I hate lesbians so fucking much

I hate lesbians so fucking much

Attached: ENi_krwXsAAAMSp.jpg (2048x1190, 413K)

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poop tastes good

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I remember when lesbians where just ugly fat girls, this is just depresent

this looks like it smells awful

Also fags in general are worthless; female fags are no exception at all.

I will kidnap them and have them Join my harem


Attached: 1571E241-88B9-4FA5-9D9E-3C13173F0932.png (300x300, 23K)

Dont you feel betrayed when you see a lesbian?

No because I'm not a fucking child and mind my own business

>my harem
*mom's basement

every girl i have dated has switched teams on me.
even my ex wife
whats wrong with me?

looks like you just can't get laid, my friend

Wow, your game is so shit you made women switch teams

They're not lesbians. They're children that believe loving something other than what their supposed to makes them morally superior. They have a preference, they just don't want you or themselves to believe it's a man.

those are dykes

lesbians are hot, dykes are hideous or fat

Well you're on Sup Forums, for one.

That's a lot of words for "I have a small penis".

7 including ex wife

The girl on the right is hot as fuck and has huge tits. Are you fucking gay?

well can you blame them? a lot of guys are really not that attractive, i mean physically. and there are a lot of bitch made faggots who pursue women for some reason.

i fear that one day ALL women will because lesbians and ALL men will have to buy fake sex dolls just to have something

I banged a lesbo on the reg for a few months then when i asked her if she wanted to date she said "i'm sorry i'm still a lesbian"

Attached: 32dbrf.jpg (750x508, 34K)

Or kidnap

there are no lesbians. only women who failed to get a man.


Sooooooo you only date lesbians? Are you super feminine? Maybe they thought dating you would be socially acceptable but then realized that they still loved pussy regardless of how lady like you look?

That’s cool. I’m pretty sure they don’t give a shit about you either.

Jacking a load out to Swimsuit Succubus isn't wrong.

Ahaha, this. They're too busy fucking each other to care what OP thinks on Sup Forums

The samefag is strong

The lesbians I know, with one exception, are naaasty.

He's baiting you dumbass

Is OP just talking to himself now?

others have said i look like 1960's Jesus

Well sheeeeeeeit

Ah, confirmed woman then


half truth

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you're just salty no girls will touch your peepee

>others have said i look like 1960's Jesus
Is this code for faggot?


>Is this code for faggot?
how the fuck am i so post to know?
post a pick of any dude and user will say "he looks gay:

You fucking basement dwelling incel, it is literally the best thing in the world. You get to watch (or better yet participate in) sex without having to look at another dude. It legitimizes the lust you feel toward them because both of them are expressing the same lust for each other. You can project yourself into the role of ether one of them at will... and you are always the alpha male in the encounter. You're just jealous because you can't even get one woman.

So Tom Brady looks gay to you?

Bro, you do realize we aren't talking about fucking porn stars, right? Those women are being paid money to fuck each other

Don't know what your problem is. Most of the girls I've dated over the past ten years have been bi. All of them have wanted MFFs. 80% of the time I fucked both chicks, though about 20% were lesbian and wanted both of us to focus on the girl I was with. Never had a reason to complain.

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I hate watching woman being fucked, I want to fuck them myself

damn, all of those girls. that's some good skin right there.
t. cosmetic retailer

So Tom Brady looks gay to you?

Attached: tom.jpg (297x170, 12K)

Wait, is that real?

>So Tom Brady looks gay to you?

Attached: gay tom.jpg (273x185, 9K)

Not him but Tom Brady does come across as low-key gay

Not Brady, but funny Farv:

If you never had two chicks give you a private show as foreplay, then I can only imagine what you look like, or maybe the backwoods you must live in. You need to get out and live more, user.

Wrong link.

that is what i fear all girls are 20% bi.
soon it will be 30% then 50% then 75% then 100% full lesbo,
>and i will be forever alone

yes, than they asked me to leave.
so i had to jerk it to /u/

Nah. My girl loves some pussy, but she cannot live without dick.

are you sure about that

are you sure?

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