I feel so betrayed. I really wanted to lick her asshole but I cant believe she went and got tit implants.
I feel so betrayed. I really wanted to lick her asshole but I cant believe she went and got tit implants
Ok coomer
I don't understand the problem. Can you show what she looked like before?
Damn that's fucked man I see your point. Have you tried messaging her about this problem? Maybe she just doesn't realize how bad it really is.
You've been posting this exact same fucking thread every day for something like 2 weeks. Do you seriously have no life to live beyond this total faggotry? Jesus fucking christ, if you spent half the time you do on this nonsense actually IMPROVING YOURSELF you might actually meet someone that would let you lick their asshole. What the fuck is wrong with you?
If this isn't coordinated spam, I would be afraid for this woman.
Did you even see the pictures? How can you say op is in the wrong here?
I haven't seen any reason to suspect it's intentional spam. I just seems like a gross dork trying to engage people to talk about his pathetic crush. I *am* concerned for this chick.
You are OP. You're only person that gives a flying fuck about this. Who the fuck CARES, dude? WHY do you?
OP... so, uh. Why do you like this girl so much?
Elles knows about these threads since she lurks fairly often. She really doesnt care about the opinion of one loser on 4chin. By all means, continue, but just know that she loves her new tits that were paid for by losers such as yourself.
Not him but he's absolutely in the right. Women who make a living with their body image shouldn't be allowed to make significant changes to that image without the consent of their audience. It's completely immoral and I support OP in his endeavor to expose this shameless hussy and the scam she's pulling.
OP what are your favorite qualities about her?
You...are a gigantic incel fucking idiot. Assuming you're being honest :
1) You don't control her or anyone else, nor will you ever.
2) She doesn't owe you fucking anything nor does she need anybody's consent to do anything with her body.
3) Get the fuck out of your house and find a girlfriend. You have a disgusting mindset and you are really, seriously, not-even-kidding going to die alone unless you make some serious changes to your personality.
Jesus fucking christ.
I'm filtering your faggot ass threads. kill yourself already
Her asshole dumbfuck can't you read?
This is why you are a troll and not an actual psycho. Threads will be filtered from here on out.
Im OP, not the person you replied to.
She reminds me of a girl I loved but died last summer.
Not to mention shes into freaky shit. I bet shes a real scallywag in the sack, a woman with passion for herself and her partner, not some mindless bimbo who just lays there like a wooden board while her man does all the work...
At least that was what I saw in her before she turned into a fake plastic cunt
Faggot detected
This might be the most reddit thing I've read all week. Go shoot yourself in the woods you faggot.
All you discord faggots are pathetic. Get the fuck off of Sup Forums we're full.
I bet youre the scrawny little emasculated soyboy who attends feminist club meetings.
I bet you weigh 95 lbs and eat nothing but mac and cheese you estrogenic manlet
Jesus fucking christ, it's so easy to pick out the pathetic incel shitheads.
All of you are going to die, lonely. Nobody is going to be there for you. Your families probably hate you. You'll never be loved, and the maximum amount of sexual satisfaction you'll ever get in your lives is from your shitty vagina toys, and your sad little hands. You're pathetic, shallow excuses for men. Go fuck yourselves.
>a real scallywag in the sack
This, based user
Pardon my boomer French
Kek you say that now but id rather die alone with dignity than with a leash around my cock, something I think you have with you right now and compels you to validate it by shunning others and attempting to same them for their own sexual liberty
Have fun with your cock cage while youe gf gets pounded by a nigger
don't you have axe wounds to clean and dilate
Cool, I'm glad you understand just how pathetic you are. It's important to have a strong self-actualization. Just remember that you made a conscious choice to be a lonely, sad, angry little piece of shit. It's nobody's fault but yours, and ostensibly, your horrible parents'. Not women's fault, not the fault of liberals, not the fault of society; Yours.
I have no idea what that even means.
what the fuck are you saying, are you retarded? if you (or ABSOLUTELY NOT YOU op) don't like her anymore stop paying for her stuff
Personally, I hope she gets ass implants soon user.
