Imagine it being 2020 and still only using manual fingerboxes...

Imagine it being 2020 and still only using manual fingerboxes. I just got my semi-automatic fingerbox in the mail this morning Sup Forums, and my life has never been the same since.

Attached: -350408418545425436.jpg (800x800, 501K)

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Second picture, assembled

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So what is it?

What is this for, exactly?

That's the nicest fingerbox I've ever seen, how much did it cost?

A fingerbox you dumbass did you not have a childhood?

> not knowing about fingerboxes

I'm guessing you're American.

Super sick user i gotta get an upgrade

Holy shit they make them automatic now? I desperately want one.

i thought i was the only one here who loved finger boxes

Attached: fingersgohere.jpg (450x538, 67K)

Sadly i traded my fingerbox for a zip. Regret it everyday.

we invented fingerboxes.

no even i'm American and I have several fingerboxes, some passed down through my family from my great grandfather in the war. He even stole one off a Nazi he scalped.

That's legit the best fingerbox I've ever seen. Actually jealous

thats a marking gauge you faggot

Damn that’s a classic! Hold on to that one.

Honestly im aware of how much of an oldfag i may sound but i think full or semi auto fingerboxes take all the fun out of the hobby.

Then again i suppose its good that the new generation are getting excited about fingerboxes.

nice deluxe marking gauge, Lee Valley? sick of this OLD newfag bait, time for Sup Forums to try something new... faggots

OP that seems like a total waste to me.

If you are too much of a newfag to operate a manual finger box, you don’t belong on my Sup Forums

Holy hive-mind

Wtf is this bullshit? Is there even any sensory perception? There’s no room for the fucking FINGER. The whole point of a finger box is the tactile experience. Are you going to get a machine to taste your food for you too?
>inb4 ok boomer

>we invented fingerboxes.

Fucking yanks, yeah sure you did pal.

PROTIP: the earliest fingerboxes known to exist were found in Norway, and were built around the sixteenth century. They were typically given to a child, who would cherish the box and eventually pass it down to his children.

I'm okay with semi-auto finger boxes, but I saw a kickstart for a wifi enabled smart finger box, and that's just too much for an oldfag like myself. Still have my manual fingerbox from childhood :-)

>a wifi enabled smart finger box

Holy shit yeah thats too fucking far, the fact i can still enjoy my finger box when the power is out or im in the middle of nowhere is part of the fun.

>hurrr i cant get wifi signal my finger box is rendered useless

fucking kek

16th century?

Bro we have found remains of rough "finger holes" in cave walls with neanderthal remains. While not a classic finger box, mankind has been perfecting the sensory pleasure of finger devices for years.
Even the mayans had clay finger boxes for fucks sake

What type of retarded country has its citizens boxing up their fingers?
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people!

>Even the mayans had clay finger boxes for fucks sake
>fucks sake
>thinking Mayan clay flesh lights were for fingers

Otherwise good post though

This is fucking disgusting, god I hate zoomers and their technology.

I think it starts to get tough to draw the line between 'proto-finger boxes' and 'modern' boxes.

I have an great book where several academics try to define a finger box as we know it today, even they couldnt agree kek.

You have obviously never had the pleasure of a finger box... I feel pity for you friend.

My cousin gave me this one. What year is it from?

Attached: fingerbox-plastic-4702.jpg (320x320, 12K)

Great resource for those looking to get into fingerboxing.

Since this is Sup Forums, do any fucked up anons have any experience putting their dick in a finger box? My girlfriend gave me a handy while I was playing with mine the other day and I started thinking ya know...

They can tell from impressions inside the boxes that the Mayans were absolutely using them with fingers not dicks...

Sure a few deviants are going to stick there dicks in finger boxes, always have always will, enough jokes have been made about it here but its legitimately dangerous.

I Will Die Before I Use A God Damned Plastic Finger Box

>Be mayan
>have choice:
>defile sacred finger box with my dick
>fuck the neck hole of the freshly sacrificed virgin

hurr durr mayans fucked clay boxes

Exactly this kek, Mayans had an abundance of shit to stick their dicks in, why bother with a finger box?

I dont think you know what that word means


That is obviously a finger sharpener, troll harder faggot!

It's a scribe for scoring parallel lines longways down a piece of wood.

i remember my uncle used to assemble his own and give them to his neighbors, still have one of his old ass creations

Attached: vintage_fingerbox.jpg (1500x904, 107K)

Plastic finger boxes were late 1970s - mid 1980s. They were mass produced in Taiwan and other overseas places. They were cheaper and went out of fashion as fast as they came in. They didn’t work nearly as well which is why they went away so fast.

Kek i like it

It isn’t. That is one of the late 70s ones. I had gotten one for my birthday before I got my better one. MAJOR difference when I upgraded.

Not even the Mayans could have fit their dicks in those holes. Obviously a finger box.

Attached: mayan_fingerbox.jpg (1184x1280, 223K)

When I was little, we used to have a matching set for the whole family. And since there are so many, we would share with the guests.

If you've gone your whole life without knowing about fingerboxes, then you probably wouldn't understand.

Nice, a metal fingerbox. You be careful with that thing! My cousin got himself hurt with one of those.

Attached: fingerbox-7969.jpg (512x384, 29K)

>Confusing a petrified jew nose with a Mayan finger box

That must be one of the earliest fingerboxes. Id kill to get my hands on one. How much do they go for now a'days or is it for museum display only?

if you dont already know what it is why are you even here

How do you think the finger box was invented in the first place? It is well known that the earliest finger boxes were made to look like noses.

Attached: pick_nose.jpg (283x178, 6K)

OMG fingerbox

havent seen a proper fingerbox thread in awhile.

I remember when I had a couple finger boxes. Started to get into trading, scored a premo unit made in Canada. Then the trend died off. Lost most of them in a move.

I wouldn't mind getting back into it, but you know, "adulting".

Holy shit......

I use a fingerbox APP you luddite

Damn fine fingerbox, doesn't even look semi-automatic. Where did you buy it?

Attached: c9339b4a-8231-4555-8b18-2b241dfbb3d5..jpg (200x200, 11K)

Its just a way to troll and expose newfags.start a thread about fingerboxes, other anons post theres with details then when newfags ask about them they shame them for not owning one.

Attached: 1475862301631.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

We were never allowed finger boxes, because during WWII there was some incident in my grandfathers village and he was concerned that they would make us gay.

He called them faggot boxes and he used to warn other parents at the toy store, it was so fucking embarrassing.

Forgot to mention there not actually a thing.

Finger boxes got me through so much hard times

Oh, yeah. I love to finger my box.

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In a sense this is kind of like old/b/ and new/b/ has collided.
Fingerboxes will never die out. I've still got mine in mint condition.
I don't really want to finger it yet since it's only about 2 years old.

I have a Lovense fingerbox. Want to donate?


I finger muffins out of the oven. So much better than my moms box. Feels better on my fingers too.

Attached: 806AFE13-AB69-4573-B7D7-9C8864ADEE50.jpg (3504x2336, 890K)

i think its a collective joke to fuck with people who have never heard of them because theres little info online and literally no appeal for any actual use

My mom took away my fingerbox when I was in my late 20s. Ever since I’ve been on the lookout for any hole I can fit my fat fingers into.

wtf are you talking about.. obviously never used a finger box

My first finger box was a gift from my cousin. She said to never tell anyone. The box was cold and wet and slimy