Fuck You I liked it

Fuck me?? Fuck you! You fucking cunt. I'll kill you

Who the fuck hates pain and gain?

اركب عليه ولا يغرك سواده

It was bodybuilding movie kino and gym motivator kino on the same tier as The Dark Knight Rises and 300

Durka durka Muhammad jihad

Found the sandnigger

what is some essential Marky Mark core?

pleb fucking shits

>hating anything by Michael Bay

Critics, only 49%



that movie was fucking funny as fuck

>based fucking asian fucks
>based rock
>based can you smell what the rock is coocking
based movie. come at me.

This movie is great, I legitimately like Gunn as a director, still need to see Slither.

>movie features a scene where the rock is cooking

>I ride on it and do not lure it black

My favorite Michael Bay movie.

People claim it's boring.
But I actually liked the slow pace, because once the actions starts, it never ends til the credits.

It's a solid 6/10 flick. Not sure why critics bashed it

You're a fucking idiot, you probably thought you were posting on leddit because most here like Pain & Gain

Its his deepest film

Can't say it's unbiased because I watched this at least 5 times a week when I was a 6-8 year old autist but it's my favourite batman film.


this was kino but those saying that it is bays best are forgetting about the rock, transformers, armageddon and the island

>the island

I remember being so excited to see this movie when I was younger. It's not my favorite one, but I still enjoy it.

This, I saw it like a month ago and thought: wtf is everyone's problem, this is pretty solid movie. And yes C.L.U. has pretty much same level of cgi as tarkin and or leia


And considering this was done in 2010, young Jeff Bridges looks very good when he is just standing there, not talking, or the camera isn't zooming into his face. Tarkin was an improvement but still had the same issues.

Boogie Nights

>that ending scene