>RNC Communications Director Sean Spicer says Melania Trump's speech was not plagiarized, claiming similar phrases appear in many popular songs and the telvision show "My Little Pony."
>RNC Communications Director Sean Spicer says Melania Trump's speech was not plagiarized, claiming similar phrases appear in many popular songs and the telvision show "My Little Pony."
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This is why Barneyfags all need to be killed
So Trumpfags are Barneyfags too?
Don't lie. You know you want some of that pony pussy.
fuck off joao you're not barneyfag
My nigga
A lot of horsefuckers browse Sup Forums.
Ghost gonna lose his shit
>pony pussy
It's called clop you illiterate mongrel.
Come on Sup Forums, we all know you love Aryanne~
>A lot of horsefuckers browse Sup Forums.
but Sup Forums still hates us
Melania aflac commercial
And it only make our dicks harder.
Sup Forums is tsundere
Meme magic is real
Of all the possible headlines I'd thought I'd see at the top of CNN during this election cycle, this has to rank as one of the most unexpected.
It's over now guys. I am a #horsefuckconspriacist now
Subversion tactics are intensifying. Hang in there Sup Forums
I'm obsessed with alliteration so it's pony pussy you pencil penised prick
What a time to be alive.
danm nice words there
Just wait until Megyn reveals that Alies forced her to suck Trump's dick before that interview where she stopped trying to stump him.
The NWO's control over the media is inmense.
By now I think I've seen that picture posted a dozen times now. I still don't get it. Can someone explain the context?
I'd be surprised if he didn't kill himself by the end of the day
Hey Barneyfag, haven't heard from you in a while. Still raging against the machine?
>Trump would like to watch MLP
That yellow one does things to my dick
>july 14
They should all be killed
CNN has been atrociously editorial.
Twilight is best pony
Because the two were on the same time block on Tree house TV in Canada once, both shows are the same
Holy fuck this campaign is a mess.
If Hillary loses she should legitimately an hero
>Final Draft
She should either way
>anime is degenerate
>watching a television program whose target demographic is little girls 3-10
Trump = confirmed for aspie faggot
It's like you have a library of images dedicated to a pointless cause
fake and gay
barneyfag has the exact dates saved as filenames
Why aren't you posting your waifu then?
BTW the show sucks, I just fap to it now.
Sup Forums hates leftypol, too
does Sup Forums hate clop? this image says you do, but ya can't hate sweet ponuts
No she's not, Barneyfag
That's still degenerate
>RD and PP that high
>R and AJ that low
>I do not. I wish I had time.
Note what he doesn't say here: "I want to watch it."
He wishes he had time to watch My Little Pony, but he wouldn't watch it if he were given the extra hours in the day to do so, because he's playing 4d chess on all your stupid asses.
Jesus Christ, American politics really are a fucking joke.
This, Yellow horse is best horse
Reminder that barneyfag is infact Canadian
This is news to you?
Meme magic proves itself once again boys
praise kek
My Little Campaign: Memeing is Magic
Not gonna lie. Trump fucked up by not micromanaging his campaign staff. Embarrassing. All cucks need to be purged.
This is fake. He was originally talking about Pokemon go
I didn't think it was that bad
I find it more disgusting to fap to something that's basically a loli on hooves.
I bet Sup Forums likes think about Pinkie Pie's politically perfectly plump pink pony pussy
is it finally ok to post pone on Sup Forums ?
>Trump campaign has been infiltrated by Bronies
Donald Fart shall learn the lesson of Love and Tolerance, or he will fail.
They are trying to bring Bernie supporters on Trump's side.
>not thinking both horse, anthro, and human are all equally great
It has always been okay to post ponies on Sup Forums
GR15 is DEAD
dumb frogposters
wew I fucked that up
anthro belong in >>/trash/ whether you like it or not
Maybe he had kids who are of an appropriate age to watch the show...
Jesus this thread went to shit
HAHA guess Trump just won my vote
Unbelievable, I am a shilldogcruzjebquacmisslenow
But the ponies in the show are literal adults. There ARE actual lolis in the show to show the age difference, called the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The rest of the ponies are in their mid 20s and hold jobs. You'd know this if you weren't a normie faggot.
No, I don't, it's degenerate.
They're faggots.
No Barney character is ever good
porn is degenerate and i rarely even fap anymore
before i do, i just browse derpi to fuel my imagination
A man on an impossible mission
Might as well refer to Barneyfag as Tom Cruise from now on
>itt newfags
Barneyfag was an autist who hunted down stealth pony posts, not a ponyposter
He would spam his anti pony progpaganda and completely derail threads that had absolutely nothing to do with ponies literally everybody hated him.
Pretty much.
>being a Barneyfag
Fucking die
I'm overdosing on memes Sup Forums
That's a fucking ugly frog.
It should be replaced with a pony.
wow guys trump is so redpilled i hope i can be as alpha and redpilled as him someday
Barney = shit
So the RNC is trying to undermine Trump after all.
And they succeeded.
remove pony