Still your president

Still your president.

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I'm sorry, self made?

>Implying who the President is actually matters
The deep state and the jew rule you

the took it

Drumph.. dickhead

Donny "Bone Splints" Trump wouldn't have dodged the draft if he was properly military trained
>implying the degenerates who think Obama was a thug in his 20s don't still think he's a thug in his 50s just because he's black

>self made
>grew up living on daddy’s money
>had everything handed to him
Whew boy

Yeah, self made is absolutely untrue. Making billions is a commendable feat regardless of where you start, but he didn't start in a poor or middle class background.

lulz faggots

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in theory president may do some damage but advisors stop him

Inheriting your father's money is not "self-made"

who picks the advisors?

>self made


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He was in debt to his father lmao and he never paid him back plus he was nowhere near a billionaire he filed bankruptcy multiple times to avoid paying off what he owed

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i would say that propelling the family name into the stratosphere of fame and notoriety for generations to come is worth the investment


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Implying I live in the shit hole that is the U.S. lmao get rekt amerifats with your orange pedophile president

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He'll be presiding over a prison cell this time next year

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>He'll be presiding over a prison cell this time next year
Assuming we're not all dead from nuclear war thanks to his jew advisors.

and will always be my president

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>self made

>ending aids
>actually making great progress.

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Yea, Clinton was great.

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This is some grade A shitposting

It's not how many times you're knocked down, it's how many times you get back up. You're goddamn right I'd choose a person who's lost and regained billions over some neet faggot like yourself who lives in your mom's basement and collects welfare checks. The only way to never lose is to never try and wallow in the filth of mediocrity. You're a failure of a human being; a waste of precious carbon and dihydrogen monoxide.

>last gasp of the trumptards

Why don't you do us a favor and throw yourself off that edge

Heres that (You) you wanted.

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Why can't you retards wrap your mind around the "Mexico will pay for the wall" thing? He's not asking Mexico to write a check. The plan is to renegotiate trade deals, the increased income of which will be enough to fund the wall. A wall, by the way, which is nothing more than a fucking distraction to keep idiots like you occupied, fighting a phantom, so he can actually get some work done. Whether or not it gets built is irrelevant. I can't believe you people aren't smart enough to see through that ruse.

Trump got his daddy to fund his companies even the ones that failed. That isn’t self made. And all that military training doesn’t mean jack shit because he dodged the draft five times. And that mother fucker is ugly, but beauty is subjective so I guess a blind person would find him attractive. Nice try with this bait you dingleberry.

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You'd be untouchable as a boxer with reach like this.


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>implying Trump has ever been "self-made" or a "billionaire", much less at age 20

Obama wrote a book.
In it he talks about smoking weed and selling cocaine in college.
Without a teleprompter he's a stuttering bafoon.

I hate Obama but this is bullshit, he’s fucking chilling in that image

>OP posts the most obvious fucking b8
>All these butthurt replies
You guys need to simmer yer fuckin jimmies you kids are so painfully fucking new.

nobody cares about your meme.

nobody cares about you, bait boi