Quick, what do I do??. I'm really dizzy and getting cold sweats
Quick, what do I do??. I'm really dizzy and getting cold sweats
You been drinking heavy
Stop eating razor blades
Drink it too regain your power
It's red so it's probably from the hemorrhoid you developed from shitting liquid.
Take an Imodium and stop eating garbage. Then get a decent probiotic and start eating fibre. If the diarrhea doesn't stop in a couple days, go to the doctor. They may be able to give you stronger drugs and deal with the hemorrhoids.
And if your abdomen hurts, you’ve probably damaged your liver
Take a few days off to recover
If you're pooping blood dude.get off 4 chan and go see a doctor..i mean c mon
Increase vitamin C dose too.
You've got Chrohns disease, I'm so sorry.
pretty sure that's cancer
I have an idea.
It's Lupus.
Stop eating so many fucking Hot Cheetos
It's over for you, you've got Lyme disease.
Honestly, it could be to late, looks like a big amount of blood and
And your symptoms sound like you have a serious blood infection I a late stadium, your organs are going to fail and it will be painfull
Get a viagra and call a hooker, to have one last time of fun, if you are still not death then call your friends and family an tell them you live them.
Oh and maybe see a doctor
If I were you I would go to the hospital if you think your dizziness and cold sweats happen to get worse, otherwise drink plenty of water and stop any potentially negative activties you maybe doing (drink alcohol, eating alot of hot foods, etc)
And take a trip to CVS's minute clinic if not hospital, its 25 bucks for me and its a doctor you speak to there
Good luck Sup Forumsro! I hope it gets better
stop spilling your fucking kool aid in the toilet, spastic
Best case to worse case: it’s travelers shits or Food poisoning/e coli bacterial infection or something akin to sepsis.
Truth be told the liver comments are probably right if you’re a heavy drinker or alcoholic the most likely candidate is liver failure from cirrhosis.
You been drinking a lot, stressed out, eating shitty and not drinking water? Asshole sore at all?
Most likely a hemorrhoid but thanks for the picture of your shit.
Drink more water, like enough that your pee is almost clear at all times.
Looks like you ate beets. I have bowel issues and none of my bloody movements have ever looked like that
You want to get checked for colon cancer. Bloody stool is a symptom. If it has been going on for more than 2 weeks.
holy fuck!! looks like a beet feast to me, fucking losers....
To the hospital, you might have hypovolemia
I think it's an ananl fissure or hemorrhoid. Since your stoole is not dark at all I don't believe it's an internal bleeding of some kind. Then it get really dark so look out for that.
If the blood is from your asshole you probably have food poisoning or hemorrhoids
If the blood is in your shit and you're an alcoholic you're dying of liver failure
Fake and gay
It's never lupus.
That looks sweet. I wish I was there so I could drink it.
Just see a doctor
You are shedding your ego
Beat me to it
Don't eat so many beats. If you were really shitting blood it'd look like coffee grinds.
If real, go to the ER immediately, if you're dizzy you may be losing enough blood through your colon that your blood pressure is dropping to dangerous levels.
If fake, kys
go to the hospital. your hemoglobin is probably really low if you're dizzy and getting cold sweats
It's beets.
Duh, Of course its low he shit all his red blood cells out
If its real and you didnt eat beets or anything like that go to the hospital. This is one of those moments where if you're afraid and saying to yourself "It will go away" is not the correct choice. This is DEEP BOLD red meaning its coming from inside your body. Hemms/Anal Fissures are BRIGHT reddish pink blood.
period blood
nice trips
too much butt sex
Meet Baxter
Chill on the hot wings,
I remember the first time i shit blood.
That looks identical to my dumps when I used to go on weeks long drinking binges.
Did you eat beets? Cause when i eat beats my poo water is red
do you always poop blood with hemorrhoids? or at least that much?
Please state the nature of your medical emergency.
Or anal fissure from taking that bbc OP likes to take
Die prolly
How bout lay off the red beet fag
This man nailed it on the first try.
You'll be fine, get some more fiber and water in your diet.
Seems fake to me. Poop would be darker if you were dealing with colon problems. If you vomited, then go to the ER, looks like small chunks of your stomach came up?
Quit eating BEETS
lmao one less amerimutt wish you had evil socialist medicine now don't ya bud