Why is that I can't fuck 13 year old legally ? This is their prime age...

Why is that I can't fuck 13 year old legally ? This is their prime age, they look wonderful at this age Sup Forums isn't it time we embrace fully developed women at 13? They have the tits the ass, they make my dick hard, what else do you want from them ?

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move to one of those shithole red state where its allowed

I live in a red state and fucking 13 year olds is not legal, you blithering faggot.

You just see them as sex objects not people. There's nothing you could have in common with a 13 year old.

Pretty sure its blue states sexualizing kids and leftists pushing degeneracy on children as young as 3.

Couldn’t agree more. Nothing better than committing rape. Fucking Neanderthal.

>he doesnt know the marriage loopholes

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I'm proud of fucking my cousin, got a problem ?

Child marriage is anything under 18, faggot

no, feel free. Just dont complain when the baby resembles the spawn of satan when it comes falling out your snatch

Wow, such huge numbers-all less than one percent! Fucking moron.

Hey Christcuck, so your church fucks 5 year old boys but you are telling me fucking a fully developed woman at 13 is Satanistic, huh ? Quite ironic

Im not religious in the least, what are you babbling about? it's literally christcucks fucking each other peabrain.

In idaho it's 100% mormons doing this.

thats literally the loophole you incel, the age should be raised to 16+. That excuse is used to handwave the states that actually have no limit.

Fuck you I want to be able to marry a loli after I pay her parents off.

hick rednecks love incest and are dominately christians lmao

in reality, however, its the other way round
which does not make it better
but as right as it gets, authoritarian attitude increases
that for the guys with too small a dick and too small brain
and authority is much easier to execute against weak children

see and die in a fire, of course

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And yet, incest is only currently legal in 3 deep blue states. Why do Democrats wanna fuck their siblings so badly that they made it legal?

You dumb fuck, those laws are there in the first place due to republican rule from 1944. They dominated new jersey and one google shows plenty of active bans from dems moving to ban it.

it‘s because laws are there to protect others from morons like you
laws are not there to beam your hillbilly bullshit into the brains of others

so itös not by accident that red states have child victims of rape being legally married and blue states let people at same level decide freely
but i guess that’s too much for your small brain and the cock is taking over
pity it’s too small too

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"Incest was outlawed in New Jersey until 1979"
(Paragraph 4)

Governor of New Jersey in 1979:
Brendan Byrne (Democrat)

Currently, incest is only legal in: Ohio, Rhode Island, New Jersey- all currently Democrat controlled states

Any other lies you need me to correct you sister fucking typical uneducated far left inbred Democrat faggot? :)

zhese would not be dems
are the red already undermining progressive forces?

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Holy fuck , you just got decimated, you illiterate nigger!! HAHHAHA

Damn, leftists are stupid!! HAHAHAHAHA

Yeah, about that - you PATHETIC LYING FUCK.


Ohio is republican, what the fuck are you on about?

Why are left wingers always proven to be illiterate drooling retards?

You'd be surprised.

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KEK!!!!! Holy shit, that's the worst humiliation I've ever seen on Sup Forums!

You just got dunked on, libtard. lmfao!!!!!!!!

>you sister fucking typical uneducated far left inbred Democrat faggot

guess you really not understand sexuality as a symmetric physical appearance of love
no wonder why you are much more into children then
please reconsider the thing with the fire
there are free options in AUS right now

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>samefaggin this hard

Dude! 13? Seriously? Truth. I lost my virginity at 14 to someone who was the same age. But when you are equal age, you may ask. But if you are older, it's off limits. That's the rules. They say yes and you are legally able to do so. Or you walk away. If you are under 18 then it's all fair game. You pass 18, it's all off limits. You date 18+ for the rest of your life.

Bruh, stop samefagging because you got your fucking skull curb stomped. Only blue states legalize fucking family members. Dry the snot from your nose & stop cryin like a little bitch. Yeesh, left wingers really are severely uneducated sniveling cunts.

jah, sometimes reality strikes hard

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There are nine of you faggotd bickering and arguing about this retarded shit.
I don't give a fuck about your petty political ideology, either fuck off over to Sup Forums or start posting some fucking porn.


Pretty sure all the people connected to Epstein are leftists.


user, stop whinging. you proved you're an illiterate fagot. you don't have to throw a tantrum.


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did you ever have sex?
i mean with another person...

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I agree, there's no logical reason to extend it to 18 if humans sexually mature around 13-14 years old. Here in brazil the consent age is 14.

Awww, the sniveling leftist boomer incel's so upset he's projecting his failure to get pussy.

This is so retarded and laughable, they had a democrat governor but they also had a republican congress and senate. You are aware these bills pass up from the congress to governor... yes?

I mean, it's pretty obv you've never touched a girls pussy....consensually that is.

in NRA tey ate not only birning their forests, they are also fucking their children
heroes. wow.

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poor defense

Given how badly you've sperged out this entire thread, it's painfully obvious you'll never get laid, boomer.

13 year olds are still too immature. Teenagers, especially those in highschool, have terrible decision making capability. Fucking one would be taking advantage of their terrible decision making skills - a decision they otherwise would not make. It's called hebophila, not as bad as pedophilia, just not as good as 17/19+. Keep in mind people mature at different rates, too.

even poorer defense

This. Dude just screams frustrated 60 year old virgin.

So not even prostitutes will help you lose your virginity, grand pa? That's so sad.

KEK! Probably looks like Bernie Sanders an smells like Joe Biden's rotting crotch. No wonder he's a senile geriatric virgin.

lulz. no doubt.

America raises the oldest kids. Somewhere between the 90s and now teens changed and aren't the fragile shit they were when I was in Jr High. When I was a kid, 13 was 13. Now, that area is getting mighty grey. Regardless, I don't want some 13yo in my life. I couldn't handle the stupid culture they take in.

These are the rules. You do not fuck with them. They are hard and fast. Any girl is in control until she is 18 and even then, she decides what is in her boundries. Under 18, you fuck right off.

The Argument Finisher

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The only reason these days is because you're not rich enough.

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>Blames everything on Jews
>Thinks the fathers of Western society are good people
Ok faggot

you underestimate the value of self-determined sexuality, hillbilly /..

Money makes the world go round.

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jew detected ^

seethe harder


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Lmfao just because I don't hate Jews doesn't mean I am one. Not everybody loves to scapegoat and generalize as much as you.

theyre both shit, so what? the issue is that bill clinton is old news and trumps the president lmao.

And yet you voted for Bill Clinton's wife in 2016. LMFAO.

He's got you there, mate.

So move to Cabo San Lucas: AOC there is 12. That goes for the tourist's daughters as well.

I voted bernie though

Sure ya did user. Whatever lie you gotta tell yourself.

that's exactly what a jew would say

Of course it would. But what if you're a Jew pretending to hate Jews just so nobody thinks you're a Jew? Give me one reason to actually hate Jews. Not single people who just happen to be Jews, but literally every Jew ever. Give me a reason to wash my hands after shaking hands with somebody who only mentions they're a Jew after the fact. Give me a single reason.

you should always wash your hands before masturbating

I've got a hand for a cock, apparently. Give me an answer, user. A single fucking reason.