First fictional character you jerked off to

First fictional character you jerked off to

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My girlfriend.

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I found the manga in my local library, flipped through it and saw boobs. I was like 10 I Think. It's also the first exposure I had to manga, and now I'm a hopeless weeb.

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Pic related

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there has to be a first.

And proudly

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Goddamn Juri was hot. Makes me sad that she was just the hot announcer chick.

I guess mine was something boring like Misty from Pokemon.

Those are some nice titties name of the anime ?

I loved evangelion when I was younger I'm pretty sure asuka gave me my first full on boner, weird thing is apart from her I just don't get hentai.

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Ranma 1/2

i like what you picked op

Ranma 1/2
Be careful, she's only a girl sometimes. I think it's the reason for a lot of my current fetishes.

Not sure if it was the first one but an earliest memory of a fictional character being jerked off to.

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Honestly, probably the girl on the left.

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Huh. You know, she does look like a monstergirl version of Vaporeon, actually...

Nice trips, by the way.

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i dont fucking remember

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