Hey Trump supporters, how are you retarded bags of human feces doing today...

Hey Trump supporters, how are you retarded bags of human feces doing today? Are you fucking stupid people now in favor of endless wars in the middle east when it's literally the opposite of what Trump campaigned on?

I mean I know you're all pretty fucking dumb, but this is reaching comical levels.

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Could you leave?

Yeah well I'm man enough to admit that I fucked up and voted for him.

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Not even close. We're defending the little common sense left in this stupid country filled with red hat pussies.

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What "common sense" are you even blabbering about? So you're fine with smelly arabs attacking our embassies?

Said like a true nigger

OP training for the coming civil war.

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In 50 years you're gonna have decrepit lemon party trumpfags still proclaiming Drumpf was the greatest president* evar

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Nah that's not the same. Rolling the dice on him wasn't the smartest but it wasn't totally unreasonable. The insane shit he's doing isn't because he was voted in, it's because so many people still support him.

If you no longer support him then you're not a Trump supporter.

Good for you man. We need more people who can learn from their mistakes and work towards doing better next time.


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ITT: The same people say the same shit to each other that they have been saying since 2016.

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I'm feeling good friend, thanks for asking. Looking forward to 5 more years.

What war? I see no war.

I think you may have the retarded.

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Rent free.

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I made my choice for 2020. Sorry Trump, you fucked up, you're a zionist cuck. I wanted a wall not more subservience to Israel.

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Come on retard, we all know you would have opposed this if Obummer did it. You can fool your own stupid mind, but the rest of us know this was the exact opposite of what Trump's supporters wanted, and now they've changed their minds because they're actually so fucking dumb that they think supporting him is still in their best interest. Just... really fucking stupid human beings. Straight up retards.

>now in favor of endless wars
ffs - he killed an Iranian general in IRAQ and the libs come unglued.

seriously, it's literally time to convert to islam and move your fat ass to Iran.

>if Obummer did it.

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If things had been exactly the same, no I wouldn't have opposed Obama doing it. But that's the difference between me and people like you. You treat politics like it's a fucking sport and you're on a team. But on that note, if Trump had done nothing instead and another embassy got attacked, you would bitch about that as well and call him weak. By the way let's not act like Obama was some fucking saint. He went into Libya with Hillary and droned the shit out of the middle east for years. But you retards were perfectly fine with it back then.

This belongs on pol

Somehow kingshitforbrains will convince the little shitforbrains that this was Biden's Ukraine deal.

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hell yeah!! feelin better by the day asshole. cant wait to see what tomorrow brings!!!!

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I love when you stupid fucking retards claim you don't just vote for your team. Polling proves the exact opposite. Republicans change their opinions dramatically depending on who is in charge. Dems barely do. Facts are facts.

op, how sever is your daddy issues today? didnt wank off enough to nikki minaj?

>Dems barely do. Facts are facts.

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The fact you brought up polls just proves how fucking brain washed you are. It's actually sad. But sure, everyone else is the problem here, not you.

Lol, "It's no big deal that Trump is trying to escalate tensions with Iran. Who cares?" You stupid fucking bag of retarded shit. Anyone who wants the US to stop participating in forever wars doesn't want tensions escalated with Iran. That used to be the entire Republican party before Trump did the opposite of what he promised, and now you fucking stupid retards are falling all over yourself to commit yourself to these pointless fucking wars.

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>op, how sever is your daddy issues today? didnt wank off enough to nikki minaj?
that's a great way to show you are 12

Imagine being so fucking stupid that you would interpret "this was a pointless escalation that will ultimately put American lives and interests needlessly in danger" as a defense of Iran.

Trump supporters are straight up stupid human beings. They're fucking idiots.

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>trying to escalate tensions
That piece of shit is personally responsible for at least 600 American soldiers deaths, thousand of Iranian civilians, and just attacked a US embassy.

So, according to the dems, we should just grin and take it up the ass.....

You sir, are a piece of shit. A literal piece of shit.

But yeah.... Thanks for cementing Trump's 2nd term tho....

Hey, I have no idea!


But answer me this. How do you feel about going out of your way to create this thread, on an imageboard and asking a bunch of strangers silly questions? And then, watch your little thread disappear forever in a couple of hours?
I mean, we get you must feel really powerless regarding shit you can't control but to ACTUALLY save pictures of Trump on your hard-drive so you can post them later..I know you're pretty desperate for attention, but this is reaching comical levels!!!!

>So you're fine with smelly arabs attacking our embassies?
You seem confused. Soleimani's killing will inflame tensions and surely lead to more attacks on our embassies and missions.

The next attacks may not even be bloodless jokes like the last one was.

Go fuck yourself

It's going to lead to attacks that were going to happen anyway? Kool

Except now WWIII is coming lol

How does it feel knowing Trump is still your president and will be your president till 2024?

Why? Can't you handle the fucking truth? At least defend yourself you fucking chickenshit.

Hey retard, thanks for coming and participating in my thread. I really appreciate it.

>projection. Possibly not wrong, but definitely still projection.

Because frankly he won't be. Even on the off chance that Trump wins, Congress will be solid Democrat and we will remove him from office.

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Jethro Bodine and family

This is the typical Trumptard response. These people literally have no grey matter upstairs.

