any of you know the cleanest suicide method? don’t want to be more of an inconvenience
Any of you know the cleanest suicide method? don’t want to be more of an inconvenience
Don’t fucking do it. Move bro. Even if it’s the next town.
auto-erotic cremation
then handle your business before you do the deed, and dont do it until all your business is handled.
Please just dont do it bro
Go out as far north as you can and go into a frozen forest and feed yourself to a bear
Kill John's dog
Paint your face black and mess with a cop
Sleeping pills
Concrete shoes in a large bay
Easiest answer is hanging, doesn't leave a mess and isn't hard to do. Hardest answer is not killing yourself ergo never making a mess
stab yourself in the back while falling over a cliff
Build a giant pile of wood. Cover it in gasoline. Very carefully light a candle and then take sleeping pills so you die and cremate yourself. But don't do it bro.
Wrap your entire body in 2mm thick copper wire and waddle over to a hydroelectric power generator and become a human lightbulb for 3.5 seconds
I don’t get why you don’t want to be a bother? If I wanted to commit suicide, it would be by nuking self in the busiest city. Shit myself to death in my bosses office. Have fun with it champ.
>go to open mike comedy club
>don't prepare anything
There's something called morality. Idk if ure familiar with it
Buy a tank of pure helium (not 80/20 oxy mix, won't work) rig up a hood with some kind of durable bag and a cinch cord or elastic of some sort, use tubing to run from tank to inside hood, make sure tubing is secure. Open valve, you'll be unconscious quickly and dead soon after. No discoloration, no thrashing about, just a peaceful release. Enjoy, user.
At the very least man, tell me what's going on. Everything is fucking fixable I promise. Just take the time to tell us.
Whole bottle of NyQuil pm and a bottle of jack
I see. Likely I would be found in 8~ hours regardless of the method but I still worry about leaving a mess via decomposition or something. I know even suicide by pills or hanging can still leave behind a small mess.
They're just going to follow
Been suicidal for many years but it’s been particularly worse this past few weeks. I don’t think it’s anything specific— more just the buildup of things I suppose. I see my therapist on Tuesday and as stupid as it sounds, it just feels like that’s too far away for me to make it. I appreciate the concern however, user.
Lol when he gets interrupted and has to explain himself.having a high voice
Aye, suicide bag always been a top contender for me. Quick and should numb your brain to be too stupid to worry.
go try and rob a bank with cyanide pills in your pocket/a gun. if you successfully rob a bank then you automatically win! youre rich and a badass. if you lose well, youre still in the same boat and just shoot yourself.
Stow away on a rocket and jettison yourself into space.
OP here again. I’ll keep it real with you. Im pretty pathetic and honestly I would off myself in a hospital if I could just to avoid anyone having to deal with the clean up. Lowkey was kinda looking for something quick but very minimal in mess
Why does this keep getting asked? Have your morons never heard of carbon monoxide poisoning? Same way that kid killed himself when that chick kept telling him to do it. Sit in a running car windows down in a closed garage. Or stuff a water hose in a tail pipe and seal it snuggly, then put the other end of the water hose through the window of the car and seal the gap with a bath towel. Start the car.
These methods will simply make you fall asleep and die peacefully.
But dont do it. If your teenage or in your twenties dont fucking do it. You dont shit yet. Once you hit 31 you can decide for yourself if your circumstances are too much to bare.
Here, faggot.
(If US) Travel to the Louisiana marsh.. Who knows you might find a reason to live during the bus ride... If not? Dem Gators is always hungry.
Genuinely appreciate it. Unfortunate to say that I am in fact a teenager and I know my action will seem stupid but that’s just the way it is sometimes I guess
I can’t tell what came first. Pussies asking about “how i should kill myself” or pussies telling them “dont do it user you're good” you know what, i think its the same people. They’re all the same breed of fuckstick virtually sucking each other off.
I'd be lying if I didn't have the same problem. Not as long as you have but I'd have these thought that if I was gone then that would be the end of it. All my problems would go away. A month ago I lost my grandpa and lost my friend in a motorcycle accident, I'd give anything to have one last drink and smoke with him. Please reconsider this user, it's not worth it in the least bit.
you just have to wait a day
what an ugly bitch
go and get lost in the wilderness. the wildlife will take care of the cleaning and they wont even bill you or your family.
Never heard of that method honestly but it seems smart. Thanks though user
Take a bunch of pills with you out in the wilderness. Eat pills, die, and return to nature.
