What’s been your biggest mistake, /b?

What’s been your biggest mistake, /b?

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Getting those tattoos and facial surgeries done. The tits I'm starting to think were a mistake as well. Best decision I made was the Ice cream bar. Made me feel better about myself. Irony...I know....

Trying to be nice

Letting her go

Who is this thing

The most recent version of jordan aka katie price

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Becoming emotionally attached to a tinder slut

My second marriage, I think.
Marriage in general is pretty iffy.

Becoming a meth addict alcoholic, loosing a great relationship, my vehicle, home and, job with FedEx

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Why’d you do it?

Not knowing that im capable of everything i want at a younger age

I know it now, but wish I knew it since childbirth

Not fucking everything that moved when I was younger...too many women I could have fucked but didn't fir stupid reasons ir being naive

Falling in love with a girl. Getting to know her super well. Finally getting comftrable enough to talk to her about my existential crisis. She thinks the whole conversation is stupid. Gets mad at restaurant. Tries to fight me so she can pay the bill. I pay bill. Take her home. Never talked to me again. Existance is pain.

Did she ghost you?

Watching Porn.

Now write up a script of the scene and make a short film of the date.

cheated on my gf (did some nude sexting stuff). Confessed hours later.

Still feel like shit over it. She stayed with me and ive not done anything like that since. beat myself up about it daily.

Just about all things, ive fucked up a lot. At least this year is starting off seemingly promising. I hope it'll all work out.

so this one time i was born, and thats basicly it.

Marrying your mother.

Being on this site.

jfc how horrifying

those are gonna be sooo ugly

Lol holy shit

Being born and not aborting myself. I was a mistake and I was adopted 50 years ago and it's fucking ruined my life.

Man that’s a big one, fucking my friends wife. The guilt has been killing me since.

Moving in with my gf. I had the feeling that I should have broken up with her instead of moving in with her but wanted to see how it went. Now going home doesn't excite me at all. I'd rather stay at work.

No. I actually didn't meet her on tinder, she was a co-worker of mine.

We dated for a bit then she 'suddenly' decided that she just wasnt feeling it anymore

We became fuck-buddies for a while then she got tired of that i guess and just wanted to be friends (it was around this time i realized she did sex work on the side and was active on fetlife and tinder at the same time)

I tried being friends for a few weeks and It didn't work out because i was getting way too attached from spending all this time around her (like every other day 7 hrs each day) Eventually i'd end up getting stressed out from hanging out and my body wouldn't let me consume anything around her making me sick all the time.

Realized I had no chance of ever being in a genuine relationship with her so I just asked to be fuck buddies again and we got into a long argument which lead to us both just not talking to each other.

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1st to start smoking again. I quite smoking for almost 5 years and then had a really stressful job. So I started again.
2nd not fucking that hot redhead chick bc I was in a relationship. My advise if you have the chance of fucking a redhead you should take it. No matter what.

My ex bf went the breaking up route. :/

probably for the best rather than it getting messier?

>I'd rather stay at work.

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sorry to hear that Mr. Meeseeks

>existential crisis
>at restaurant

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Being friendly with a bitch who only wants to talk about a fuck boy. They dated about 8 years ago and the bitch talks about him, stalks his house and place of work, drives around to maybe pass him going home or something. She always wants to talk about him or bitch about bullshit. So I tell her "to blow me or fuck off". She wants to hang often and never does anything, so I just ignore her now. No man should deal with that bullshit.

Trusting the wrong people


Talking about feelings instead of eating. That's why she wants nothing to do with you. You're a fucking sperg.

>high five

I feel like I have several. But right now I'm going to say not stealing Lacey Chabert's panties in 2006.

i had a girl take off her pants, lower her panties, grab my hard dick
rub it on her entrance
tried to poke her self open (deflower)

and guess what i did, i pushed her off because she was young

Very true. It just sucks to be on the receiving end: thinking your relationship is ready for it, then getting dumped. Communication goes a long way.

I could have had wwwm (16yo cousin and her friends), I was 13yo and shy. I wish I were at least 15yo, so my stone dick was clearly visible and the situation escalated from their side. Fuck me, everything was sooo amazing about that situation: we were playing poker alone during the night

It always sucks but every end is a chance of something new I suppose

holy shit OP, I don't know what is worse... if that's you on the picture or if you fucked that trans HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT

Yes, best of luck to you and your situation.

Thanks, same to you.

I have a daughter that doesn't know I'm her father.

It feels kinda bad.

Sup Forums

Fuck her dad

giving that guy the knife

Not marrying Jennifer, and instead marrying the fat crazy hose beast i currently have to cope with for the sake of my daughter

Did he ever find out?

What was special about Jennifer and why did your fat wife have that she didn’t?

No thing is she was passed out drunk too. She was out on the couch let’s open...drunkenly I took the liberty of stretching her out a bit.

Probably would put out and blow him. Lol bitch got her hooks into him for 18 years.

So then you mean raping your friends wife?

its only rape if there are witnesses

Whatever sugar coating you have to put on it to help you sleep at night.

I am not OP
I'm a criminal lawyer

I, too, like to RP on anonymous image boards.

underrated post

Tits or gtfo

Marriage is stupid

I was lucky enough to divorce during the crash....nothing left to fight over splitting

sure you are.

People confess to ease their own guilt. You are trying to sabotage the relationship

If you really wanted to stay your keep it to yiurself

making a facebook profile

lost all my friends, family stopped trusting me, and almost got a restraining order

now i don't really use social media

was alcohol involved?
Alcohol and social media don't mix

no, just a lot of emotionally unstable ppl w/ me included

Seriously, discovering this place 15 years ago. It has ruined so many things in my life... but, it is true. You can never leave Sup Forums.

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