It's 2020 you fucks, how successful are you?

It's 2020 you fucks, how successful are you?

1) Age
2) Annual Salary(or hourly rate)
3) Job Position Title
4) COL market(low,medium,high)
5) Debt Value(other than mortgage)

>Financial Analyst
>$0 debt

Attached: str8 up rich bitch.jpg (539x960, 70K)

>"how successful are you?"
>goes on to only mention economic success

virgin fatass loner OP detected

1) 32
2) 60,000$ usd
3) CEF - chief executive faggot
4) the fuck is COL?
5) lick my nutz

>Financial analyst

Attached: MV5BZmI4ZDllZDgtZTYxYS00M2UxLTllNjUtM2YxY2M2ZDFmYWZkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUwNzk3NDc@._V1_.jpg (1000x563, 47K)

okay so if i mention i have a wife and family that loves me, that wouldn't have made me look like more of a bragger? asking simple questions mother fucker

60k + bonuses
MSP sysadmin
TF is CoL?

Cost of Living

>Trash man
>high (big city full of techie hipster faggots like you)

Attached: 15-1n016-sanitation1-c-300x300.jpg (300x300, 17K)

Made a few self running companies and I have an abandoned nuclear bunker being used as a weed farm generating £2m a year.

is that Mitch McConnell?

Thx. I'd say medium (CT fag. Taxes out the butthole)

It ought to be.

I created all of James Bonds gadgets and lease a wing of the pentagon to grow weed.

im a 26 year old community college student who works for his dads company (doing the laziest job he has available). so not very successful.

:) Awk, Maybe someday buddy.

1) 29
2) US 125,000 w2 + 40k rental income
3) Software Developer / landlord
4) Denver
5) only mortgage debt

and no college degree

25/hr 70-100hrs a wk
Hydrovac Operator

>Software Developer
>50k ish

The year has been off to a pretty bumpy start!!

Attached: 1578113439598.jpg (547x461, 89K)

nice that's how it's done user

damn dude, that's a lot of hours

18/hr, 42k average (depending on overtime)
Traffic Technician
Medium? Housing costs are about 120k for 1000sqft
Zero debt, besides mortgage

Government job, contractors get almost twice as much as I do, in CA my same job is about 78k starting in government. My job was re-titled some years ago in order to justify paying less wages while still requiring same duties/responsibilities, in addition to tacking on subordinate duties as well.

traffic technician as in traffic counts?
as in pneumatic machines counting vehicles and cameras?

Extremely low
No debt.

pic related is everyone in this thread

Attached: 1555992454534.jpg (640x640, 61K)

How the fuck am i bragging about 40k a year, 20k in debt and being a trash man?

1) 40
2) $106,000 CAD last year
3) City Govt
4) high
5) 5 or 6k but I'll be 0 in a few months. (I owe maybe 270k on a house worth 465k)
Single income with wife and 2 kids. New SUV. Also i hate my life and am trapped for the next 20 years until I hopefully die early.

Are you US? How do you get health insurance?

Broke ex-gambler
$10,000 a year
Social security

Did 6 years in the army reserves. So va. I'm the retired guy

Computer fucker and pajeet whisperer
High col

I'm the other guy.. basically can retire if it weren't for healthcare costs.. fuck paying $1,500/mo for my healthy family that never uses it

>18000 debt

No as in traffic signal lights and associated equipment. We don't do any counting or red light cameras, that's usually contracted for way too much money. The counters probably get paid more than I do. Red, yellow, green, all that shit is what traffic techs do. When drunk drivers run into them, who do you think puts them back up? Either contracted construction crews with a traffic tech, or as in the case of most governments, the traffic tech does the entire job.

I've built entire intersections from the digging, concrete, poles, wiring, lights, programming, etc.

>radiation protection supervisor
>east idaho so very low
>32k on 2 vehicles

1) 34
2) $224k total ($160 base, $32k stock bonus, $32k cash bonus)
3) Software Engineer
4) Low. Midwest
5) $0 consumer debt. Paid off student loans last year.

Salary progression for me:
Year 1) $50k (first job)
Year 2) $60k
Year 3) $65k
Year 4) $80k (new job)
Year 5) $100k (new job)
Year 6) $110k
Year 7) $115k
Year 8) $125k
Year 9) $170k (new job, bigger bonus component)
Year 10) $185k
Year 11) $224k (big promotion, put me in a new band/class)

Considering looking for a new job soon, current one has kind of capped out for me.

I was honestly expecting OP to say Sous chef at Wendys

Thats pretty damn cool, though.
I was what youbrefer to as a counter here in CA.
I set up the cameras and pneumatic machines.
yeah the contract could be for 30k but i got paid per location.
$25 per machine, $35 per camera.
wasnt that great.
What YOU do is waaay more interesting, valued and actually requires skill and experience.
Here in Los Angeles, you guys make 80k and up.