I’m sorry that you suffered such losses, user. I feel you in that aspect as I too would love to talk to someone I’ve lost one more time. I really appreciate you for taking the time to talk to me. I can’t guarente that I can follow your advice but I doc really appreciate it.
Bro im also on the verge on suicide. Im exactly 31 years old. I told myself this new years that before i end it, i owe it to myself to give a genuine and honest attempt to try and salvage this pathetic life of mine. I owe it to myself to explore the thought that maybe just maybe i can find a will to live. But i have to honestly try first and do those things i know i should be doing and stop doing the things i know i shouldn't be. Do not give up on yourself user! Accept death only in UNQUESTIONABLE defeat.
Don't throw out any possibility of getting through it and grab any rope somebody throws to you. There are people who never recover from the suicide of a family member; so that is what you leave behind. Go to the hospital, there are treatments for depression but there is no treatment to death
You take a whole bunch of nutmeg like three bottles worth
Same user here. I know you're going through some tough stuff and I completely understand. Just get all the mental health you can get. You got people that genuinely care about you brother. Just take it easy please.
if you don't mind, what made/makes you have suicidal thoughts? just out of curiosity
She literally told her boyfriend to get back in the truck when he messaged her and said he was having second thoughts. She only got like a year.
Watch your hearts anons. Women know no honor. They will trample all over you if you let them. They want to.
I admit that’s part of what concerns me the most. Large reason why I wanted it to be as clean as possible. I’m thankful for your kind reply though. Just feels like after years of trying to manage the depression and suicidal thoughts that things are kind of redundant.
I’m glad you’re fighting, user. That’s truly a tough and inspirational thing of you. Your words mean a lot to me even if it might not seem like it
Honestly I’ve been having them since I was about 11. Don’t remember what started them. As I got older the reasons changed. Right now, it’s a collection of everything I suppose.
Spill the beans... the whole damn can. No one knows you here.
back to the original question, if you have a family who loves you, there's no way not to make a mess
Unfortunately :/
I would if I could pinpoint it or get it down to a reasonable sized summary but I don’t think I can. Sorry man
How long would you have to fast so you don't shit yourself when you die?
You dont have to tell if you dont want to, but you do know.
My plan is a living decomposition.
Go out into the deep woods with out anything but the water I'll chug before heading in.
Just keep walking. I've learned to read a topographic map, I'll take it from here.
Tired? Sleep on the ground. No shit it's not comfortable and cold, tough. You've got something to do, is this gonna stop you?
Maybe I'll wake up, maybe I won't, maybe I didn't sleep anyways. I'm a bit parched, but if I drink straight water I could get something bacterial or fungal. No, were going on dry.
On wards! Maybe the delerium will start to set in, make it easy work if panic sets in.
Who knows how many days I can go on like this? Not too long I'm sure.
But the goal is the find a spot under an exposed tree root. This will be my unmarked grave.
I open the film containers filled with mushroom spores and sprinkle them slowly over myself. This will be my only worthwhile accomplishment. Seeding a forest with lions mane, shiitake, azures, ovoids, oysters, and cyans.
Then I wait.
Thinking. Contemplating. Regretting actions and their reactions.
And then maybe I'll just fade out in the middle of a thought. Or a vision of a reaper apporates and says to follow to which I say fuck that I've followed enough, leave me to haunt this plot of trees. Or maybe just cut me out of this reiterative loop.
Then the vessel; shattered, decomposes.
Hopefully not to be found.
Kill your family before suicide. Don't let them cry over you user.
Why not just use nitrogen, it's painless and cheaper. It's 70% (rounded) of what your breathing right now. Just missing that important stuff.
that's on the most stupid things i've ever heard or read
More like 100000iq answer
exit bag, helium tank, tubing, sillicone sealant,plastic bags, truck tape,giant zip ties to really seal that bag on your neck so theres no backing out
Thank you anons. Big brain time.
If thanos had removed memory of remaining population about ones that got disappeared he would have a absolute win.
>any of you know the cleanest suicide method?
Living. It leaves no trace of suicide.
>any of you know the cleanest suicide method?
Death By Chocolate, until you explode
I like the new Sup Forums the old one would just be a hundred people telling you to an hero
Theres a story of this kid doing this as his mom walks in. He sounded like Mickey mouse
I don't like this. I would prefer the ones who ask to suicide on livestream
ur sick
Livestreaming it makes it less painful.
nice reddit spacing fuckface
tl;dr and also never come back
Anyone knows some "logical" suicide cases, where people do it with a good reason and not just because they are a whiny fuck? It always makes me feel better hearing them.
Good speed user. I'll see you on the other side.