How do I stop my dog from humping my daughter? A lot of the times when she is laying on the bed, my dog of about 3-4 years old will mount her from some direction and begin deliberately humping her. What do Sup Forums?
How do I stop my dog from humping my daughter? A lot of the times when she is laying on the bed...
Call the BATFE and tell them there is an illegal gun purchase.
Do you have more pics of this happening? For more relevant advise, of course! Promise!
can you show us the dog's penis?
You know that shes been fucking the dog and thats why it thinks shes a fuck toy.
Hump both yourself to establish dominance.
Give it somethin else to hump I spose
More pics of your daughter please
Next time he does it kick him the dick so hard his ass comes off the floor. Taught my dog not to piss on my stuff
Omfg! This got me laughing so hard!!! Caught me entirely off-guard!!! I guess that would do it as far as legit advice for this goes. :D
You've posted this shit before. Your daughter is either fondling the dog or the dog was fondled by you. Either way fuck off
What's wrong with the dog humping your daughter? Why don't all 3 of you just enjoy it?
The next time the dog humps the daughter, intervene. Take the dog away from her body and try to comfort and deal with the dog and the moment it is having.
Do not use violence.
Do not use negative reinforcement.
See if through compassion and care you can help break the habit.
Also ask your daughter about what happens between her and the pupper when you are not there.
She could have, in her innocence, encouraged him.
The more you know, the more you can diagnose.
Jenny v2
hump the dog
Wow. Didn't realize the "she was asking for it" shit could go this far.
As another deliciously perverted option that popped into my head, you could simply wait for your turn on her :D
Chop his nuts off bro
Literally retarded. A child and an animal.
lol this guy
just kick the goddamn mutt op
If you would hump her he would know he's not allowed to because you do it. But you neglect your daughter's need for to be sexually satisfied
Tell her she needs to stop fucking the dog. If she stops he will eventually get the idea.
Or you can just kill him out of jealousy
All the pedos in this thread should commit uninstall life.
Shoot dog
Skin dog
Wear dog
Eat dog
Shit out the dog
Buy new dog
Tell her to stop dressing like a whore and asking for it.
The more important question is how does a virgin have a daughter.
Help the dog line the cock up.
Kill the dog, skin it and make a dog suit out of its fur and then fuck your daughter. When she cries to mommy, all she'll say is "The dog man did it!", and mommy will call the police, but the police won't do anything about it because who the fuck would believe there's a "dog man"? Nobody. Sure she'll go to the loony bin, but a) the dog stopped humping your daughter b) you got a free fuck out of the deal. It's a win win!
It’s not his daughter. Tineye that shit.
show us your daughters b hole
sexual relief is recreation, it's not a need when people already have wet dreams you toxic creep
You gullible faggot
r/Sup Forums
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
True dog humping story:
> my son's house for Christmas dinner, Saturday after
>6 kids in yard playing hide and seek
>running, screaming, being loud ass kids idgaf im drunk grandpa
>one kid running toward home is a dipshit
>trips 5 feet from pole that is base
>trying to get his shit together, on hands and knees
>9 month old lab male mounts him and goes to town
>all adults start yelling/screaming at dog. I'm dying laughing
>kid finally gets away from dog
>dog commences to furiously licking red lipstick like its a pudding pop
>dog starts shaking so obviously...
>drunk grandpa is laughing hysterically and pointing, daughter and daughter in law stare and say stfu, idgaf I'm grandpa LOLOLOLOL
my sister used whipped cream to entice the dog to lick. She finally got a boyfriend. Cans of whipped cream arent cheap.
Wait for him to finish
Lower her pants and hold her in place for him like a good fucking master the fuck Is wrong with you
Stop humping your wife when your daughter and dog watching and they will stop.
Also stop humping your daughter, that will help too
Sick fucker.
Pray to god for a baby
she shouldn't dress so haram
You have to hump your daughter AND your dog.