Im not validating your point, in asserting that you're an emasculated faggot
By you abandoning my argument you prove how insecure you are about your sexuality. You appear enmeshed in a toxic relationship with a girl who controls you and you submit like the little pussy you are because the only thing you have to live for is to put your corkscrew penis into a girl's vagina and feel sexual stimulation. Thats it.
Congrats, user. Sex is the only thing that you have to live for in life. Not your passions and certainly not your self
Damn. You burned him
Upvote it pls
See the thing is, I've not mentioned a *single* thing about being in a relationship of ANY kind. I could be single! I could be gay. I could be married. Who knows! Certainly not you! So I'm not sure where you're getting all of that shit.
I'm sure this is going to go right through your retarded little brain, but it's *perfectly normal* to respect other people. That's right! Even women! And the fact that you and a few thousand other pathetic little fucks *don't* doesn't mean that YOU'RE normal. You're not. You're *ab* normal. You are the cancer of the male gender. Normal people look upon your ilk with sadness and wonder "what happened in these sick little boy's lives to make them hate women?"
Personally, I suspect sexual abuse from your parents. But you don't have to answer! I understand that such a thing is very private.
He really didn't, but I understand that you incel faggots like to jack each other off, so that's normal, I guess.
Anyway! You're going to be alone your whole lives, which is sad, but at least you won't be spreading your disgusting faggotry to a new generation, as you'll never get close enough to a women to impregnate them. Thank christ for that. Why not get a vasectomy just in case?
the sad thing is, you got a single thing wrong. these fucking incels -ironically- actually reproduce and spread their ideas, because there are women who -even more ironically- agree with them
To all the newfags stop replying this is faggots post so it Will die
She looks like she'd be a real scallywag in the sack
that's useless. as op showed in the last days, when this thread dies there's gonna be another one identical to this
>I could be gay
>could be
Doesn't seem to workvery well...?
Holy shit! I went to school with her! She was bullied so much over her tiny tits that she ended up changing to another district in her last year.
you gay bro.
No biggie.
Wanna rub dickskins?
So much fucken smoke where I live that I literally can’t see the other side of the street. Thank fuck the internet still works or I wouldn’t be able to wank to bbc while coughing myself to death.
Fuck Morrison for being a cunt.
Fuck Murdoch for big a bigger cunt.
Fuck everything.
>she was bullied over her tiny tits
it's all coming together
>literal fucking perfection
>absolute horseshit
Why do women do this
Cos she used to look like shit and knew it.
Now she has real woman tiddies
>it's *perfectly normal* to respect other people. That's right! Even women
>even women
Kek youre a faggot
>real woman tiddies
Sounds like a virgin to me lads
They don't even look any bigger. Just weird and oddly erect. Not only a pointless boob job but a bad one as well. OP should beat his money back.
>sounds like a virgin to me
I guess you listen to your own voice all the time hey
I know he’s beating something kekkek
>his own meat
From a city-living Australian, go fuck yourself lel. The problem ain't that bad.
OP didn't spend any fucking money. He's been drooling over this girl's butthole for the past year, but never once contacted/interacted with her.
I'm sure a bunch of us could be tongue-deep in her asshole by tomorrow if we tried. OP just lacks the drive.
I thought I was living in a decent sized city too mate. It’s fuuuuucked.
Nah, you guys are just shilling for big-scomo.
Image having to be the FBI works tasked with watching Sup Forums for pedos and criminal activity and watching this retarded faggot make this thread 67 times a day
she doesn't know you, nor owe you anything
you're not a part of her life
wake up user
I wouldn't complain if someone proposed to pay me for lurking on Sup Forums
Who cares. Go watch Blade Runner.
But Blade Runner is terrible.
why so specific
Fucking idiot child.
Name anything good about it past the opening scene or the one line from it that anyone remembers.
Kek u just salty cos u have to study it for your English class sonny