I went shooting for the first time today. How did I do?

I went shooting for the first time today. How did I do?

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You went to the range and hit more shots than any of those idiots who will come here to say "your shooting is crap" ...but did not go to the range themselves.

They missed 100% of the shots they didn't take.
You at least did something real.

Keep up the good work.

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Were all of these with you aiming at center mass? What distance and what gun were you shooting?
There's not even enough precision to tell how you're aiming wrong

ya did good, practice makes better

Not too shabby for a first go I know a few who missed the target completely with half the shots they took first time they were at a range.

30 yards and I think my buddy said it was a nk40 pistol

consistently hitting paper at 30 yards isnt bad if its your first time shooting. Next time bring the target in to 7-10 yards so you can practice better accuracy than just minute of man

need more head shots
best regards true gamer

I disagree.

I say keep the target at 30 yards.
That's the standard "you are expected to hit a man-sized target at this range" -distance.
you should familiarize yourself to shoot at that range.

Bringing the target closer is playing on easy mode. Don't teach yourself to be accustomed to the "kiddie pool".

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When you're new to shooting, artificially challenging yourself will make it harder to learn the fundamentals. It's easier to get immediate feedback at 7 yards when you're trying to learn how to do a flat trigger break or train out a flinch, how to hold a proper sight picture etc.
I agree that getting comfortable at 30yrds is a good idea too, but you gotta walk before you can run.
Would you suggest someone learn how to shoot a rifle at 300 yards?

This is terrible advice. If you end up in a situation where you have to shoot someone it's almost always within 5 yards. Practice at 7 then work your way up. This helps with getting your trigger pull down precisely and making all the small adjustments.

It depends on what gun you were using, how many shots you took total , where you were aiming at for each hit, and how far you were from the target.

Think about it...if this is all you hit out of 20,000 rounds then you're fucking trash. If you only fired 25 shots then it's almost perfect hit rate.

You expect us to just look at this target and be able to tell all this information. I'll tell you one thing whether you're a good shot or not one thing is for sure; the fact that you didnt realize all these obvious factors are necessary information in this equation shows that you're a fucking idiot.

Is that the target you were shooting at ?

Your aim is definitely minute of man.


Like shit. On that target anything out of the 8 ring is a disqualifier

Correction. Anything out of the 9 ring is disqualifying.

98% of all shooting happen within 7 yards
95% of all shootings happen at 3 yards or less.
Go die faggot.

Your group is shit.

Well, the good news is that your home intruder is definitely dead, but the bad news is that you have a lot of drywall work to do.

Be safe, focus on the front sight, DO NOT anticipate the next shot (tensing up/flinching before you pull the trigger), and also, again, be safe.

You'll get better.

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You only didnt post this in /k/ because you know they would annihilate you.

I agree with the rest, better start out at 5-7 yards and get the fundamentals down pat then work your way up, so as to make sure that you don't pick up any bad habits. You keep both eyes open when you shoot, correct? Because a big mistake alot of beginners do is shut one

Tight pants, tight groups
Until I did double taps then it opened a bit.

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Why are you so against organ donors?

You need to adjust where you finger hits the trigger by going slightly more toward the center of the top finger pad.

Or instead of parroting bullshit k memes. I can knock my rear sight slightly to the right, considering my fi get placement is correct.

down left groups means you are too close to the 1st knuckle for lefty, too far out for righty

If you were several hundred yards away from the target, you did alright.

If closer, not so much.

don't go to k so idk what you are talking about. I got that from the Glock trainer videos because that was my grouping. Just trying to help. Now you can go suck another dick you fucking asswipe

First time? Not actually too bad bro

you sure showed that piece of paper who's the fucking boss

I just posted on k