>it's 2020
why aren't you openly BISEXUAL?
nobody gives a fuck if you are and at the time representation is important!
It's 2020
>the time representation is important
Isn't it?
Because i'm straight you fucking faggot
*SAME time, fuck
Then I wasn't addressing you, retard.
I'm bisexual between adult women and little girls, does that count?
nope, seek help
Oh c'mon, you delusional faggot. How can you be a fucking homo-queer and thing you are better than a heterosexual? Don't you've got to like somebody's asshole?
Simple, the issue of consent.
Well, on a spiritual level, as in without being able to make a rational argument, I feel like being gay is a little more drastic of a perversion than being pedophile.
Practically though, as long as we don't act on our wicked desires, we are both doing just fine.
because i'm not sexually attracted to men.
you haven't met me though
>on a spiritual level, as in without being able to make a rational argument
That's probably the stupidest thing I've ever read, and I wish I hadn't.
Also, there is nothing wicked about any two consenting adults doing things to one another that isn't harmful. Grow the fuck up.
Because I'm not some sick perverted cancerous shitpushing faggot.
>morals can be measured in the expected outcome of a decision, nothing is inherently right or wrong
That is a decent stance, but there are many examples in which it doesn't hold up.
u mad?
Just mildly annoyed that you're so conceited and delusional that you think everyone around you just lies about not wanting aids.
No one wants your aids, faggot.
Fuck off back to whatever cesspit your slithered out of.
I just want you to know that I have a fetish for killing pedophiles. I like to lure them in by posing as a small child on the internet and inviting them over to my house. Before they realize what's going on, I run my favorite fighting knife across their throat and proceed to stab them repeatedly. Then I carve a circular hole in the top of their skull with a drill bit and proceed to fornicate the hole. (my favorite part) After I blow the load inside the pedo head. I proceed to saw the body into multiple pieces and hide them in my basement freezer. I'm on a keto diet, and pedo meat makes me so erect.
I've done this to about 12 children defilers already.
u mad kek
10/10 post
because i put a great deal of effort into being honest with myself.
I am not attracted to men and thats the end of it.
I can't feel love. I've become so distant and psychotic I can only fill my sexual lusts through murdering pedophiles and engaging in necrophilia and cannibalism with their mutilated corpses.
I am openly bisexual. I only get it twice a year.
At least I will live past 40.
Well at least you're making the world a better place.
representation for what?
I lost my wife.
I couldn't please her like I once could. I became so infatuated with watching pedophile shows, jacking off to them, I just had to get my hands on one. I didnt have time to pay attention to her.
My first kill was 6 years ago. I still have some fingerbones and teeth in a sandwich bag I poke up my butt before I fuck another hole I drilled in my prey's head.