YLYL post an image or dont post at all edition

YLYL post an image or dont post at all edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bite me nigger

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ill dump a few

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C-c-c-combo breaker

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im too drunk to do more, some other fags contribute something

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Pretty garbage tier thread tbh

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fucking retarded cunts you were supposed to post something funny instead of proving how autistic you are


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Nows a good time to hang yourself
If you were waiting for a sign this is it

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you know what makes me laugh? girls who claim to neither have daddy issues or be fans of nikki minaj

>"it's n-not like I want you to do it or anything..."

it's always the new fags complaining in a ylyl thread

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Fuckin lost

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Why do the female chair-person's privates need to be covered, but the male's do not? Let's see some chair-person Rule 34!

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thread's gay

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most of the shit you posted was actually dogshit and you should feel ashamed for ever having thought they would be even remotely funny

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I mean, he said the female body, not the pizza the hutt body.

Still waiting for this skin to be available on COD

Lmfao you just made my day user!

the way it's screenshotted from reddit is a nice touch

Oh so the terrorists are dangerous, because they're like those Autists that are really good at one thing?

without the bikini it would not be clear that it is a woman. Might as well be Noel Fielding. Even with a bikini this might be Noel Fielding

Opposed to getting it through CNN or FAUX news. Nothing wrong with wanting to be a part of the system you're forced to live in. Forming your own opinions and talking to others is the only way to learn.

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That nigchinklet face

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Fucking kek

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>Being an American
>Thinking your political opinions formed in some way that doesn't parallel this

I'm from the Midwest (not Chicago, fuck Illinois) and only about 1% of the people willing to talk politics have thoroughly thought out views and philosophies that they decided on themselves.

The rest all mirror something.
Some mirror CNN, some mirror the view, some mirror their favorite TV show character, etc etc

It's really fucking sad.
If we would stop letting others shape our opinions, I think we could have some legitimate political discourse that isn't just the equivalent of
>you're a Libtard!
>You're a Trumptard!
>you're an Idiot independent!

I've lost a lot of faith in the American populous, but this might drive me to get politically involved. We'll see, I guess

>Inb4 blog

Being this special kind of snowflake.
I bet you are also LITERALLY the joker, right retard?

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Well, it's like you have no idea how DNA works.


>conveniently leaving out dogs
ahh the intellectual dishonesty of racism


No. The movie was well done though.

Let's hear your political positions since you're so quick to condescend.

Gay ass advertisement

Is this real or satire?
I honestly can't tell.
It's a nice mix of cringe and funny.

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>psyop tier meme

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pretty accurate desu

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You say conveniently like dogs have a tie to asian primates or large cats

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hey that's birb reynold

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It's real. I've seen it on cable late at night

deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material which is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information.

the number of likes just breaks my heart lmao

no it's not real but something similar was sold back when he was elected

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you're just telling me what dna is, can you explain what constitutes a sub species and why that doesn't apply to humans?

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picture version only faggots

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He meant that dogs are an example of a species having incredibly diverse looks

Skin color is based on genetic expression of melanin. Different expression levels of melanin doesnt mean a different sub species

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