Hey guys! My name is Bongo and I’m putting together a band with 3 of me mates.
What should we call it?
Hey guys! My name is Bongo and I’m putting together a band with 3 of me mates
Angel Lewis
Colton Russell
"Go Fuck Yourself" or "Nigger Nigger Nigger"
Ryan Davis
Ickthar Tumba
Nathaniel Phillips
James Phillips
I want to hold your Pussy
Isaac Collins
Buttsex is best
Jace Diaz
Leo Wright
Name yourselves "Civilization" and have your members be Bingo, Bango, Bongo, and Danny Kaye
Caleb Edwards
Uno Do Tre Potato
Logan Mitchell
The Fleas
Leo Diaz
The Shitles
Juan Robinson
The Monkees
Anthony Walker
The Moths
Jeremiah Cox
Shit Floyd or Shit Fluid
Possible member names:
>Bowel Waters
>Shyt Fartett
>Nick Gasson
>Rishat Brap
>Dave Gilpprrrrt
Adam Cooper
Three whores down
Landon Reyes
Bongo and the Buttholes
Grayson Ward
The Beat Holes
Jason Martinez
Jason Foster
Bongo on the Gong Yo.
Lucas Rodriguez
the creteles
Thomas Ross
Ejaculation Massacre
Cooper Cook
Dead on arrival. DOA for short. I feel like that sums you up quite well OP