What’s something I can do whilst jerking of to make it feel amazing and make me cum a lot anons?

What’s something I can do whilst jerking of to make it feel amazing and make me cum a lot anons?

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what's that white thing

anything illegal that's not related to land ownership or vehicles with the exception of causing damage to other people

That’s a toilet seat

Bruh I’m just tryna spices things up I’ve done public jerk off

put something in your butt

Done that

get a girl to suck your balls while you do it

I haven’t had a girl on my dick for like two years man


right before you cum cut it off

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Stuff in butt

dress in women's clothes

Done that did nothing for me

you live alone?

No I live with family I’m 18

Curling my toes feels nice for me. Sometimes pressure on perineum. And there is alot more to but stuff, lots of nerves, but mind has to be able to interpret it correctly for max profit.

jack it using sisters panties

Try playing with your nipples.

Does nothing for some guys but for others it's amazing.

Get a fleshlight

Then put them back without washing them

Get a vibrating dildo that is at least 8 inches long and with a considerable girth. Make sure it has a flared base so you don't lose it in your boi pucci. I occasionally masturbate with a 9 inch vibrating dildo. Amazing finish most of the time. Work your kegel muscles on it while jerking off.

Have you tried a cock ring? Or pair that with a glans ring too? Haven’t gone this route myself but what about sounding? Sounding sounds fucked up(stocking rods and plugs into urethra) but looking around at testimonies it might be crazy enjoyable? Don’t know that I could go that far just for a huge mega cum load

To clarify the glans ring is a cock ring that goes around the base of your penis head, pair that with a ring on the base of the shaft and you’ll be rock hard, could add butt play into the mix to message the prostate, then stoke your dick with the rings on too

Not OP, I want to try sounding, but I hate the whole idea of it to begin with. I might try it one day, but as of right now, I'm undecided. What the hell do I even begin to stick in my urethra? It would have to be small.

Get high on stimulant of choice, stroke long and edge frequently to most erotic porn you got, with cock rings

Indian detected

I can't last long on stims. Edging is out of the question. That sweet, sweet climax always overtakes me.

My thoughts too. Sounds like a rush but makes me sick thinking about it. I did read it’s better to start with a sounding rod a little bigger than you’d think. Most start with small but for some reason the medium sized rods where more controllable and still go I’m easily. I also read never try and DIY sounding rods as you could end up with bad infection or puncture type injuries. Cleanliness and lots of lube sounded critical from what I remember reading. I just heard of it about a week ago while looking around at male sex toys, couldn’t believe it so I had to read into the subject a little. Some people go as far as sticking a rod so far in they can stimulate the prostate directly touching it, unlike anal prostate massage where there is a rectal wall separating the prostate from the rectum

Wear a diaper

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Crazy I’m the opposite, can go hours then pretty much decide when to cum. Take away the stims and I’m back to a couple minute pathetic jerk sesh

put things in pooper

This is OP btw I just put a toothbrush in my ass and jerked off it was good thank you all

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more pics

Suck my dick; you'll cum better

this, also methamphetamines such as ritalin and Adderall
