached: 1578282425389bl.jpg (861x855, 440K)
queen of spades, tattoo/symbol for girls who fuck black guys
Attached: 66648727_2338994572843857_1578508495507079788_nbl.jpg (1080x1350, 176K)
Queen of Spades. Google it
Hot, would really love seeing her wearing this..
Not really often for 5'0 Vietnamese girls I guess
Attached: IMG_0011.jpg (1024x684, 67K)
Do you have a higher res image to work with?
On it.
Attached: B79C3FC2-CA29-472A-8CFF-595F720CB5DDbl.jpg (2048x1365, 730K)
please either one, would be so hot
Attached: 6891364_4058556998033583603_n.jpg (1080x1292, 304K)
Tat my wifes ass?
Attached: B2BDB818-5FCE-460F-87B1-F78DA1BFC4D7.jpg (1536x2584, 614K)
These are so hot man
Attached: A276B230-277A-4325-BF54-2CB087DEA27B.jpg (1080x1345, 134K)
Do another ass pic for me too plz
Attached: 901936F9-9492-4632-BC2A-9D2A73D0923A.jpg (3024x4032, 1.57M)
double non asian request
Attached: 407_767125713342825_1919424881_n.v1.jpg (1062x1062, 202K)
Can you get anything out of this?
Attached: 1578284264078.jpg (1065x1037, 504K)
Pleased you like them.
Attached: A276B230-277A-4325-BF54-2CB087DEA27Bbl.jpg (1080x1345, 251K)
Fuck yeah i do
Attached: 9E333E18-8233-4EA6-B4C3-EA52D25DF62B.jpg (1080x1350, 332K)
i would also like to see if this gif could grt blacked
Not really, sorry.
Working on it, but gifs are tough. You gotta go frame by frame which makes it slow. Coming Soon.
Attached: 86880654_1776907534035246735_nb;.jpg (1080x1080, 242K)
Bunch of cucks in this thread.
Attached: D-2YuGUVAAA_KJK.jpg (1200x900, 162K)
Would be nice!
Attached: 2018-09-15_00.41.29.jpg (1062x1046, 774K)
Attached: 2019-02-23_18.23.18.jpg (864x864, 347K)
One on her hip
Attached: 7FDA6BD6-4A3E-4401-B9D5-040BEA7D41B7.jpg (640x781, 71K)
Attached: D-2YuGUVAAA_KJKbl.jpg (1200x900, 237K)
something so sexy about girls wearing slutty black pride wear. i love it
Attached: 1548406998023.jpg (1080x1080, 96K)
how about with blacked word on it?
Attached: 1577813522165.jpg (640x626, 517K)
Fuck yes, just a Q in a spade tat for this insta thot please
Attached: 57e3664429jf.png (438x822, 830K)
GIF is slowly happening. When I go a while without posting edits, that's me working on gif frames.
Attached: 62429850_1671099063024073_8045869055160562158_nl.jpg (1135x1250, 339K)
Attached: 1577813522165bl.jpg (640x626, 540K)
can you do my gf's ass?
Attached: 8DC4366F-7F1B-49DC-978E-D8965AB75EBC.jpg (1242x1903, 1.15M)
are Indian girls considered Asian?
Attached: 928858_1059455634088695_60424123_n.jpg (540x1080, 87K)
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can you do the waistband of her panties? maybe a tattoo?
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Hip! You fucking nigger loving kike! Can't you tell the difference between the hip and the thigh?
They are considered street shitting Asians.
Gee user, you could just ask me to fix it
Not what I meant but I like that pic so I'll allow it
Attached: 57e3664429jfbl.png (438x822, 649K)
here's another pic in case that ones tough, can try to do her waist band and bra
Attached: 15803683_1786449631606792_10735116137529344_n.jpg (889x1094, 145K)
Give me a womb one if ya can
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Fuck yes I love it, thank you
Attached: 356897557.jpg (1080x1920, 282K)
damn, very subtle and sexy, thanks
Sure can.
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Attached: 98797978517bl.jpg (1280x960, 273K)
what ever you can do
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how fucked would it be if this ended up looking like shit
t. 30 minutes of gif editing
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