Have you ever actually met a trans person in RL? or is your experiences with them only from twitter?
Have you ever actually met a trans person in RL? or is your experiences with them only from twitter?
>a trans person
Mtf trannies are crazy, ftm are generally sane
Co-worker is MtF. He/she generally keeps to him/herself. Socially awkward. Okay worker, but not great.
i held a door open for one once and wanted to kill myself after I realised who it was
It was the worst experience I've ever had with another human.
One of my mom's friends from university was f2m he was cool really into grindcore and speed metal, used to take my mom and dad to gigs and stuff and bought me my first cannibal corpse album. he didn't really bring up the fact he transitioned or his gender identity or anything unless you asked him.
Have a FTM cousin, he's okay.
Yep. One used to work at one of the convenience stores in my town and that was my only interaction with them. He moved away a while ago and no one really cared.
My first, and so far only, romantic relationship was with a trans girl. It ended horribly, not because of her, but my own mental illness. I can never forgive myself for ending it the way I did, and still haven't healed so will probably never date again.
Yeah, a fat, hairy truck driver in a dress who flipped shit at me over a minor inconvenience that I couldn't do anything about. And another who was taken to orgies as a kid.
But it's not a mental illness. tHeY cAn fEeL iT In tHeIr SoUl!!!!11!
Knew two as a kid.
One was a nurse at my hospital. I have a lifelong illness so I was in and out there every other week and she was definitely the coolest nurse I met there. Told her my mom said she'd buy me Pokemon Red once I could read a book all on my own and the next time I sae her, she gave a couple packs of pokemon cards. Shealso always had candies for me at the end of the visit. Very nice lady
The second was a friend of my uncle. She was a regular at family events and though I never got to know her well, she was fucking hilarious and always had the coolest clothes.
I actually avoid twitter since its mostly just idiots following other idiots, trying to prove how clever and valid they are. Left and right twitter, both. Not a lot of room for comfy fun imo
so a pedo and an attention whore. kek
>being nice to sick children=pedo
>telling jokes and dressing well=attention whore
Ok Cletus
One went to my school when I was in around 9th-10th grade. “Dated” a bunch of girls, 2 or 3 in my grade, and then messed around with 6-7th graders.
“He” went to juvie.
those twitter trannies represent them all
Dated a FTM once. It was alright at first, but they were pretty heavily feminist towards the end, especially once they started IDing as nonbinary. Became an annoying fuckwit after that, but I stayed cause I was desperate. They ended up dumping me since I was "an awful transphobe" or some shit.
2 in rl, two online. All extremely depressed.
swiped a male to female on tinder once, had a cool talk never met though
From my experiences, I'd disagree. The two MTFs I know are pretty chill, but the 2 FTMs I known are just some of the most hyperliberal retards I've seen, IRL or online.
>I can never forgive myself for ending it the way I did, and still haven't healed so will probably never date again.
nice attention baiting, fuck off faggot
>so a pedo
a bit of internalization there, huh buddy?
My GF told me she wants to transition to male recently. I don't know what to do.
Skidaddle Skidoodle cause your GF wants a Noodle
Transfags have the exact same rights as any other citizen of the United States and Canada. You get beaten to death in dark alleys beceause you're obnoxious child molesting faggots, and you manipulate each other into suicide because you are mentally ill catastrophizing narcissists who thrive on misfortune to fuel your screeching. You are fucking terrible subhumans and deserve every shitty thing that happens to you but your rights are secured by federal law. Fuck off stop making this thread and die soon please. Sage
If it's not for you, then break up with them. Don't string them along.
Who hurt you?
Fuck no and Im thankful for it.
one of my female friends i've known for a long time is non-binary. she identifies as 'they'. it's pretty fucking dumb if you ask you me. she's really tomboyish. i'm talking, wearing boyish clothes, not shaving her legs, having a hipster ass boyish haircut. other than that, she acts pretty much like i'd expect a normal female to act. she's also bisexual. i think it's just trendy right now to use a label like non-binary. it's also pretty fucking trendy to be bisexual nowadays.
she's also vegan. i stayed at her apartment one time and ate her out in the morning, her pussy was the hairiest i've seen and it smelt like curry. (because she didn't shower)
at least she's cool and doesn't make a big deal about it. in fact, she's never told me how she identifies, i've only heard it from my other friends that she goes by 'they' now.
again, i think shit like this is fucking stupid but i wouldn't say so unless a person like this asked me what i thought. i also believe this is america and they should have the right to do what they want and i'm not going to go out of my way to belittle them or whatever.