As fucking if. Only people who are unaware of the indiscriminate bombing Obama did think that shit was okay. Saying he was better than Trump is not saying we were okay with the shit Obama did.

>It's going to lead to attacks that were going to happen anyway?
This is a pretty serious reading comprehension fail.

He reddit fag. Are you too stupid to realized we voted for the lulz? Why is everything about policy with you libtards. Stop taking life so seriously. - signed, all Republicans

the grey matter is in the mushroom cock they suck to stay alive

>durr obama
shut up trumpshit

At least you admit you're a piece of shit.

I don't give a shit about your political opinions; every website on the planet is infested with people who can't shut the fuck up about politics for five minutes because they think they are smart. What does you being mad about an election that happened three years ago have to do with Sup Forums? What does spamming Sup Forums accomplish?

it's you Republicans who are losing your shit because your Presidency is falling apart

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WWIII was coming because of the North Korean situation years ago too. You people lose your shit and start spamming websites over everything.

Trump is a total piece of shit and I hope he gets a quiet pill from Iran.

Reread the message you responded to fuckface

>Hurr hurr voted for the lulzzzzzzzz and definitely not because I'm a stupid piece of shit this is totally gonna piss off some snuuuuuuflake

If only this was something I could laugh at. But no, many thousands of people will die because of this fucking moron and the ones here that support him really have no idea what's going on since they only watch Fox News.

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oh good, the trumpshit guy is here. i was starting to miss you.

Yes. Definitely appears so by the OP’s faggotry. And the general Sup Forums threads daily

Oh you give a shit. Because you're the target. And you can't defend the fact you "elected" an incompetent puppet who needs to be removed from office.

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He's gonna win again. How does that make you feel?

North Korea was also a possible starter of WWIII. You say that like we should just be okay with this dipshit orange man playing Risk with all of our lives.

You clearly need to be reminded of your status on a daily basis. You are a stupid stupid person user. Go on, tell me how you're going to vote for Trump because I called you stupid, which you are.

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Sounds like I succeeded tho...

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I can't stand Trump. I also can't stand electionfags. I will tell you the same thing that I would tell a coomer, a brony, or a furry: You've won, you are so insufferable that they made you your own board. Use it.

Once this guy is out of office, you'll find something else to get upset about. Repeat. Repeat. Post again tomorrow. Save another image of Trump. Repeat. Repeat.
You definitely are upset over shit which has NO measurable impact on your life. How's that for the definition of insanity?

>an incompetent puppet
word yo.

But Obama did kill Osama bin Ladin. That was fucked up too.

>Trump supporters are straight up stupid human beings. They're fucking idiots.
I run into them a few times a week at work.
Stupid is an understatement.
I don't talk politics with them, but they are quick to say how great trump is.
I think it's them trying to connect with other morons to justify voting for an imbecile.
I have NEVER had a customer start a conversation about Obama, Clinton, Bernie, or ANY democrat. NEVER.

Republicans are unironically the biggest snowflakes in American history.

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It's just funny how transparent you retards are.

Great. What does Sup Forums have to do with it? How does what you said translate to the need for 50+ threads per day when they have made a board for idiots who want to argue about politics all day.

>I can't stand Trump
>but I'm going to attack those who can't stand him
doesn't work that way
>>Sup Forums
because you're the target of these threads
you got trump elected face it

Do you realize that literally every time you post Sup Forums you're just bumping the thread again? We're talking about it here. Hide the thread if you want to go back to your fuckin porn threads, trash.


You ACTUALLY saved that pic to your hard drive so you can use it in a thread?? Hahahahahaha. I think you're projecting some serious gay fantasy shit in here.

But you do you, you crazy boy!!!!

The thing to do would have been to end the entire conflict itself and turn it over to the UN, but Obama was the one behind the wheel frankly driving the country run by Republicans. He was in over his head and had to walk the walk as Commander in Chief.

idk I didn't start the thread, fuck off

>Trump killed my leader, you all dumb

>at work.
like you have a job....

I'm not attacking you because you can't stand Trump you fuckwit, I'm attacking you because you are a spammer that is no different from a brony, a coomer, or a blacked.com poster.

LOL. keep thinking that, wasn't Hilary suppose to present according to liberals and it was going to be a blue wave?


go to bed junior

Capcha had your short bus on it!

I use sage, it doesn't bump the thread. Electionfags are far worse than pornfags too btw.

>durr hurr hillery
every time you bring her up you have another rash on your penis

iran isn't going to do shit u retarded nigger.

fuck off trumpshit

Jesus. Someone's upset their goat fucking terrorist is dead. We showed iran not to fuck with is. You should stop sucking dick it's making you emotional

hide shill threads kys kike.

Sage doesn't work anymore since moot left. That feature has been disabled.

You mean you're upset that we're identifying another Article of Impeachment.

Yeah... no it hasn't, it works fine. Try it on a thread that is on like page 5 and see for yourself.

makes me feel right in assuming there are a lot of dumb motherfuckers in this country, and we deserve the downfall of the American hegemony that is ultimately coming.

They Took Our Jobs! is about the only thing i hear when talking with one.
> Fun fact 400 mom & pops companies closed in 2019 because some how trump is making america great.. lmao

but but but its socialwism.
im right wing and truptards are fucking retards. i literally talked to them IRL slooooooow motha fuckas