Why does the NFL refs keep fucking this team over...

Why does the NFL refs keep fucking this team over? I'm not even a fan of the saints but its obvious they keep getting fucked over by the NFL

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Boohoo bitch lawyer up


Entitled fans

Well why does the NFL keep screwing them over?

Enjoying that karma from bounties gate. They sold their soul to win that one ring

maybe if you don't put out bounties on vikings QBs you wont. Or it could be that that they don't anymore than any other team and and the fans are just whiny bitches.

Somewhere in the bayou, Bret Favre was smiling his ass off, in between sending out pics of his penis to random sluts, as the saints lost to the fucking kirk cousins led viqueens. As rudoplph pushed off and grabbed the game winner, Brett leaned back in his chair and said in a thick Mississippi accent "fuck you sean peyton, and your butthole shaped mouth".

Then where is the karma for the fucking Patriots? They literally cheat their asses off and the NFL does nothing about it.

Maybe if the Vikings had done a better job protecting Favre, he wouldn't have been hit so goddamn much. Why didn't they try that?

The karma will be that once belichik retires and brady fucks off to finish his career in dallas or LA, the pats will be basement dwellers in the AFC east for the next decade.

At least the saints get a glimmer of hope. The patriots will have nothing.

Well I'm sure he's still upset over how his shit head "coach" and o-line let him down, acting like fucking retards for 60 mins while he got his old ass laid out. I love how people always seem to forget that part of that game. Wah wah why are you hitting father time like that wah. It's fucking football and the NFC championship game. The fuck you want them to do, read him a fucking poem beforehand?

The saints should've been in the fucking superbowl last year. They would've beaten the pats. But the NFL is literally afraid of the saints and want to fuck them every chance they get.

the hits were late hits that were called as penalties. Players didn't care because they were incentivized
to break the rules. I fucking hate the vikings, but i hate blowhard assholes like Sean Peyton and Gregg Williams more. Enjoy your shit karma.

Bounties have been something that's been going on for years dating back to the 50s. I'd agree they sold their soul but I think it had more to do with hurricane Katrina. Pretty convenient they win the owl after that.

In regards to today. I don't think they got refballed. They did lose 2 defensive tds but it was a false start and Vikings rb was down by contact. Can't really do much about that. Missing that fg at the end of the first half? Now that's a different story.

Then why didn't the fucking refs call roughing the passer? So you're telling me they just stood there like fucking retards watching Favre get hit late? Why bother having refs then, why not have faggots parading around in high heels while handing out balloons and candy to everybody?

>I don't think they got refballed
Bullshit they didn't get refballed. You're really gonna sit there and tell me that wasn't pass interference? Since when can a receiver shove you off to catch the ball?

>why not have faggots parading around in high heels while handing out balloons and candy to everybody?
I'd pay to watch that

They have that already. It's called drag queen shows.

Yeah. That's a fade route in the corner. Receiver didn't even look back for the ball. Was Rudolph arm extended? Yeah. But it was no push off. The DB had his hands all over him. Now if you ask me do I think OT rules need to be changed in the playoffs to where both teams get the ball regardless of td on 1st poss.. Then that's a different story

Ok, so you're saying he had his arms extended, pushing him off, while the ball is in the air, and that is somehow not pass interference because the dude isn't looking at the football? So what the fuck do you want this man to do, implant eyes into the back of his head while he's trying to defend the giant nigger in fucking front of him? You kidding me with this?

No. They give leeway all the time. To me that wasn't a push. DB had hands all over Rudolph. His arm was out and DB ran into his arms. If you watch it from the other angle you see the back tugging on him and everything. It's either no call or DPI on both and replay the down. Obviously the booth didn't see anything wrong cuz they didn't even review it. Stay salty though. Losing the past 3 years on walk offs when you should have most def been in the owl last year stings. At least the baseball Cardinals didn't hang ten fucking runs on your braves in the first inning in game 5.

chop chop choppa right out of the playoffs

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No dude, this is literal bullshit. He saw the ball coming, pushed off the defender. That is literal pass interference. And of course the NFL found nothing wrong with the play. They have had a hard on for the saints since they won the superbowl.


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NFL officiating SUCKS

Agree to disagree. You had every right to be mad last year. I just think it's worse cuz it's to the Vikes AGAIN. If it wasn't PI on both then I'm fine with the no call. Maybe cry about the rules some more and get OT to be more like college football so you can touch the ball after a TD or not have ex-NY Giants secondary playing defense or not fumble the ball or miss field goals then you wouldn't have to cry ref ball

There is no comparison between the minor things the saints have gone through, compared to the Jews.

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Sean Peyton has wasted Drew Brees' career.

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I missed this game today. Just seen the OT bomb from the viks

>butthole shaped mouth
I could never put my finger on it, now I won’t I see it

Notice all the teams that lost wildcard or just missed the playoffs have quarterbacks with 10+ years in the league. This is a purge season to get rid of the expensive players and promote new ones with at a lower contract cost. My take is that Green Bay / Aaron Rodgers is next to get bumped next week.

Except Rodgers is signed thru 2022 I believe. I think Brees has one more year. But by that logic that means BAL/SF superb owl. But doesn't Jimmy G have a big money deal? Granted he's much younger. But don't count out the Hawks.

The Saints choked.
They lose to the Vikings in the playoffs.
Lost at home.

Don't blame the refs.
The last three games were all close, one score difference.

Saints should've blown then away.
But they didn't.
Cousins is a mediocrity, but they couldn't stop him.

Too bad.

Don't you mean Porn Star Jimmy?

If by gay pornstar then yes. Fuck the niners.

>wahh I'm not a saints fan but
>why didn't they call it when a 6'6 te beat my 5'11 db to the endzone

imagine actually watching niggercrash.

also not a saint's fan, but the nfl seriously loses all credibility when they do this shit to one team over and over
it's clearly intentional
most see the truth--new orleans is a small market so the nfl prefers they lose due to loss of revenue for the nfl itself
basketball is even worse tbh

>entitled fans
except it's not "entitled" but rather merely requesting "fairness"
after all, nfl commissioner roger goodell even admitted that multiple refs obviously saw this illegal hit and should have called the penalty, and he apologized for it in writing, and he clearly stated it was a "game-changing error"
so but for the refs, the saints would have won that game
oh, and btw, it's happened 6 times now to the saints in the last 4 years in season games and 3 post season games, and no other team in the nfl can even claim 1 instance of this
so yeah, it's not "entitlement" at all cuz they should have started complaining years ago about this fix being in to screw over the saints
nearly everyone in sports broadcasting has admitted something is going on here

Are you saying rules don't apply if you're a giant nigger? In that case can Lebron James just truck whoever the fuck he wants?

Well said

>Then where is the karma for the fucking Patriots? They literally cheat their asses off and the NFL does nothing about it.
That came yesterday. Brady's last play as a Patriot could be a pick 6. Fucking LOL
I'm sure all the bandwagon fan's were like "Hey, I was promised championships?!?!?!"

I disagree, but it was close.
I've seen much worse that was not called.

>But the NFL is literally afraid of the saints
Geaux fuck your sister, you delusional faggot

Maybe you don't put a 170 pound db on a 270 pound tight end and expect him not to get bodied. They both hand checked each other Rudolph just has 100 pounds on him, so maybe blame the dc

Nigger, who gives a fuck. The nigger football league is the ultimate cuck. Wearing another man's name jersey is akin to letting Jamal fuck your wife. Memorising all the stats , could be put to better use and make your life better. Ultimately them knee bending flag burning faggots dont give a fuck about you. Why should you?