Went through this myself. I wasn't cpmfortable with it but we love each other, so we tried to make it work. Long atory short, I still love them but have zero sexual interest in them. Went through a rough breakup, but managed to stay friends through it.
My advice; if you're bi or open to the idea, try to stick it out. Otherwise, it's best to rip the bandaid off. Just don't be a dick about it, because this is gonna be a tough period in their life as is.
Whatever you end up doing, godspeed m8.
based advice
Thank you brother
I met one, it was a bitch pretending to be a guy with a trans girlfriend that was also pretending to be a guy.
I called it "him" once and the look it gave me made me want to rip out my own throat for giving this thing any form of respect.
It was arrogant and rude above all else. It also had a record from highschool too. I refuse to call any trans a person, let alone their preferred pronouns.
I realize not all are like that, but I couldn't give less of a shit about those that seek to enable their mental illness and not get it treated.
Funny how the things you claim trans people are guilty of, are things you're doing in your post.
>you manipulate each other into suipost
>thrive on misfortune to fuel your screeching
It's almost as if you areFeelimg something very strongly but not really tempering the Feeling withlogic or thought. That, or you're trying to defame someone because of some ulterior, hidden motive. Weird.
Non trans fags are the vast majority. It'd be unatural for some to fall in that category.
He really got you upset.
That corner of tranny youtube/twitter is the bulk and is the majority spouting the worse type of liberal rhetoric, I doubt its different from RL trannies
Nah I'm good. My phone's auto-correct, though, that's another story
I met one once, and she(he) was just as toxic as the memes. Id'ed as male while making no effort to look or act masculine, was a feminist, LITERALLY told me "I give them a chance on an individual basis but on a while I don't like or trust men" (while still identifying as male)
Fucking hamplanet midget too.
What's funny about people who hate trannies is how little effort they put in to actually not be around them.. how much they talk about them.. strange how you find yourselves in places where trannies exist, talk, hang out...
Sounds like you're fighting a major crush. How often do you haters spap it to trans threads on Sup Forums while you're seething?
Fuckin hatin' on people who would probably service you morons better than any girl would bother doing for longer than it takes to rope you in. Pss. "Real women" are morons. There isn't a fucking thing I want to hear out of 99% of their mouths and I'm not wasting time until I find that SLIM CHANCE of somebody I can simultaneously be around and fuck. Get with the program and maybe be less stupid about shit you know nothing about based on liek 1 or 2 examples you've met in real life or on Twitter. Good trans girls don't post butthole on Sup Forums and whine about being a tranny all day on Twitter.
trans people are usually pretty cool.
I used to think I was trans until I stopped being a vapid prick who cared too much what other people thought about me.
they’re usually very fragile and insecure but interesting and creative once you get to know them. i have met more on twitter tho
Every single trans person I've had a personal relationship ended up being one of the shittiest and most self-centered assholes I've had the displeasure of meeting. I've been close friends with at least 8 people who are now trans and every single last one of them deserve to be killed for just how absolutely terrible they treat everyone else.
I work with one.
It's fucking incompetent, diversity hire through and through.
I try not to associate with it, but I think it likes me.
Every conversation I've ever had with it is some moral vindication of the faggot lifestyle, or complaining about Trump. Fuck, we're not even American.
Worse yet, the guys I'm normally cordial with are immediate on eggshells whenever it shows it's face in the office or on a site.
I'm honestly thinking about killing it.
While I agree with your sentiment, why the hell were you close friends with 8 people who were shitty people?
To be a tranny, imposing your sexual kinks onto everyone and every waking second of your life, you have to be a self centered moron with nothing better to do anyway.
really traits you find in anybody except interesting and creative. Pretty sure they're not thrilled to be the "new nigger" as it's become trendy to discriminate upon them except for no reason unlike the multiple examples we get out of black people to be pretty wary of their actions.
kys instead? You're basically a psycho. I don't like all kinds of people, I don't run around killing them and they usually fit into the category of non-trans due to the ratio of existing. Pretty easy.
