What happened to kat?

What happened to kat?

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post dick

Lyme disease.

Sounds like a good name



Back in Neverland

i heard he got the shit beaten out of him by some guy who mistook him for a girl, since then he's kept a low profile online.

She was forced to eat a whole bowl of eggs.

He killed himself


Who? Quick rundown?

Yep. You know that tranny suicidal rate is no joke.

Nerve gas. :(

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His dad killed the whole family after someone on Sup Forums messaged him ,basically rapamged his queer ass


probably some triggered Sup Forums cuck who secretly wanted a trap, but once he fucked it, couldn't face himself... it's quite common among losers.


Probably, McDonalds or Jiffy Mart, rent, bills, bad diet, beer, 25 extra pounds, TV, couch, etc etc. And none of your fantasies helped he/she at all.


He got an infection and died, when he got his face sharted on while eating a ass.

>asking for proof on an anonymous image board

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She probably found a boyfriend and dosnt post retarded shit online anymore.
his ass you retard

nah attention whores love the attention

Any nudes of him or her?

trap need to disclose before they disrobe

You know the suicide rate of trannies? Almost half.
Any social media accounts active? Any posts? No.
If he's not dead he's dilating wishing he was dead.

Every woman is an attention whore by birth, then need to attract a partner.
She was a typical teen posting stupid shit, but shes in her 20ties now.
Also she had a killer body with huge boobs, cute face and definitively didnt mind showing herself, this chick would never stay single for long.

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Attached: katfb.jpg (400x527, 45K)

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why does this remind me so much of consequences will never be the same?

More pics of the trap in question

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Goes by Kai now, still blogs on Tumblr. Doesn't cosplay anymore because of Sup Forums stalkers.

What's all that shit on her face? Does she have a medical condition?

those are called freckles

On this I agree, but there's no reason to kick the shit out of a tranny, especially a fragile little thing like Kat.

I personally wouldn't give a shit... I'm not sucking any dick or taking it up the ass, that's for sure, but I'm laying down pipe as usual if I find a trap attractive.

...And no. I wouldn't give a shit if people knew.

Is there a cure?

Freckles are hot AF especially on a readhead or pale skin brunette....

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It's a white people thing, nigger. You go through puberty and they disappear.

do i smell a slogan?

Glad I aren't white then, yeesh. Do they pop open like zits?

Nah they just start to fade until you don't have them anymore