Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it
Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it
Shut up nigger
Ah, memes and jokes aside, but never without trolling.
Never change, Sup Forums
She deserves presidency how? She did what for the country? Nahhh, the only reason the democrats wanted her to be president was it was the closest they would ever get to having a first female (D) next to the name.
The reality is Ivanka is going to be the first female president, with a big fat (R) next to her name.
I often wonder how different things would be compared to now if she were. I didn't vote for her, but I'm still really curious.
>Ivanka is going to be the first female president
[uncontrollable vomiting]
No I don’t.
Yessss, yessssss let the vomit flow freeeely
If California didn't always go blue, more Republicans would have voted and Trump would have won the majority AND the electoral college
Cry more fag
The rules of the game are the electoral college.
So by those rules she lost.
For me I live in a solid color state with zero percent chance of changing unless there is a major demographic shift. My vote is essentially meaningless if I against the color.
There are millions of republicans in California and millions of democrats in Texas that are completely disenfranchised by this system. Less than 60% people actually vote and I honestly believe one way to get the rest of the 40% nonvoters is to remove the system.
One person, One vote.
Left, right, liberal, conservative, I think we can all agree (at least those of use who aren't autistic) that those are the soulless eyes of a complete and utter sociopath.
Josie's on a vacation far away...
WOW Bernie Sanders looks great in that pic
I don’t think it should be dumped into a national bucket, but the EC should be divided within the state like maine
Bernie Sanders, Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, these are all distractions to keep the Republicans in power by splitting the Democratic vote.
AKA Here we go again.
Kids can't be president dipshit
there'd be a proxy war with Russia and anything else the Saudi's wanted. Also Epstein would still be alive.
Comrade, she is not wearing a head scarf don't we have to rape her now?
-But comrade, she is so old an ugly.
Nice b8 m8 i r8 8 out of 8
Didnt we leave England to avoid shit like this? Like politics aside. The right voted for Trump because they believed he wasnt a politician, therefore uncorrupted. Now they wanna give his family power for about a decade? Sounds sus as fuck.
This bitch will be president before that bitch.
just show me the snuff video, then i will vote for her because that shits crazyyy
The day america elects a shiite muslim, is the day I'll believe in democracy.
yes I want to lick her butthole too but I hate her new tits
no wait
The only people who deserve the position are the one's who win the election.
She lost, she deserves nothing, maybe a participation trophy if it'll make the idiots shut up about it for another few days.
Is Cody lane still alive ??
>Ivanka is going to be the first Princess
If she were, the right ringers would’ve been triggered at everything, moreso then they are now. If she would’ve spent a single day golfing they would’ve asked for her removal and impeachment and every word she said scrutinized to the point that the right wind media heads would explode.
california voted for nixon, ford, reagan, and bush.
California wasn’t a liberal shithole then. It was quite normal
No, it shoulda been Bernie.
Bernie is a cuck, or it would have been. But, then... Cyclical logic.
Memes and jokes aside, Sup Forums horseshit is killing Sup Forums and you know it
>Memes and jokes aside, she should be in Prison for 5,000 years and you all know it
shop that whore so she look at us
how she so scared
fucking retard
>memes and jokes aside
>Hillary was a joke and her campaign was a meme
California was never "normal"
It is also full of conservative shitholes, like in the Central Valley
Look at Devin "Nutcase" Nunes
She went from never holding office to being a US senator purely because her husband was President at the time. Bernie might be an idiot but at least he earned his position in congress and obtained his supporters through grass roots movements rather than by just brute forcing the nomination through DNC corruption and corporate shilling.
>Bernie earned his position
What has Hillary done for the country? So little compared to Ivanka. Did you know that she has a clothing line? She has clothed so many americans and is a great entrepreneur. The best, really. Should be president. Creates jobs.
>If there were more republicans then Trump would win
lol, duh. Sad you have to rewrite the physical world in order to have Trump win a popular vote. Sad.
her family did something wrong so they had to give something back
I mean as much as a politician can earn anything he has, he went from being a political event organizer to congressman as an independent which given how 2 party the US is isn't easy. I would never vote for him but compared to most politicians who get pushed into office either by large companies, unions or special interest groups at least he got in on his own and I can respect that even if I think his ideas are 2 centuries past their used by date. Meanwhile hillary only has a political career because her husband was at one time a very popular politician himself.
>Lock her up
Yeah yeah, if DJT and Bill Barr really had the goods on her, she would have been indicted a long time ago. I don't like her and didn't vote for her. The reality is that after multiple investigations, they really have nothing on her.
Trump is the worst president since Reagan, but holy shit, she'd have been even worse. I'm left of center, and I'm seriously glad she lost.
Are you kidding me? Trump has had his tongue up the Saudi's ass, as well as the Israeli's, since the fucking day he took office. Hell, the attack on Iran's general was probably ordered by the Saudis or the Israelis...
Anyone who takes this thread as anything but low grade stepped on bait deserves this thread.
They never intended to lock her up nitwit. It was always about duping the rubes who are dumb enough to believe anything as long as it "triggers the libs."
He didn't earn his position because he produced nothing of value as a private citizen. He has no discernible skill or expertise, and his political mobility has been fairly sluggish given he's done literally nothing else.
He's simply the lucky vacuous mouthpiece that was chosen by his corporate overlords to push regressive ideals. He earned his place the same way AoC earned hers.
Even the fucking dinosaur sanders is better than that filth
Hillary running for the democrats is literally the reason trump won. They could have cast a trashcan and won, there would have been enough people that just wanted to not have Trump as president.
Instead, they chose to bring the one woman on the planet who is evil, disgusting, cringy and paranormal enough to literally scare her own default voters into voting for orange hitler instead into the ring.
Hillary is worth nothing but her memes, she is literally a lizard shitpile and deserves to be forgotten. If democrats haven't learned their lesson about hillary last time and main her again, I can absolutely guarantee you that whoever opposes her will win, because she is satan's younger pre-pubescent brother who has a collection of fingernails.
If Trump literally anounced world war 3 to come out next year I still wouldn't vote hillary to save myself.
Their best was that dark skin dude who got Nobel for congress speech.
where, and what's she got to do with it?