Canada hoe thread
Bonus for 306
Canada hoe thread
Bonus for 306
I got some 306
Post em then you gay faggot
Sure you do. In b4 " hurrrr kik or trade only".
416 looking for more info
Post some 250 vic. Cash money if you post someone I know
Anyone got more 403/587?
306 yorkton.
now there's a pic i havent seen in forever lol
Anyone have brittney L from barrie?
K not trying to be a dick but what's the point posting the same 3/4 pics in every thread?
In hopes of getting more info or someone posting more of them.
306 guess a name I’ll dump some more
I've seen the other threads you know her cam name/name and where to get the videos yet you still post her everyday
705? Barrie/Midland area
Sure, but they're behind a paywall. And there's an user here who may have more info, but I'm 99% sure I'm being trolled by them. So ultimately, me posting them over and over pisses them off more.
So you could have just paid weeks ago for the girl you clearly really want but have instead chosen to post everyday hoping someone, A has the videos and B will just give them to you?
Again not trying to be a dick was just curious.
Not trying to be a dick, but definitely coming off as one, man.
Would you pay? Probably not. Majority of people would not pay at all. But when people troll giving hope about other (new) info that could be useful, I'll keep posting.
Basically, people needs to stop being dicks and be helpful. We're all only in these threads to find win. Being a dick is counterproductive.
Both wrong she’s both 306 and 403 and 25yo now
Most of the time people don't recognize someone they know in a thread let alone someobe they requested, so I think if given info on where they can get videos on them a lot of people would do that.
Didn't mean to come off as a dick was just looking for some insight, but whatever man you do you!
It's all good, man. Tone is hard to figure out through text.
If people didn't troll and give hope and actually helped, that'd be great. But oh well, the world doesn't work that way.
289 Niagara
Sadly it’s the only one of JP.
Any more yorkton?
Anyone have more Chelsey S?
Daniella S
Post what you got user
Any 604
That's all I have unfortunately
any 514/450?
More 506 since u didn't mention code
306 recognize?
any sault ste marie?
Kyla from several years back. Anybody drop her maiden or once married name and i’ll share.
204 bitches
506 chi’
tbh man, I got no clue lol.
i have lots from chi. what names u lads got to trade?
I have a few. Got kik ?
any hamilton?
nope disco room to join?
Nope. Drop a 506 here.
Fuck she’s hot. Have more?
Is that Chelsey from 506?
Actually was easier thaN thought.
discord gg/ M7pGgZ
Tammy R? Chelsey S? Natasha?
Have more 204?