What is the name of this insect?
Doesn't look like a moth really.
I live in georgia
What is the name of this insect?
It's a faggot fly. A rare species and a true beauty to behold, they only are found in the presence of faggots. You should be proud OP!
It's a bark beadle. Touching it can make you very ill so be careful.
It is a fucking moth
1) not a bark beetle.
2) bark beetles are not dangerous.
3) you’re a fucking moron, even if trolling.
Learn to read. Beadle, not beetle.
What the fuck is a bark beadle?
Google throws zero result.
Gonna try to give it some sand
Why the fuck would you give it fucking sand, oh greater trip lord?
Indian-meal moth, pantry moth, flour moth or weevil moth
All bugs like sand
pretty sure its a kuntairez moth
Congrats on the trip and yeah, that's a good idea.
Eat it and take its power.
OP hasn't replied, are they dead?
Its a moth you inbred fucking retard
Based Author.
It's a moth fam.
"Moth" is basically a catch-all for all scale-winged insects that AREN'T butterflies. So chances are it's a moth.
It is a faggot.