It really is a self defeating effect though as the good trans people never tell you they are trans because they want to be treated naturally. This coming from . I actually have nothing against trans people that was just the one case of knowing a trans person personally. I've actually once before briefly met a cute trans girl at a college but would literally never have known she was trans if they weren't doing a trans rights thing (I wasn't part of the college or I would have gotten to know her personally or at least tried)
The main point is. The view on trans people are bad because only vapid, stupid, attention whoring counts go around telling people they're trans.
>I don't like all kinds of people, I don't run around killing them
Do you deny that the world would be a better place if every last tranny, kike, and other nonwhite was hanging from a tree?
I'm willing to gamble that that perception comes from you and not what those people have done to you
Because I'm a productive member of society and a staple in community whereas the tranny is a walking contribution to the omnipresent progressive tax.
The world would be better of if they were dead, and as a member of any society I have the moral duty of helping preserve its health.
There is two types of trans folks, ones that transition poorly and tend to lean toward leftist politics, feminism and generally hard to digest. Ones that transition well tend to move on with their life and don't center it around being trans and just exist as people instead of wearing stupid trans t-shirts, buying trans flags and drink from a trans coffee mug while their name has like 3 Y's in it.
I fucked a tranny but overall they are shitty people. All they care about is themselves
Not that I know of
>is your experiences with them only from twitter?
ew, no
it's on here
Because I was younger than them and naive. They pretended to be good people so I'd give them my attention and effort. They all manipulated me. It didn't happem 8 separate times, I realized it with all of them at about the same time in my life. They're all manipulative and dangerous predatorial bastards. Fuck trans people, they're all horrible and their moral compass is fucked.
I don't think about being a male in my everyday life.
Here's a thought, just be normal and don't "transition" in the first place?
Just kikes in power and violent niggers really. Maybe poorly transitioning trans folks should just stop transitioning though.
Sup Forums has a slew of fake trans people, mostly fags posting butthole who take hormones to gain attention.
Break up with him because you're not a gay man
Just the way she goes
If it were that simple I doubt the action would even be on the table. A real trans person has been struggling since childhood. Sup Forums trannies don't struggle at all and came into it all when Tumblr and Sup Forums started to admire them. They're not trans, they're narcissists that can't get by without transitioning drugs.
Haha, you'd lose that gamble mate. They did horrific things to me. I've been raped, beaten, thrown out of cars, robbed, and falsely accused as a rapist by these people. That's like half of the big things I feel like sharing. I had a fucking cop serve me court papers because they decided I wasn't giving them enough attention. Luckily I lawyered up and the accuser was found to be obviously lying.
your larp doesn't add up, please learn more about your source material before making up stories
This. I'm sick of the trannies who center their entire existence around that one topic of gender. Shit gets old, fast. You can just tell they have no life or meaning otherwise.
All horse shit and you know it cumsucker. Given a choice only a small minority of normal people would willingly associate with you freaks and they would soon come to regret it. You faggots force your way into every community you possibly can, and the ones you can't you whine about until they're banned or shut down. Then you abuse these rights you claim not to have to shit up those communities and harass members you don't like until they leave or get banned/fired. Nobody fucking likes you but perverts. Remember that.
99% of "trans" people fit your description
you can call them fake if you want, but if they got the tiddy that's transitioning and I'll take it
I met this tranny my first year of college. The first thing I thought when I saw the this thing was "damn that is the ugliest girl I've ever seen".
Had a shriveled dick you could see through his Sophie's. And tried to give me a hug once and I noped the fuck out there. This disgusting thing was obviously heavily autistic and did a lot of cringe stuff I dont want to type out
The transgender label is suppose to be an umbrella term, unfortunately mental illness is throughout the community and people turn to hormones to change their shitty life but in turn end up making it more shitty.
You only experience is Twitter I take it. All of those checkmarks you listed are literally the Twitter mentality.
>mental illness is throughout the community
Mental illness IS the community.
one of my closest friends is ftm and he's awesome
Nope. It's the visible community. There was no "vote" to make "trans visibility" a thing. A bunch of chuds and mental defectives did that.
