

Attached: tusc.png (1920x2087, 316K)

Thanks op I can finally rest in peace

Ravenna wins?

Attached: rav.png (640x859, 744K)

Any Sugarcreek?

Tusc wins

Portage for the win!!!!

Need columbus

love to see her wins

Attached: kb.png (720x960, 1.67M)

I'm wanting Sarah

Attached: sm.png (332x552, 401K)


330 bump


Phila wins?

Shalyn ?

Attached: 1578046192604.jpg (1080x1440, 993K)

Kent area 330

Love any Kent!

Expose her!!

I got wins of her
Initials SG

Attached: S419win.jpg (920x920, 259K)

Also fuck this bitch with her fake film grain filters.
This I had to rob from her messages on her phone the night the new Star Wars came out.

Attached: S419win2.jpg (286x389, 17K)

Tits!! Or gtfo

Well yay! Any ass?

Any of her nudes?

614 here, will pay -

ATTENTION STRAIGHT MEN AND BUDDIES WHO LIKE TO BULLY!!!!! - Looking for guys who would be genuinely interested... im 24 yo, 6’2, 170lbs, white, red headed gay male. My thing is, I like to be humiliated by STRAIGHT, sadistic, HETEROsexual men who would get a kick out of this and no sexual gratification. By that I mean, I’ll go on cam butt ass naked, write whatever you tell me to write on myself with sharpie. Stick random things up my ass (flashlight, end of a light bulb, sharpie... whatever I can find near) give over personal information about myself, passwords to personal accounts and you can expose me. Feel free to screenshot me, laugh at me, grab a buddy to join you in laughing at me. I’m not trolling, just looking for any straight men who would at least want a conversation about this.... please be of age (18+) and have access to a mic and cam if you’re interested! Add me on discord @ DumbassFuckingFaggot#6683

Attached: C7545572-C2C3-4C5A-B5B1-DCA6A397614B.jpg (1550x1509, 644K)

Then this is an ass pic she sent to like 6 other guys including me. The only reason I'm exposing her shit is because I didn't get to see Star Wars because she was having a party. The only reason I went is bc I was expecting to get fucked.

Attached: S419win3.jpg (360x480, 38K)

Want her tits!

I understand that! She seems like a typical Ohio chick. Side guys all over- she send you any pussy pics?

No that's all I have of her unfortunately. I did however just notice she sent that pic flipped. Because her "Bite Me" ass tat is backwards. Fixed.

Attached: S419win3 (2).jpg (360x480, 37K)

Any have her ass?

Canton South- April S wins?

Massillon - via t ?

513 milf with huge, affordable tits.

Attached: IMG_2396.jpg (480x640, 128K)

Love that scene whore


Attached: 1575309763353m.jpg (576x1024, 83K)


Carrollton wins? Got Brandi?


Lucky for you

Attached: 1575314480179.jpg (666x739, 64K)

Attached: 1575310055700.jpg (357x480, 27K)

Anymore? Like tits

You got anything good from there?

Damn!! Any with face?

I wish. Damn.

Any Sydney M?

Any andover wins?

Would love to see her big ass!

Bump for dover! Natasha B?

You know her?

Attached: 1575310017842m.jpg (576x1024, 84K)

New Philly, damnit!!

Went to Carrollton with her. Hope some pussy or bare pics exist!

Beth E?

Got any wins from there? Way into it.

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Attached: 7DD88B5C-1455-4D6F-8771-16C44602A9B2.jpg (1438x1924, 1.06M)


Damn! Ass pics exist?

I got two more pics of her. Good ones. You got anything good of anyone from around that class?

For example:

Attached: 1575315406566.jpg (598x1000, 58K)

Looks like that Overly attached girlfriend meme

Tell me someone has more. Holy shit. Diamonds

Attached: IMG_2397.jpg (640x480, 116K)

Chloe H

Attached: c256aeafde8f7a6ec1ee7d7dc4d93b0a_f.jpg (540x405, 16K)

Any more tits?

anyone have busty or bbw women from 513?

God I wish. I'd kill for a better shot of them. Fuck.

Hope J


Sage M wins?

Again, I wish, dude. You got any?

Sadly nope. Rebecca Mc?

Last one

Attached: 1575323404191m.jpg (576x1024, 56K)

Anyone have sarahbeth J from loraine?


Abbi who?

B- rhymes with laughin'

Or more so fatten

Bump for Hope!!

Nothing on her. Sorry, bruh.

Bump for any cheerleader!

More Carrolton scene sluts!

Who you have?

anyone have her 330

Attached: 29BA3EB6-4872-4B47-9790-E9A346E56B40.jpg (1080x1340, 207K)

More Brandi!


Megan C?

any wins on megan s?

Attached: 18670941_10213155979920451_6704252571240245458_n.jpg (537x960, 52K)

Dara H?

Bump for April!


Amber H


Alisha B

Kim T??

Amy? Any ass?

I got more, but want more Amy first!

I dropped all the Amy I have.

Come on, user. Killing us here.

From about to nut thinking about more Brandi

Kik trade?

614 here, will pay

ATTENTION STRAIGHT MEN AND BUDDIES WHO LIKE TO BULLY!!!!! - Looking for guys who would be genuinely interested... im 24 yo, 6’2, 170lbs, white, red headed gay male. My thing is, I like to be humiliated by STRAIGHT, sadistic, HETEROsexual men who would get a kick out of this and no sexual gratification. By that I mean, I’ll go on cam butt ass naked, write whatever you tell me to write on myself with sharpie. Stick random things up my ass (flashlight, end of a light bulb, sharpie... whatever I can find near) give over personal information about myself, passwords to personal accounts and you can expose me. Feel free to screenshot me, laugh at me, grab a buddy to join you in laughing at me. I’m not trolling, just looking for any straight men who would at least want a conversation about this.... please be of age (18+) and have access to a mic and cam if you’re interested! Add me on discord @ DumbassFuckingFaggot#6683

Attached: F8BF934D-1E7C-4B88-9D3A-B65A0F238B3D.jpg (1550x1509, 644K)