What's the diagnosis, doctor Sup Forums?

what's the diagnosis, doctor Sup Forums?

Attached: bambidoll's weird pussy.jpg (1125x630, 162K)

Attached: amputation.png (1101x747, 1.13M)

Hair growing under the skin. Infected hair sacks
Normal when shaving clean with in sharp razor

Razr burn

My girlfriend shaves her pussy all the time and it doesn't look like that.



Yeah looks like bad infected razor burn

Maybe with a hint of hpv


Oof, not sure. I'm currently watching Blade Runner right now though.

Attached: House.gif (244x192, 818K)

Terminal case of possessing a vagina. Euthanasia is the only ethical option.

Delicious non-virgin pussy.
This is what we're supposed to be into, isn't it? Yes, let's not be misogynistic; it's great that this woman expressed her sexuality with other men before.
Virgins are losers.

This is what pussy looks like after a nigger uses it.

Razor burn. It's pimples from ingrown infected hairs

AIDS related from all the nigger sex she has.

It’s a vagina, imagine a wound that never heals bleeds for about 50 years always gets infected and stinks
They don’t give you kids sex ed now adays?

love this guy

Ingrown hairs + staph

it looks like the head of a tiny uncircumcised little cock above what appears to be a split nutsack and inverted third testicle.
Im gonna assume that the shaft of that tiny cock is fully inside that person? If it is, does it split into crura just below the surface or stay a single unit like mine?

It's a vulva, not a vagina, you American chimp-monkey.
>But I always say it wrong, therefore it's right!

ingrown hairs, some infected, needs to pop them. Common with razor burn.