g/fur yeetah edition
G/fur yeetah edition
daddy issues for guys
is that cum or milk in the ceral?
Like new years day we go away
If only you would, then that'd be good
Bout time for a gfur thread. Wut y'all up to? I'm playing with muh guns.
oh howdy jackal it's been a while!
what gun you playing with?
Im busy drinking like always
Been active lately. Even if I'm not posting I'm still lurking. Playing with my mas 36 as of now. I own two mas 36 but one is still in mummy warp and I'll keep it warped up. But got a new FN Fal a few weeks ago.
pic = this thread
fuckin spicy boi. I'd love to have a fnfal
I had a r1a1 sporter many years ago but I traded it an a vz2008 for 5 mauser. I always wanted an Israeli Fal since I find them the sexiest Fal. So now I'm trying to find Czech Point vz58 to replace my old vz2008.
The bayonet is kool since it acts as a muzzle break when attached.
They can influence the world but they cant influence numbers...
my cock is so hard right now
hewwo snarf
HB got upset earlier. He and I were watching some Adult Swim shorts, and there was a song about raw chicken, and I started jerking him off to the beat. He didn't like it.
Muh gun room :3
XD you're my hero
i remember you showing me before! :D
Probably I did via telegram. But Im trying to stop buying more and fix the ones that need it and get correct slings and bayonets for others.
mhm you did on tele!
yeah that's a good idea. focus on refurbishing any and getting things for them instead! make the collection even better
>that shirt
>one is still in mummy warp
gettin' a fursuit for your rifle?
whatever floats your boat
>tfw thingken about getting some fuzzy races for my next Rimworld colony
I know there's the Orassan (catfolk, two flavors of the mod) and Moonrabbit races, and a kitsune-type as well, but do any of you have any other kinds you know?
I have a SMLE that the buttplate is falling off. A P18 that nothing is nothing is lines up when I assemble it. M92 Pap and a PPS 43 I'd like to SBR. A Sagia 12 that I want converted to pistol grip. A mosin M38 that I built from piece by piece that I want to turn into a fantasy PU sniper rifle. I have everything but a bent bolt body. Just need to find a good gunsmith to put it together correctly. So I have few projects going on for years now.
He's all sleepy now.
Butts are nice, though.
you just gotta become a good gunsmith yourself! then you can everything you need :D
sleepy from the pawing? dawww
Sleepy from watching movies. I'm probably going to go to bed after this movie.
what are you watching? i just finished The Terror of Mechagodzilla
Tremors 2.
oh fuck yes!!! i love those movies so much
Shriekers are adorable.
they scare me. I like the OG Graboids most
I dont trust myself with that kind of stuff. I dont even work on my own cars. Oh the transmission went out for the 2ed time this year in my LS1 truck sadly, after I changed the head lights, hood, and new shoes. Sry for the screen cap tho
I'm not a Chevy guy but I like it! What's the problem with the trans? The torque converter in my Ram is starting to go but that's not all that surprising in that generation.
Kitty, make my tums feel better so I can sleep.
i wouldnt trust myself either unless I got good at it lol.
ugh *beat up your tummy*
Night, kitty.
I'm guessing it's an auto with the 4L60E? Those trannies are dog shit. LS3 is much better. Sick truck tho.
The most common 4L60E swap I've seen is to a 4L80E.
If you have the money and a decent junkyard nearby, see if you can do it!
I lost 3rd gear, and this happened once before. Probably ripping on it to hard.
I tend to fuck shit up more when I fix stuff.
That's wuts in it. The guy who fixed it before said they are like glass. Is the R700 any better? I was thinking going with a 5 speed but I dont think it's worth converting. Wut is a good automatic transmission that can take abuse. I rly like to kno
But I bought the truck like it besides the stuff I said before. I thought 6500$ wasn't a bad deal for a slammed 93 c1500 with a ls1. I did find the dude whole built it and he said the guy has over 40k into it. But he doesn't want nothing to do with it or wants to fix it.
Once I go back to work durning spring money is no problem. I make 47$ an hour
As user mentioned, the 4L80-E is much better, and I believe it'll fit right in, but I don't know for sure as I don't even have a car, I'm just a nerd who loves Camaros and Corvettes
Happy subs are good subs.
Nice, dude. Good luck with the thing!
Oh Camaro are dope. My dad always had a few 3rd gens when I was little, but not anymore. He has a 69 chevelle now that had a 468 but he nurtured and put a 350 in it. He just wanted sumthin to drive so I understand. My mum drives a 2017 Camaro ss and that thing is stupid fast. I wouldn't trust me with anything like that or his chevelle. I wanted sumthin I could beat and not feel bad and nobody cares about a 93 c1500.
good job retard
kys fucking degenrates
Forgot jackal
requesting gif of horse raping male donkey to freak out gf