>Year 9)
>Year 10)
>Year 11)

What was your job progression like those years? I'm coming up on year 8 and trying to break the 125k

That's awesome user. I'm SE too, I kinda wanna start my own company if I can, make some good money and more flexibility.

>1) 23
>2) $80k total
>3) Software Engineer
>4) Low, Midwest
>5) $5k college, plus a mortgage which isn't too much.

I switched jobs to a company with a "bad" reputation. They have to pay higher to attract talent because of it. They are known, or were known, for having a quick trigger wrt to layoffs.

I wasn't super worried about this because I had just paid off my loans and felt like I had some cushion to take some risks.

The two important factors for those years 9 - 11:

1) Being in a 'hot', not super commodity development niche. I switch to this niche 5 years ago. This helps you argue for higher base salary coming in.

2) Getting to director level engineer (Principal Engineer at this company). That put me at a level where I was suddenly getting almost 40% bonus (stock and cash), compared to just a 15% cash bonus in the level lower.

This kind of setup is very common among the FANG peeps, but is harder to get in the midwest.

I formed an LLC with a friend and we made a run at it with a couple ideas but nothing took off.

It is much harder than I expected it to be. Will try my hand at it again sometime hopefully.

>I formed an LLC with a friend and we made a run at it with a couple ideas but nothing took off.
>It is much harder than I expected it to be. Will try my hand at it again sometime hopefully.
Damn, I'm hoping to do the same thing with a buddy of mine. He's busy coaching right now but will be free in the spring. I wanna start the project and then we see it though. Ik an old "friend" some Indian raising money with some classmates to launch this website, basically I wanna jew them out of it and zuck them because they wanna hire some Indian company for like $3k to do it and it's a solid idea. What other tips would you recommend? I won't leave my job until things are looking good and we have a solid product.

Holy fuck anons, why are you partaking of the shills trying to get analytics of who is on here? Like god damn shut up and lurk moar.

But how do you measure success?

> annual salary 170k/year +
>not sure what COL is
>500k in debt due to student loans

>I'm self employed so I don't have a salary. I brought in 220K last year though.
>As above, no job title
>WTF is COL you skinny faggot?
>33K, but it will be paid by end of year and not using credit anymore

10,000 day (rare) but from my films it was 330,000
Film Director
30,000 student loans

How the fuck are you 53 and don't know what COL is

sorry i picked the wrong user

>62k + bonus
>Field Chemist
>Low? What is our basis? Food costs/mortgage? Then low.
>45k debt, just graduated college last June.

Oops, meant 35k debt. I think I actually only owe like 25k, but fuck interest

Dental assistant
Low, $300-$350 a week covers essentials
$10k student loan (unrelated to current job)

1) 21
2) $42 and $46 CAD
3) both in corrections
4) don't know what that is
5) $0

>2019 was 285,000
>owner operator truck driver
>if you don’t include truck payment low
>10,000 if counting truck and trailer add another 150k

Earthmover Tyre fitter/on floor supervisor
$470,000 debt (just built a house)

4)the fuck?

also fuck captcha

1) 41
2) 240k MXN (around 12k USD)
3) senior graphic designer
4) mid (for Mexico)
5) like 300USD or so. (not counting 200k MXN mortgage)

Sous Chef at Wendy's

Team manager(call center)
0 debt

Oh wow, you have $19...

75k at 27 is not really successful m8. That's pretty low

Hope this aint a LARO. Shit’s going to be automated in 10 years time

1) 30
2) $48k + $95k in assets
3) Entrepreneur, Crypto-investor, and 12% owner of Bombay Grill House in NYC
4) High
5) $4k


perpetual NEET

> 30
> 420k last year including deferred comp
> Quant at a bulge bracket bank, VP
> high
> currently 11k on credit card

Dentist told me I needed a root canal for a "deep cavity close to the nerve". Can't that be fixed with a filling? Should I get a second opinion?

Dentist said I needed a root canal for a "deep cavity close to the nerve". Should I get a second opinion? Can't that be fixed with a filling?

You sound like a loser dirtbag deadweight who'll fuck up a good idea even if you manage to succeed stealing it from pajeet

>1) Age 26
>2) Annual Salary(or hourly rate) 116k
>3) Job Position Title "supervisor"
>4) COL market HIGH
>5) Debt Value 0$ (but 300k mortgage)

1) 68
2) retired but last made $120K, live on rentals now
3) Embedded Software Engineer
4) medium
5) no mortgages, 3 rental houses + ranch, million in Roth IRA

>none(not even neetbucks)
>wtf is that

Gonna end it this year if nothing good happens. Then again I said that last year and instead of ending it went to a mental ward.

go to a second dentist. but you're not going to argue with a dentist dude. they are going to do the operation they want. whether they are motivated by money or the desire to truly help you, who knows.
but either way you're not going to tell someone how to do their job.
if you suspect something is wrong anyhow, go get a 2nd opinion in person. exams don't cost much.

>1 27
>2 1 billion million
>3 assistant manager at wendys
>4 im duckin high
>5 no debt

Today I jacked off only twice