My tranny friend has no job and lives in a trailer.
4 actually, they were cool
No. I am watching Blade Runner right now though.
Sound like a colossal faggot. You should hate yourself.
Come back in a couple years mate she'll stab you in the back before you know it. I thought it wasn't possible either.
nice bro what's her number
I also knew this other tranny that was ftm and I never really talked to her but one time me and my buddies were doing acid and she was acid sitting us. She didnt say a single thing the entire time and just loomed in the corner with this incredibly depressed look on her face
>this past Christmas eve
>in line at movie theater with bro
>two twins in front of us (guys)
>some blonde girl with them
>assumed she was their sister
>tell my bro she’s kinda cute
>then I hear it speak
>I had to wait and listen again to make sure
>yup that’s not a girl
>legit looked like some chick
>only time I’ve been fooled by a tranny
That said these twins and this tranny I guess with them seemed to be high schoolers not older than 20 if anything.
>have seen gross obvious trannies
>this one tho oh boy
>had me fooled
it's ok user we all know what you mean. no explanation necessary. they all do the same cringey shit
I was part of a trans community about 10 years ago. About 6 of us raised questions about people being actually trans and they all ganged up on us and whined to moderators to get us banned, and successfully did since the main mod was a one of the ones that transitioned like shit. They were trying to make a samethink tank because they couldn't handle the criticism of authenticity. I've never been in a community since because I have no desire to help them anymore. This bad image was created by them, not me, not my friends. The fucked up trans people outnumber and this why whether you like it or not some trans people are just gonna "fit in" and you won't know one way or another unless they figure out you're not an asshole. They won't be fighting for rights, won't be waving a flag, won't have the tweets to confirm their status. We want nothing to do with those types. They fucked everything up.
check your pass-privilege, hon
Lol, I love how you admit the only thing seperating a rabid marxist tranny from a stable one is whether or not they come out looking believable.
sounds similar to a community I was apart of, it just went downhill after this gay culture war and the trannies slowly booted out all the trapfags
I, too, was in the trans community in my local city. I was accused of doing one questionable thing and they all ganged up on me like harpies despite there being no evidence due to it being made up. Do not participate in the trans community. They will be violent towards you eventually. It doesn't take very much at all to trigger the mob mentality. I was getting death threats for months. I had to get two restraining orders and I bought a gun. Someone threw a fucking huge rock through my window with "Kill the pig" on it. My car was keyed. My garden was destroyed. I had to have the police watch my residence for 3 months because I came home and someone had tried to break the door down.
Wasn't just look, it was behavior. They didn't seem trans they seem to more romanticize the situation. They're narcissists. It just happened the maladjusted ones were gross looking, got that horse face and tend to have fetishes that would be akin to appeasing a gay man.
here, look up "autogynephilia"
Just met one like 3 months ago at a pych ward. MTF Just spent all day putting puzzles together and did not talk much. The one time we talked was about video games and smoking weed. Actually seemed pretty cool.
what were you doing in a psych ward user
>It really is a self defeating effect though as the good trans people never tell you they are trans because they want to be treated naturally
Yeah, the "good" trans just haul you back to their dwellings for some surprise dick. Nothing sketchy about that at all.
>I'm sure they'd tell you sooner
Yeah, and by that point, you're already on a date. Encouraging mental illness has no winners, save for the quacks who are making bank on expensive surgeries.
My brother's a tranny, and believe me. He never "struggled with his identity".
He hopped on the kike lead bandwagon.
Thinking about your "gender" is pointless. And attempting to change it is mental illness of the highest order.
It's literally just a perversion. They were called transvestites and cross dressers before. It's peak degeneracy and a big part of what sparked the 3rd reich.
And if you find out and leave, you're the bad person despite you being the one who's getting lied to. Fuck trannies.
Ive met 3 of those freaks irl. I hate them. So fucking much
Exactly this. My community has it bad enough with all the methheads and common criminals, and now trans ideology is forcing its way in. I just hope people in my town take a stand against this shit before we're subjected to drag kids. God knows it won't be long, judging from the youths that I've seen around lately.