This guy from my town died in 1994. My friends and I are thinking about digging him up. Should we?
This guy from my town died in 1994. My friends and I are thinking about digging him up. Should we?
Remember to post pics.
no, it's illegal
Is there any particular reason you want to do this?
U a gen x er?
Why him and not a fresh young girl corpse?
Let him fucking rest in peace fag
His grave is out of the line of sight from the road which was the main reason. Plus it was someone who died within the past 30 years so that's mostly why. Not a sexual thing just curious. Not even sure what we'll see.
You'll see his dead body
The horrors that you will unearth will follow you until your doom.
Tread not on this man's rest.
Why that faggot?
Yeah but why this dude? There's not so much of a difference between 26 years of decomposition and 70 years. You might as well did up someone who's been dead for so long no one would get pissed about the grave being dug up
Males are such assholes
he had nice teeth
well just make sure you put him back the way you found him
yuck how gay
did he died from his eyes being too far apart?
>thinking you'll get the concrete burial vault open
Better bring more than just a few guys.
>nice teeth
Keep a few for souvenirs.
as long as youre home before supper
Newfagging much
We need a before and after pic of him smiling, op.
>Should we?
Probably not. From what I'm reading, most of the body will be gone. Skin will still be there, so will pretty much look like a skeleton wrapped in human leather.
Do it. Lets see a body!
Sounds cool
now I really want to see what he looks like now!
>Should we?
Like legally? No.
Morally? Dude he doesn't care, he's dead.
Yes. You should always take the opportunity to dig up a corpse when it comes, because you never know when it will come again.
He cute. I'd have sex with him.
Any reason in particular? Also if you do it, post pics.
enjoy your stay in federal prison if you do this. more then likely some one here got your ip dress and will give It to the cops and rightfully so!
That's a photo of me..
Only if you document your findings
How many of you are doing this? Shit ton of digging for one or two of you.
It's going to be a soupy funky mess.
Pics on infinity chan when you do it
Why dig up your friend when you can look in the obituary to see if any lolis have recently gone to loli heaven?
Now we're talking OP
Better chance of nice jewelry, on someone older.
I recommend not doing this for the reasons below:
>massive waste of your time and effort, so boring
>You may imagine it's something worth see, but it's just a dead corpse at the end of the day and you can see plenty of those online
>You may actually have nightmares about this and though you might not imagine it now, it could be something that gives you ptsd in the future or reoccurs in nightmares.
>the above sounds unlikely but this is something that will have 1. a grotesque smell to it and 2. a god awful sight.
>the above are perfect ways to permanently ingrain a memory
Hey I have good news. Seth MacFarlane is still alive.
So wear a respirator then? Or full on gas mask?
fuck you Brendan
Are you fucking retarded? All you will get is a pile of shit with an awful sulfur smell, maybe you will get a disease, if you're lucky.