Why is it that, once you fuck a girl, it feels like there is nothing more left to know about her?
Why is it that, once you fuck a girl, it feels like there is nothing more left to know about her?
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Because evolution. Guys are hard wired to want to fuck anything that can potentially reproduce. So after sex, the carnal interest most guys confuse with adoration is gone
no love
Because they are lacking in personality.
Probably just because you don't really have anything more to share with her.
You know. Cause you're not that interesting and all.
agree but disagree I feel like either you fuck a slut and it makes it obvoius so there is nothing left worth knowing about her. but if you fuck someone you love and actually care for then you are going to have already known most of the things about her. Real relationships vs meeting a bitch on tinder and fucking for fun
Same reason that after you cum from looking at porn you are suddenly like “why is this shit on my phone?”
How do you think women feel after they have sex with a man? I'm honestly curious
Yeah but the think is, I have grown bored out of them even in the relationships where I thought I was in love. Maybe I have never felt in love.
Yeah good point. Definitely a distinction there. But even when you find a real relationship the sex hits a climax and eventually becomes bland vanilla ass sex
>Why is it that, once you fuck a girl, it feels like there is nothing more left to know about her?
Because females are not intellectually or emotionally deep. They're basically just walking cum catchers. That's their only purpose in life; to get pregnant and propagate the species. All this quasi Marxist shit about how women are equal to, no, better than men is retarded antisocial bullshit. Anyone who's ever spent any amount of time around females knows that they're really only good for extracting semen. They are a literal drain on individuals and society as a whole. There's not more to them than their sex, but they desperately need you to believe that there is because that artificially inflates their "social credit" and "value".
Spoken like someone incapable of a long term relationship.
Most feel desired. Going back to evolution, women want men who can protect and provide for them. So after sex all the gushy feelings of love come out because they think the guy loves them more than anyone else.
I'm raking in what your mowing OP
I much prefer the "chase" Of actually getting them naked, sending pics and eventually fucking if I can get there.
But once the chase is done I'm bored and already looking to someone else to crave attention off.
you're a moron. most men aren't half as intelligent and hard working as my woman, that's why I put a ring on it
You have to think pretty highly of yourself to feel this way. What makes you think that's true?
I have 3 sisters and your statement is boldly honest. My sisters have all tried their hands at different careers. But ultimately they all settled on something "super easy" and had kids. They're dumb fucking hoes, senpai. And two of them have worked in science for over a decade. These people are literal mouth breathing retards and they have worked in science. Let that sink it. That's how gynocentric patriarchal society is; where we allow people who are too stupid to know how stupid they are work in positions of power in fields of science because "girl power" or some shit.
Long term relationships rely on much more than sex which it seems you don't understand. I'm pointing out that no matter how much feelings you have towards somebody, the sex will eventually become stale.
Because you are emotionally crippled and dead inside
>you're a moron because one woman being different disproves your entire thesis
>i am very smort
That's you
>When your only interactions with women are those in your immediate family
Why don't you complain more about women, you permavirgin? I'm sure it'll help you get laid and move out of mommy's house.
Then you probably haven't met the one yet or have watched way too many movies/read too many books
Why, yes
Yeah I agree with that but sometimes it takes some extra pushes to get more and better sex after a while
How do you know this? Even if it happened to you it's just as likely your own fault as anything.
So I'll always feel like that towards them? Life is like a dull, boring hell. You know? I'm starting to feel like such, being bored out of everything
This, but also you mostly care about what its like to have sex with her, there is a lot more to know, you just dont really care about it.
It's not that I think pretty highly of myself. I know my strengths and weaknesses. But that's the difference here; the average female does not. They have been told by Marxist teachers and professors that they're better than and more equal than "boys", who are thoroughly denigrated at every level including in education, media, and entertainment. There are very obvious patterns here which a healthy brain would immediately recognize. But the average person has been conditioned by the three aforementioned industries to reject reality and instead follow a narrative which is wholly antithetical to what is real and true. Women in general are dumb as fuck. There is literally no debating that. They're propped up by society and given special and preferential rights and privileges then told that they're oppressed and somehow have less rights. It's a Marxist device which is used to destroy civilized society from the inside out. Men need to step up and retake the reigns of control. Patriarchal society has always been gynocentric, it has always favored women over men; there needs to be honest politicians who acknowledge this glaringly obvious fact and play on it in a healthy way. Women are basically children intellectually and emotionally. They become "bad" children when they're given too much power. This is not about misogyny ; it's more about wanting civilized society to remain civilized, which means taking females out of positions of power in which they've been placed for the fact that they're more easy to manipulate than men
I'm sure they eventually get bored too, though
That's a whole lot of projection there, Shlomo
Bc you’re shallow
Imagine being so degenerate mother of God when do the fucking purges begin
Aren't we all?
I read all that garbage and didn't see a single fact or supporting evidence
Not OP but you come off like a soft handed, limp wristed fagot who's never actually spent any time around women
You wrote a lot and I skimmed it. You're probably 14 and dont know any interesting women because you're still a child and only know girls. Plenty of women are 'better' than you but only because that bar is very low
Not even OP but I am 40 and you come off as a dumb, ignorant, and insecure child who's projecting like crazy because your experience with females is so insanely limited and all of your information comes from Marxist sources. You don't really understand females, but you desperately need others to "feel" that you're "the guy" whose opinion is simply invaluable. In reality, you're a simp who gets shat upon by girls IRL and white knights for them online. Nobody cares about anything you have to say because you're a fagot
Well there is more to know about her, but why? She is still human, and those exceptional humans are very rare, not to mention that most women are interested in stupid, vapid shit. Women are not dumber than men though! But still, useless cumdumps. And men are supposed to do all the usefull shit in return for pussy. Thats the deal. Once it expires, thats it.
A lot of assumptions happening here brother. OP making big claims and nobody, especially you, is giving any evidence. Throwing down incel logic in this bitch
you are literally too stupid to know how stupid you are.
I bet you think the earth is flat
Eventually masturbation becomes more fun then the semi same routine of banging your wife.
again, literally too stupid to know how stupid you are. poor sweet idiot child...
Because you're 14-22 years old and have developed as a person yet or are finished with being super horny from puberty so you don't see women as people but just sex objects. You'll grow up eventually kid don't worry about it and just enjoy life
This isn't the case for me. I normally want to get to know them better after. One reason is because everyone's a little different and it's kinda cool to just measure all the ways we do things and think differently.
Another reason is because sex is just better when you both have a clearer idea of what everyone wants out of it. Only had a few one night stands and they were all meh compared to fucking people I knew well and cared a lot about. I honestly feel sad for people that can't enjoy or even have that sort of intimacy with others. That shit sounds lonely as hell.
This is the case if you married an idiot. Adult relationships evolve. They are not static things if both parties are invested.
200 foot ice wall. NASA is hiding the truth brother.